touch-bar-simulator/Touch Bar Simulator/Glue.swift
2019-10-25 13:00:56 +07:00

106 lines
2.8 KiB

import Foundation
import Defaults
// TODO: Upstream all these to
extension Defaults {
static func observe<T: Codable, Weak: AnyObject>(
_ key: Key<T>,
tiedToLifetimeOf weaklyHeldObject: Weak,
options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .new, .old],
handler: @escaping (KeyChange<T>) -> Void
) -> DefaultsObservation {
var observation: DefaultsObservation!
observation = observe(key, options: options) { [weak weaklyHeldObject] change in
guard let temporaryStrongReference = weaklyHeldObject else {
// Will never occur on first call (outer function holds a strong reference),
// so observation will never be nil
_ = temporaryStrongReference
return observation
extension NSMenuItem {
Adds an action to this menu item that toggles the value of `key` in the
defaults system, and initializes this item's state to the current value of
let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Invert Colors").bindState(to: .invertColors)
func bindState(to key: Defaults.Key<Bool>) -> Self {
addAction { _ in
// swiftlint:disable:next unowned_variable_capture
Defaults.observe(key, tiedToLifetimeOf: self) { [unowned self] change in
self.isChecked = change.newValue
return self
// TODO: The doc comments here are out of date.
Adds an action to this menu item that sets the value of `key` in the
defaults system to `value`, and initializes this item's state based on
whether the current value of `key` matches `value`.
enum BillingType {
case paper, electronic, duck
let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: "Duck").bindChecked(to: .billingType, value: .duck)
func bindChecked<Value: Equatable>(to key: Defaults.Key<Value>, value: Value) -> Self {
addAction { _ in
Defaults[key] = value
// swiftlint:disable:next unowned_variable_capture
Defaults.observe(key, tiedToLifetimeOf: self) { [unowned self] change in
self.isChecked = (change.newValue == value)
return self
// TODO: Generalize this to all `NSControl`s, or maybe even all things with a `.action` and `.doubleValue`?
extension NSSlider {
// TODO: The doc comments here are out of date
Adds an action to this slider that sets the value of `key` in the defaults
system to the slider's `doubleValue`, and initializes its value to the
current value of `key`.
let slider = NSSlider().bindDoubleValue(to: .transparency)
func bindDoubleValue(to key: Defaults.Key<Double>) -> Self {
addAction { sender in
Defaults[key] = sender.doubleValue
// swiftlint:disable:next unowned_variable_capture
Defaults.observe(key, tiedToLifetimeOf: self) { [unowned self] change in
self.doubleValue = change.newValue
return self