import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 2.1 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3 Popup { id: popup property var message property var visibility modal: true focus: true height: Math.min(mainWindow.height * 0.8, layout.implicitHeight + 32) width: Math.min(mainWindow.width * 0.66, 500) anchors.centerIn: mainWindow.overlay closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent Component.onCompleted: { if (message != null) { visibility = message.visibility } else { visibility = "public" } } FileDialog { id: imageFileDialog title: "Please choose an image" folder: shortcuts.home nameFilters: [ "Image files (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.gif)", "All files (*)" ] selectExisting: true selectMultiple: true onAccepted: { console.log("chose", imageFileDialog.fileUrls.length) for (var i = 0; i < imageFileDialog.fileUrls.length; i++) { console.log(imageFileDialog.fileUrls[i]) busy.running = true var media = uiBridge.uploadAttachment(imageFileDialog.fileUrls[i]) } } onRejected: { console.log("Canceled") } } Flickable { id: flickable anchors.fill: parent clip: true contentHeight: layout.height BusyIndicator { z: 1 id: busy running: false anchors.centerIn: parent } DropArea { id: drop anchors.fill: parent enabled: true onEntered: console.log("entered") onExited: console.log("exited") onDropped: { console.log("dropped", drop.urls.length, "urls") for (var i = 0; i < drop.urls.length; i++) { console.log(drop.urls[i]) busy.running = true var media = uiBridge.uploadAttachment(drop.urls[i]) /* if (media != '') { attachments.append({"id": media, "url": drop.urls[i]}) } */ } drop.acceptProposedAction() } } ColumnLayout { id: layout width: parent.width Loader { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: item !== null ? item.implicitHeight : 0 sourceComponent: message !== null ? messageViewComponent : null Component { id: messageViewComponent MessageView { showActionButtons: false message: popup.message } } } Label { visible: message !== null text: message !== null ? qsTr("Replying to %1").arg( : "" opacity: 0.3 } TextArea { id: messageArea Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.minimumHeight: 128 focus: true selectByMouse: true placeholderText: message !== null ? qsTr("Post your reply") : qsTr("What's happening?") text: message !== null ? message.mentions : "" wrapMode: TextArea.Wrap } Connections { target: accountBridge.attachments onRowsInserted: { busy.running = false } onRowsRemoved: { } } Flow { id: attachmentLayout Layout.fillWidth: true Repeater { model: accountBridge.attachments Image { smooth: true source: model.attachmentPreview sourceSize.height: 64 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: function() { accountBridge.attachments.removeAttachment(index) } } } } } TextButton { text: "Attach files by dragging & dropping them." font.pointSize: 9 onClicked: function() { } } RowLayout { RoundButton { id: scopePrivateButton Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight highlighted: visibility === "direct" "scope-private" icon.source: "images/scope-private.svg" onClicked: { visibility = "direct" } } RoundButton { id: scopeFollowersButton Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight highlighted: visibility === "private" "scope-followers" icon.source: "images/scope-followers.svg" onClicked: { visibility = "private" } } RoundButton { id: scopeUnlistedButton Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight highlighted: visibility === "unlisted" "scope-unlisted" icon.source: "images/scope-unlisted.svg" onClicked: { visibility = "unlisted" } } RoundButton { id: scopePublicButton Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight highlighted: visibility === "public" "scope-public" icon.source: "images/scope-public.svg" onClicked: { visibility = "public" } } Item { // fills all the empty space so the following items align right Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { id: remCharsLabel Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignRight font.pointSize: 12 text: accountBridge.postSizeLimit - uiBridge.postLimitCount(messageArea.text) } Button { id: sendButton enabled: remCharsLabel.text >= 0 && messageArea.text.length > 0 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight highlighted: true text: message != null ? qsTr("Reply") : qsTr("Post") onClicked: { popup.close() var msg = messageArea.text var msgid = "" if (message != null) { msgid = message.messageid msg = "@" + + " " + msg } uiBridge.postButton(msgid, msg, visibility) messageArea.clear() } } } } } }