"use strict"; const constants = require("./constants"); import Vue from "vue"; import VueRouter from "vue-router"; Vue.use(VueRouter); import SignIn from "../components/Windows/SignIn.vue"; import Connect from "../components/Windows/Connect.vue"; import Settings from "../components/Windows/Settings.vue"; import Help from "../components/Windows/Help.vue"; import Changelog from "../components/Windows/Changelog.vue"; import NetworkEdit from "../components/Windows/NetworkEdit.vue"; import RoutedChat from "../components/RoutedChat.vue"; import store from "./store"; const router = new VueRouter({ routes: [ { name: "SignIn", path: "/sign-in", component: SignIn, beforeEnter(to, from, next) { // Prevent navigating to sign-in when already signed in if (store.state.appLoaded) { next(false); return; } next(); }, }, { name: "Connect", path: "/connect", component: Connect, props: (route) => ({queryParams: route.query}), }, { name: "Settings", path: "/settings", component: Settings, }, { name: "Help", path: "/help", component: Help, }, { name: "Changelog", path: "/changelog", component: Changelog, }, { name: "NetworkEdit", path: "/edit-network/:uuid", component: NetworkEdit, }, { name: "RoutedChat", path: "/chan-:id", component: RoutedChat, }, ], }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // If user is not yet signed in, wait for appLoaded state to change // unless they are trying to open SignIn (which can be triggered in auth.js) if (!store.state.appLoaded && to.name !== "SignIn") { store.watch( (state) => state.appLoaded, () => next() ); return; } next(); }); router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { // Disallow navigating to non-existing routes if (!to.matched.length) { next(false); return; } // Disallow navigating to invalid channels if (to.name === "RoutedChat" && !store.getters.findChannel(Number(to.params.id))) { next(false); return; } // Handle closing image viewer with the browser back button if (!router.app.$refs.app) { next(); return; } const imageViewer = router.app.$root.$refs.app.$refs.imageViewer; if (imageViewer && imageViewer.link) { imageViewer.closeViewer(); next(false); return; } next(); }); router.afterEach((to) => { if (store.state.appLoaded) { if (window.innerWidth <= constants.mobileViewportPixels) { store.commit("sidebarOpen", false); } } if (store.state.activeChannel) { const channel = store.state.activeChannel.channel; if (to.name !== "RoutedChat") { store.commit("activeChannel", null); } // When switching out of a channel, mark everything as read if (channel.messages.length > 0) { channel.firstUnread = channel.messages[channel.messages.length - 1].id; } if (channel.messages.length > 100) { channel.messages.splice(0, channel.messages.length - 100); channel.moreHistoryAvailable = true; } } }); function navigate(routeName, params = {}) { if (router.currentRoute.name) { router.push({name: routeName, params}).catch(() => {}); } else { // If current route is null, replace the history entry // This prevents invalid entries from lingering in history, // and then the route guard preventing proper navigation router.replace({name: routeName, params}).catch(() => {}); } } function switchToChannel(channel) { return navigate("RoutedChat", {id: channel.id}); } if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if (event.data && event.data.type === "open") { const id = parseInt(event.data.channel.substr(5), 10); // remove "chan-" prefix const channelTarget = store.getters.findChannel(id); if (channelTarget) { switchToChannel(channelTarget.channel); } } }); } export {router, navigate, switchToChannel};