"use strict"; const cheerio = require("cheerio"); const request = require("request"); const Helper = require("../../helper"); const findLinks = require("../../../client/js/libs/handlebars/ircmessageparser/findLinks"); const es = require("event-stream"); const storage = require("../storage"); process.setMaxListeners(0); module.exports = function(client, chan, msg) { if (!Helper.config.prefetch) { return; } // Remove all IRC formatting characters before searching for links const cleanText = msg.text.replace(/\x02|\x1D|\x1F|\x16|\x0F|\x03(?:[0-9]{1,2}(?:,[0-9]{1,2})?)?/g, ""); // We will only try to prefetch http(s) links const links = findLinks(cleanText).filter((w) => /^https?:\/\//.test(w.link)); if (links.length === 0) { return; } msg.previews = Array.from(new Set( // Remove duplicate links links.map((link) => escapeHeader(link.link)) )).map((link) => ({ type: "loading", head: "", body: "", thumb: "", link: link, shown: true, })).slice(0, 5); // Only preview the first 5 URLs in message to avoid abuse msg.previews.forEach((preview) => { fetch(preview.link, function(res) { if (res === null) { return; } parse(msg, preview, res, client); }); }); }; function parse(msg, preview, res, client) { switch (res.type) { case "text/html": var $ = cheerio.load(res.data); preview.type = "link"; preview.head = $("meta[property=\"og:title\"]").attr("content") || $("title").text() || ""; preview.body = $("meta[property=\"og:description\"]").attr("content") || $("meta[name=\"description\"]").attr("content") || ""; preview.thumb = $("meta[property=\"og:image\"]").attr("content") || $("meta[name=\"twitter:image:src\"]").attr("content") || ""; // Make sure thumbnail is a valid url if (!/^https?:\/\//.test(preview.thumb)) { preview.thumb = ""; } // Verify that thumbnail pic exists and is under allowed size if (preview.thumb.length) { fetch(escapeHeader(preview.thumb), (resThumb) => { if (resThumb === null || !(/^image\/.+/.test(resThumb.type)) || resThumb.size > (Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024)) { preview.thumb = ""; } handlePreview(client, msg, preview, resThumb); }); return; } break; case "image/png": case "image/gif": case "image/jpg": case "image/jpeg": if (res.size > (Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024)) { return; } preview.type = "image"; preview.thumb = preview.link; break; default: return; } handlePreview(client, msg, preview, res); } function handlePreview(client, msg, preview, res) { if (!preview.thumb.length || !Helper.config.prefetchStorage) { return emitPreview(client, msg, preview); } storage.store(res.data, res.type.replace("image/", ""), (url) => { preview.thumb = url; emitPreview(client, msg, preview); }); } function emitPreview(client, msg, preview) { // If there is no title but there is preview or description, set title // otherwise bail out and show no preview if (!preview.head.length && preview.type === "link") { if (preview.thumb.length || preview.body.length) { preview.head = "Untitled page"; } else { return; } } client.emit("msg:preview", { id: msg.id, preview: preview }); } function fetch(url, cb) { let req; try { req = request.get({ url: url, maxRedirects: 5, timeout: 5000, headers: { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; The Lounge IRC Client; +https://github.com/thelounge/lounge)" } }); } catch (e) { return cb(null); } var length = 0; var limit = Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024; req .on("response", function(res) { if (!(/^image\/.+/.test(res.headers["content-type"]))) { // if not image, limit download to 50kb, since we need only meta tags // twitter.com sends opengraph meta tags within ~20kb of data for individual tweets limit = 1024 * 50; } }) .on("error", function() {}) .pipe(es.map(function(data, next) { length += data.length; if (length > limit) { req.response.req.abort(); } next(null, data); })) .pipe(es.wait(function(err, data) { if (err) { return cb(null); } if (req.response.statusCode < 200 || req.response.statusCode > 299) { return cb(null); } let type = ""; let size = parseInt(req.response.headers["content-length"], 10) || length; if (size < length) { size = length; } if (req.response.headers["content-type"]) { type = req.response.headers["content-type"].split(/ *; */).shift(); } data = { data: data, type: type, size: size }; cb(data); })); } // https://github.com/request/request/issues/2120 // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/1693 // https://github.com/alexeyten/descript/commit/50ee540b30188324198176e445330294922665fc function escapeHeader(header) { return header .replace(/([\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF])+/g, encodeURI) .replace(/[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g, "") .replace(/[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\uFFFF]+/g, encodeURI); }