mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 21:57:10 +00:00
WIP: HAFAS support
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 509 additions and 40 deletions
@ -440,20 +440,15 @@ sub startup {
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->pg->db;
my $hafas;
if ( $train_id =~ m{[|]} ) {
$hafas = 1;
if ($hafas) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
'HAFAS checkins are not supported yet, sorry');
my $user = $self->get_user_status( $uid, $db );
if ( $user->{checked_in} or $user->{cancelled} ) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject('You are already checked in');
if ( $train_id =~ m{[|]} ) {
return $self->_checkin_hafas_p(%opt);
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
@ -515,6 +510,73 @@ sub startup {
'_checkin_hafas_p' => sub {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $station = $opt{station};
my $train_id = $opt{train_id};
my $uid = $opt{uid} // $self->current_user->{id};
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->pg->db;
my $hafas;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
$self->hafas->get_journey_p( trip_id => $train_id )->then(
sub {
my ($journey) = @_;
my $found;
for my $stop ( $journey->route ) {
if ( $stop->eva == $station ) {
$found = $stop;
if ( not $found ) {
"Did not find journey $train_id at $station");
for my $stop ( $journey->route ) {
stop => $stop,
db => $db,
eval {
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
journey => $journey,
stop => $found,
if ($@) {
"Checkin($uid): INSERT failed: $@");
$promise->reject( 'INSERT failed: ' . $@ );
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
data => { trip_id => $journey->id }
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
return $promise;
'undo' => sub {
my ( $self, $journey_id, $uid ) = @_;
@ -638,6 +700,10 @@ sub startup {
return $promise->resolve( 0, 'race condition' );
if ( $train_id =~ m{[|]} ) {
return $self->_checkout_hafas_p(%opt);
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
my $journey = $self->in_transit->get(
uid => $uid,
@ -873,6 +939,122 @@ sub startup {
'_checkout_hafas_p' => sub {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $station = $opt{station};
my $force = $opt{force};
my $uid = $opt{uid} // $self->current_user->{id};
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->pg->db;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
my $journey = $self->in_transit->get(
uid => $uid,
with_data => 1,
with_timestamps => 1,
with_visibility => 1,
postprocess => 1,
# with_visibility needed due to postprocess
my $found;
my $has_arrived;
for my $stop ( @{ $journey->{route_after} } ) {
if ( $station eq $stop->[0] or $station eq $stop->[1] ) {
$found = 1;
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
arrival_eva => $stop->[1],
if ( defined $journey->{checkout_station_id}
and $journey->{checkout_station_id} != $stop->{eva} )
uid => $uid,
db => $db
uid => $uid,
db => $db,
sched_arrival => $stop->[2]{sched_arr},
rt_arrival =>
( $stop->[2]{rt_arr} || $stop->[2]{sched_arr} )
if (
$now > ( $stop->[2]{rt_arr} || $stop->[2]{sched_arr} ) )
$has_arrived = 1;
if ( not $found ) {
return $promise->resolve( 1, 'station not found in route' );
eval {
my $tx;
if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) {
$tx = $db->begin;
if ( $has_arrived or $force ) {
$journey = $self->in_transit->get(
uid => $uid,
db => $db
db => $db,
journey => $journey
uid => $uid,
db => $db
my $cache_ts = $now->clone;
if ( $journey->{real_departure}
=~ m{ ^ (?<year> \d{4} ) - (?<month> \d{2} ) }x )
year => $+{year},
month => $+{month}
ts => $cache_ts,
db => $db,
uid => $uid
if ($@) {
$self->app->log->error("Checkout($uid): $@");
return $promise->resolve( 1, 'Checkout error: ' . $@ );
if ( $has_arrived or $force ) {
if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) {
$self->run_hook( $uid, 'checkout' );
return $promise->resolve( 0, undef );
if ( not $opt{in_transaction} ) {
$self->run_hook( $uid, 'update' );
return $promise->resolve( 1, undef );
# This helper should only be called directly when also providing a user ID.
# If you don't have one, use current_user() instead (get_user_data will
# delegate to it anyways).
@ -37,6 +37,70 @@ sub run {
my $arr = $entry->{arr_eva};
my $train_id = $entry->{train_id};
if ( $train_id =~ m{[|]} ) {
$self->app->hafas->get_journey_p( trip_id => $train_id )->then(
sub {
my ($journey) = @_;
my $found_dep;
my $found_arr;
for my $stop ( $journey->route ) {
if ( $stop->eva == $dep ) {
$found_dep = $stop;
if ( $arr and $stop->eva == $arr ) {
$found_arr = $stop;
if ( not $found_dep ) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
"Did not find $dep within journey $train_id");
if ( $found_dep->{rt_dep} ) {
uid => $uid,
journey => $journey,
stop => $found_dep,
dep_eva => $dep,
arr_eva => $arr
if ( $found_arr and $found_arr->{rt_arr} ) {
uid => $uid,
journey => $journey,
stop => $found_arr,
dep_eva => $dep,
arr_eva => $arr
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
$self->app->log->error("work($uid)/journey: $err");
if ( $arr
and $entry->{real_arr_ts}
and $now->epoch - $entry->{real_arr_ts} > 600 )
station => $arr,
force => 2,
dep_eva => $dep,
arr_eva => $arr,
uid => $uid
# Note: IRIS data is not always updated in real-time. Both departure and
# arrival delays may take several minutes to appear, especially in case
# of large-scale disturbances. We work around this by continuing to
@ -183,7 +247,7 @@ sub run {
sub {
my ($error) = @_;
$self->app->log->error("work($uid)/arrival: $@");
$self->app->log->error("work($uid)/arrival: $error");
$errors += 1;
@ -194,7 +258,7 @@ sub run {
$errors += 1;
eval { }
eval { };
my $started_at = $now;
@ -747,7 +747,12 @@ sub travel_action {
else {
my $redir = '/';
if ( $status->{checked_in} or $status->{cancelled} ) {
$redir = '/s/' . $status->{dep_ds100};
if ( $status->{dep_ds100} ) {
$redir = '/s/' . $status->{dep_ds100};
else {
$redir = '/s/' . $status->{dep_eva} . '?hafas=1';
json => {
@ -880,7 +885,7 @@ sub station {
if ($use_hafas) {
$promise = $self->hafas->get_departures_p(
eva => $station,
lookbehind => 120,
lookbehind => 30,
lookahead => 30,
@ -98,6 +98,43 @@ sub get_departures_p {
sub get_journey_p {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
journey => {
id => $opt{trip_id},
with_polyline => 0,
cache => $self->{realtime_cache},
promise => 'Mojo::Promise',
user_agent => $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(10),
sub {
my ($hafas) = @_;
my $journey = $hafas->result;
if ($journey) {
$promise->reject('no journey');
sub {
my ($err) = @_;
return $promise;
sub get_route_timestamps_p {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
@ -133,7 +170,6 @@ sub get_route_timestamps_p {
rt_dep => _epoch( $stop->{rt_dep} ),
arr_delay => $stop->{arr_delay},
dep_delay => $stop->{dep_delay},
eva => $stop->{eva},
load => $stop->{load}
if ( ( $stop->{arr_cancelled} or not $stop->{sched_arr} )
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ my %visibility_atoi = (
private => 10,
sub _epoch {
my ($dt) = @_;
return $dt ? $dt->epoch : 0;
sub epoch_to_dt {
my ($epoch) = @_;
@ -78,33 +84,80 @@ sub add {
my $uid = $opt{uid};
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->{pg}->db;
my $train = $opt{train};
my $journey = $opt{journey};
my $stop = $opt{stop};
my $checkin_station_id = $opt{departure_eva};
my $route = $opt{route};
my $json = JSON->new;
user_id => $uid,
cancelled => $train->departure_is_cancelled
? 1
: 0,
checkin_station_id => $checkin_station_id,
checkin_time => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
dep_platform => $train->platform,
train_type => $train->type,
train_line => $train->line_no,
train_no => $train->train_no,
train_id => $train->train_id,
sched_departure => $train->sched_departure,
real_departure => $train->departure,
route => $json->encode($route),
messages => $json->encode(
[ map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->messages ]
if ($train) {
user_id => $uid,
cancelled => $train->departure_is_cancelled
? 1
: 0,
checkin_station_id => $checkin_station_id,
checkin_time => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
dep_platform => $train->platform,
train_type => $train->type,
train_line => $train->line_no,
train_no => $train->train_no,
train_id => $train->train_id,
sched_departure => $train->sched_departure,
real_departure => $train->departure,
route => $json->encode($route),
messages => $json->encode(
[ map { [ $_->[0]->epoch, $_->[1] ] } $train->messages ]
elsif ( $journey and $stop ) {
my @route;
for my $j_stop ( $journey->route ) {
sched_arr => _epoch( $j_stop->{sched_arr} ),
sched_dep => _epoch( $j_stop->{sched_dep} ),
rt_arr => _epoch( $j_stop->{rt_arr} ),
rt_dep => _epoch( $j_stop->{rt_dep} ),
arr_delay => $j_stop->{arr_delay},
dep_delay => $j_stop->{dep_delay},
load => $j_stop->{load}
user_id => $uid,
cancelled => $stop->{dep_cancelled}
? 1
: 0,
checkin_station_id => $stop->eva,
checkin_time => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
dep_platform => $stop->{platform},
train_type => $journey->type,
train_line => $journey->line_no,
train_no => $journey->number // q{},
train_id => $journey->id,
sched_departure => $stop->{sched_dep},
real_departure => $stop->{rt_dep} // $stop->{sched_dep},
route => $json->encode( [@route] ),
else {
die('neither train nor journey specified');
sub add_from_journey {
@ -576,6 +629,33 @@ sub update_departure_cancelled {
return $rows;
sub update_departure_hafas {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $uid = $opt{uid};
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->{pg}->db;
my $dep_eva = $opt{dep_eva};
my $arr_eva = $opt{arr_eva};
my $journey = $opt{journey};
my $stop = $opt{stop};
my $json = JSON->new;
# selecting on user_id and train_no avoids a race condition if a user checks
# into a new train while we are fetching data for their previous journey. In
# this case, the new train would receive data from the previous journey.
real_departure => $stop->{rt_dep},
user_id => $uid,
train_id => $journey->id,
checkin_station_id => $dep_eva,
checkout_station_id => $arr_eva,
sub update_arrival {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $uid = $opt{uid};
@ -618,6 +698,67 @@ sub update_arrival {
return $rows;
sub update_arrival_hafas {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $uid = $opt{uid};
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->{pg}->db;
my $dep_eva = $opt{dep_eva};
my $arr_eva = $opt{arr_eva};
my $journey = $opt{journey};
my $stop = $opt{stop};
my $json = JSON->new;
# TODO use old rt data if available
my @route;
for my $j_stop ( $journey->route ) {
sched_arr => _epoch( $j_stop->{sched_arr} ),
sched_dep => _epoch( $j_stop->{sched_dep} ),
rt_arr => _epoch( $j_stop->{rt_arr} ),
rt_dep => _epoch( $j_stop->{rt_dep} ),
arr_delay => $j_stop->{arr_delay},
dep_delay => $j_stop->{dep_delay},
load => $j_stop->{load}
my $res_h = $db->select( 'in_transit', ['route'], { user_id => $uid } )
my $old_route = $res_h ? $res_h->{route} : [];
for my $i ( 0 .. $#route ) {
if ( $old_route->[$i] and $old_route->[$i][1] == $route[$i][1] ) {
for my $k (qw(rt_arr rt_dep arr_delay dep_delay)) {
$route[$i][2]{$k} //= $old_route->[$i][2]{$k};
# selecting on user_id and train_no avoids a race condition if a user checks
# into a new train while we are fetching data for their previous journey. In
# this case, the new train would receive data from the previous journey.
real_arrival => $stop->{rt_arr},
route => $json->encode( [@route] ),
user_id => $uid,
train_id => $journey->id,
checkin_station_id => $dep_eva,
checkout_station_id => $arr_eva,
sub update_data {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
@ -14,6 +14,42 @@ sub new {
return bless( \%opt, $class );
sub add_or_update {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $stop = $opt{stop};
my $source = 1;
my $db = $opt{db} // $self->{pg}->db;
if ( my $s = $self->get_by_eva( $stop->eva, db => $db ) ) {
if ( $source == 1 and $s->{source} == 0 and not $s->{archived} ) {
name => $stop->name,
lat => $stop->lat,
lon => $stop->lon,
source => $source,
archived => 0
{ eva => $stop->eva }
eva => $stop->eva,
name => $stop->name,
lat => $stop->lat,
lon => $stop->lon,
source => $source,
archived => 0
# Fast
sub get_by_eva {
my ( $self, $eva, %opt ) = @_;
@ -212,8 +212,8 @@
% }
% if (defined $journey->{arrival_countdown} and $journey->{arrival_countdown} <= 0) {
<p style="margin-top: 2ex;">
Der automatische Checkout erfolgt wegen gelegentlich veralteter
IRIS-Daten erst etwa zehn Minuten nach der Ankunft.
Der automatische Checkout erfolgt wegen teilweise langsamer
Echtzeitdatenupdates erst etwa zehn Minuten nach der Ankunft.
% }
% elsif (not $journey->{arr_name}) {
@ -333,8 +333,13 @@
% }
<div class="card-action">
% my $url = 'https://bahn.expert/details/' . $journey->{train_type} . ' ' . $journey->{train_no} . '/' . DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin')->epoch . '000';
<a style="margin-right: 0;" href="<%= $url %>" aria-label="Zuglauf"><i class="material-icons left">timeline</i> Zuglauf</a>
% if ($journey->{train_id} =~ m{[|]}) {
% }
% else {
% my $url = 'https://bahn.expert/details/' . $journey->{train_type} . ' ' . $journey->{train_no} . '/' . DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin')->epoch . '000';
<a style="margin-right: 0;" href="<%= $url %>" aria-label="Zuglauf"><i class="material-icons left">timeline</i> Zuglauf</a>
% }
% if ($journey->{extra_data}{trip_id}) {
<a class="right" style="margin-right: 0;" href="https://dbf.finalrewind.org/map/<%= $journey->{extra_data}{trip_id} %>/<%= $journey->{train_line} || 0 %>?from=<%= $journey->{dep_name} %>&to=<%= $journey->{arr_name} %>&dark=<%= (session('theme') and session('theme') eq 'dark') ? 1 : 0 %>"><i class="material-icons left" aria-hidden="true">map</i> Karte</a>
% }
@ -391,7 +396,7 @@
Falls das Backend ausgefallen ist oder der Zug aus anderen
Falls das Backend ausgefallen ist oder die Fahrt aus anderen
Gründen verloren ging:
<p class="center-align">
Add table
Reference in a new issue