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synced 2025-02-16 21:28:23 +00:00
354 lines
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354 lines
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:class="{opened: link !== null}"
<template v-if="link !== null">
<button class="close-btn" aria-label="Close"></button>
<a class="open-btn" :href="link.link" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
import Mousetrap from "mousetrap";
export default {
name: "ImageViewer",
data() {
return {
link: null,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
transform: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 0,
computed: {
computeImageStyles() {
return {
left: `${this.position.x}px`,
top: `${this.position.y}px`,
transform: `translate3d(${this.transform.x}px, ${this.transform.y}px, 0) scale3d(${this.transform.scale}, ${this.transform.scale}, 1)`,
watch: {
link() {
// TODO: history.pushState
if (this.link === null) {
this.$root.$on("resize", this.correctPosition);
mounted() {
Mousetrap.bind("esc", this.closeViewer);
destroyed() {
Mousetrap.unbind("esc", this.closeViewer);
methods: {
closeViewer() {
if (this.link === null) {
this.$root.$off("resize", this.correctPosition);
this.link = null;
onImageLoad() {
prepareImage() {
const viewer = this.$refs.viewer;
const image = this.$refs.image;
const width = viewer.offsetWidth;
const height = viewer.offsetHeight;
const scale = Math.min(1, width / image.width, height / image.height);
this.position.x = -image.naturalWidth / 2;
this.position.y = -image.naturalHeight / 2;
this.transform.scale = Math.max(scale, 0.1);
this.transform.x = width / 2;
this.transform.y = height / 2;
calculateZoomShift(newScale, x, y, oldScale) {
const imageWidth = this.$refs.image.width;
const centerX = this.$refs.viewer.offsetWidth / 2;
const centerY = this.$refs.viewer.offsetHeight / 2;
return {
centerX -
((centerX - (y - (imageWidth * x) / 2)) / x) * newScale +
(imageWidth * newScale) / 2,
centerY -
((centerY - (oldScale - (imageWidth * x) / 2)) / x) * newScale +
(imageWidth * newScale) / 2,
correctPosition() {
const image = this.$refs.image;
const widthScaled = image.width * this.transform.scale;
const heightScaled = image.height * this.transform.scale;
const containerWidth = this.$refs.viewer.offsetWidth;
const containerHeight = this.$refs.viewer.offsetHeight;
if (widthScaled < containerWidth) {
this.transform.x = containerWidth / 2;
} else if (this.transform.x - widthScaled / 2 > 0) {
this.transform.x = widthScaled / 2;
} else if (this.transform.x + widthScaled / 2 < containerWidth) {
this.transform.x = containerWidth - widthScaled / 2;
if (heightScaled < containerHeight) {
this.transform.y = containerHeight / 2;
} else if (this.transform.y - heightScaled / 2 > 0) {
this.transform.y = heightScaled / 2;
} else if (this.transform.y + heightScaled / 2 < containerHeight) {
this.transform.y = containerHeight - heightScaled / 2;
// Reduce multiple touch points into a single x/y/scale
reduceTouches(touches) {
let totalX = 0;
let totalY = 0;
let totalScale = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {
const x = touches[i].clientX;
const y = touches[i].clientY;
totalX += x;
totalY += y;
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < touches.length; i2++) {
if (i !== i2) {
const x2 = touches[i2].clientX;
const y2 = touches[i2].clientY;
totalScale += Math.sqrt((x - x2) * (x - x2) + (y - y2) * (y - y2));
if (totalScale === 0) {
totalScale = 1;
return {
x: totalX / touches.length,
y: totalY / touches.length,
scale: totalScale / touches.length,
onTouchStart(e) {
// prevent sidebar touchstart event, we don't want to interact with sidebar while in image viewer
// Touch image manipulation:
// 1. Move around by dragging it with one finger
// 2. Change image scale by using two fingers
onImageTouchStart(e) {
const image = this.$refs.image;
let touch = this.reduceTouches(e.touches);
let currentTouches = e.touches;
let touchEndFingers = 0;
const currentTransform = {
x: touch.x,
y: touch.y,
scale: touch.scale,
const startTransform = {
x: this.transform.x,
y: this.transform.y,
scale: this.transform.scale,
const touchMove = (moveEvent) => {
touch = this.reduceTouches(moveEvent.touches);
// TODO: There's bugs with multi finger interactions, needs more testing
if (currentTouches.length !== moveEvent.touches.length) {
currentTransform.x = touch.x;
currentTransform.y = touch.y;
currentTransform.scale = touch.scale;
startTransform.x = this.transform.x;
startTransform.y = this.transform.y;
startTransform.scale = this.transform.scale;
const deltaX = touch.x - currentTransform.x;
const deltaY = touch.y - currentTransform.y;
const deltaScale = touch.scale / currentTransform.scale;
currentTouches = moveEvent.touches;
touchEndFingers = 0;
const newScale = Math.min(3, Math.max(0.1, startTransform.scale * deltaScale));
const fixedPosition = this.calculateZoomShift(
if (newScale > 1) {
this.transform.x = fixedPosition.x + deltaX;
this.transform.y = fixedPosition.y + deltaY;
} else if (Math.abs(deltaX) > Math.abs(deltaY)) {
this.transform.x = fixedPosition.x + deltaX;
} else {
this.transform.y = fixedPosition.y + deltaY;
this.transform.scale = newScale;
const touchEnd = (endEvent) => {
const changedTouches = endEvent.changedTouches.length;
if (currentTouches.length > changedTouches + touchEndFingers) {
touchEndFingers += changedTouches;
// todo: this is swipe to close, but it's not working very well due to unfinished delta calculation
/* if (
this.transform.scale <= 1 &&
endEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY - startTransform.y <= -70
) {
return this.closeViewer();
image.removeEventListener("touchmove", touchMove, {passive: true});
image.removeEventListener("touchend", touchEnd, {passive: true});
image.addEventListener("touchmove", touchMove, {passive: true});
image.addEventListener("touchend", touchEnd, {passive: true});
// Image mouse manipulation:
// 1. Mouse wheel scrolling will zoom in and out
// 2. If image is zoomed in, simply dragging it will move it around
onImageMouseDown(e) {
// todo: ignore if in touch event currently?
// only left mouse
if (e.which !== 1) {
const viewer = this.$refs.viewer;
const image = this.$refs.image;
const startX = e.clientX;
const startY = e.clientY;
const startTransformX = this.transform.x;
const startTransformY = this.transform.y;
const widthScaled = image.width * this.transform.scale;
const heightScaled = image.height * this.transform.scale;
const containerWidth = viewer.offsetWidth;
const containerHeight = viewer.offsetHeight;
const centerX = this.transform.x - widthScaled / 2;
const centerY = this.transform.y - heightScaled / 2;
let movedDistance = 0;
const mouseMove = (moveEvent) => {
const newX = moveEvent.clientX - startX;
const newY = moveEvent.clientY - startY;
movedDistance = Math.max(movedDistance, Math.abs(newX), Math.abs(newY));
if (centerX < 0 || widthScaled + centerX > containerWidth) {
this.transform.x = startTransformX + newX;
if (centerY < 0 || heightScaled + centerY > containerHeight) {
this.transform.y = startTransformY + newY;
const mouseUp = (upEvent) => {
if (movedDistance < 2 && upEvent.button === 0) {
image.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
image.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
image.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
image.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
// If image is zoomed in, holding ctrl while scrolling will move the image up and down
onMouseWheel(e) {
// if image viewer is closing (css animation), you can still trigger mousewheel
// TODO: Figure out a better fix for this
if (this.link === null) {
e.preventDefault(); // TODO: Can this be passive?
if (e.ctrlKey) {
this.transform.y += e.deltaY;
} else {
const delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? 0.1 : -0.1;
const newScale = Math.min(3, Math.max(0.1, this.transform.scale + delta));
const fixedPosition = this.calculateZoomShift(
this.transform.scale = newScale;
this.transform.x = fixedPosition.x;
this.transform.y = fixedPosition.y;
onClick(e) {
// If click triggers on the image, ignore it
if (e.target === this.$refs.image) {