import * as glasstron from 'glasstron' import { Subject, Observable, debounceTime } from 'rxjs' import { BrowserWindow, app, ipcMain, Rectangle, Menu, screen, BrowserWindowConstructorOptions, TouchBar, nativeImage, WebContents } from 'electron' import ElectronConfig = require('electron-config') import { enable as enableRemote } from '@electron/remote/main' import * as os from 'os' import * as path from 'path' import macOSRelease from 'macos-release' import { compare as compareVersions } from 'compare-versions' import type { Application } from './app' import { parseArgs } from './cli' let DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow: any = null if (process.platform === 'win32') { DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow = require('@tabby-gang/windows-blurbehind').DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow } export interface WindowOptions { hidden?: boolean } abstract class GlasstronWindow extends BrowserWindow { blurType: string abstract setBlur (_: boolean) } const macOSVibrancyType = process.platform === 'darwin' ? compareVersions(macOSRelease().version || '0.0', '10.14', '>=') ? 'under-window' : 'dark' : null const activityIcon = nativeImage.createFromPath(`${app.getAppPath()}/assets/activity.png`) export class Window { ready: Promise isMainWindow = false webContents: WebContents private visible = new Subject() private closed = new Subject() private window?: GlasstronWindow private windowConfig: ElectronConfig private windowBounds?: Rectangle private closing = false private lastVibrancy: { enabled: boolean, type?: string } | null = null private disableVibrancyWhileDragging = false private touchBarControl: any private isFluentVibrancy = false private dockHidden = false get visible$ (): Observable { return this.visible } get closed$ (): Observable { return this.closed } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types constructor (private application: Application, private configStore: any, options?: WindowOptions) { options = options ?? {} this.windowConfig = new ElectronConfig({ name: 'window' }) this.windowBounds = this.windowConfig.get('windowBoundaries') const maximized = this.windowConfig.get('maximized') const bwOptions: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions = { width: 800, height: 600, title: 'Tabby', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 300, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, preload: path.join(__dirname, 'sentry.js'), backgroundThrottling: false, contextIsolation: false, }, maximizable: true, frame: false, show: false, backgroundColor: '#00000000', acceptFirstMouse: true, } if (this.windowBounds) { Object.assign(bwOptions, this.windowBounds) const closestDisplay = screen.getDisplayNearestPoint( { x: this.windowBounds.x, y: this.windowBounds.y } ) const [left1, top1, right1, bottom1] = [this.windowBounds.x, this.windowBounds.y, this.windowBounds.x + this.windowBounds.width, this.windowBounds.y + this.windowBounds.height] const [left2, top2, right2, bottom2] = [closestDisplay.bounds.x, closestDisplay.bounds.y, closestDisplay.bounds.x + closestDisplay.bounds.width, closestDisplay.bounds.y + closestDisplay.bounds.height] if ((left2 > right1 || right2 < left1 || top2 > bottom1 || bottom2 < top1) && !maximized) { bwOptions.x = closestDisplay.bounds.width / 2 - bwOptions.width / 2 bwOptions.y = closestDisplay.bounds.height / 2 - bwOptions.height / 2 } } if (this.configStore.appearance?.frame === 'native') { bwOptions.frame = true } else { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { bwOptions.titleBarStyle = 'hidden' // If not macOS and native appearance is not toggled, use WCO. } else { bwOptions.titleBarStyle = 'hidden' bwOptions.titleBarOverlay = { color: '#00000000', } } } if (process.platform === 'darwin') { this.window = new BrowserWindow(bwOptions) as GlasstronWindow } else { // this.window = new BrowserWindow(bwOptions) as GlasstronWindow this.window = new glasstron.BrowserWindow(bwOptions) } this.webContents = this.window.webContents this.window.once('ready-to-show', () => { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { this.window.setVibrancy(macOSVibrancyType) } else if (process.platform === 'win32' && this.configStore.appearance?.vibrancy) { this.setVibrancy(true) } if (!options.hidden) { if (maximized) { this.window.maximize() } else { } this.window.focus() this.window.moveTop() application.focus() } }) this.window.on('blur', () => { if ( (this.configStore.appearance?.dock ?? 'off') !== 'off' && this.configStore.appearance?.dockHideOnBlur && !BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() ) { this.hide() } }) enableRemote(this.window.webContents) this.window.loadURL(`file://${app.getAppPath()}/dist/index.html`, { extraHeaders: 'pragma: no-cache\n' }) this.window.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 1) this.window.webContents.setZoomFactor(1) this.window.webContents.session.setPermissionCheckHandler(() => true) this.window.webContents.session.setDevicePermissionHandler(() => true) if (process.platform === 'darwin') { this.touchBarControl = new TouchBar.TouchBarSegmentedControl({ segments: [], change: index => this.send('touchbar-selection', index), }) this.window.setTouchBar(new TouchBar({ items: [this.touchBarControl], })) } else { this.window.setMenu(null) } this.setupWindowManagement() this.ready = new Promise(resolve => { const listener = event => { if (event.sender === this.window.webContents) { ipcMain.removeListener('app:ready', listener as any) resolve() } } ipcMain.on('app:ready', listener) }) } makeMain (): void { this.isMainWindow = true this.window.webContents.send('host:became-main-window') } setVibrancy (enabled: boolean, type?: string, userRequested?: boolean): void { if (userRequested ?? true) { this.lastVibrancy = { enabled, type } } if (process.platform === 'win32') { if (parseFloat(os.release()) >= 10) { this.window.blurType = enabled ? type === 'fluent' ? 'acrylic' : 'blurbehind' : null try { this.window.setBlur(enabled) this.isFluentVibrancy = enabled && type === 'fluent' } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to set window blur', error) } // } } else { DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(this.window.getNativeWindowHandle(), enabled) } } else if (process.platform === 'linux') { this.window.setBackgroundColor(enabled ? '#00000000' : '#131d27') this.window.setBlur(enabled) } else { this.window.setVibrancy(enabled ? macOSVibrancyType : null) } } focus (): void { this.window.focus() } send (event: string, ...args: any[]): void { if (!this.window) { return } this.window.webContents.send(event, ...args) if (event === 'host:config-change') { this.configStore = args[0] this.enableDockedWindowStyles(this.isDockedOnTop()) } } isDestroyed (): boolean { return !this.window || this.window.isDestroyed() } isFocused (): boolean { return this.window.isFocused() } isVisible (): boolean { return this.window.isVisible() } isDockedOnTop (): boolean { return this.isMainWindow && this.configStore.appearance?.dock && this.configStore.appearance?.dock !== 'off' && (this.configStore.appearance?.dockAlwaysOnTop ?? true) } async hide (): Promise { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { // Lose focus Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('hide:') if (this.isDockedOnTop()) { await this.enableDockedWindowStyles(false) } } this.window.blur() this.window.hide() } async show (): Promise { await this.enableDockedWindowStyles(this.isDockedOnTop()) this.window.focus() } async present (): Promise { await this.window.moveTop() } passCliArguments (argv: string[], cwd: string, secondInstance: boolean): void { this.send('cli', parseArgs(argv, cwd), cwd, secondInstance) } private async enableDockedWindowStyles (enabled: boolean) { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { if (enabled) { if (!this.dockHidden) { app.dock.hide() this.dockHidden = true } this.window.setAlwaysOnTop(true, 'screen-saver', 1) if (!this.window.isVisibleOnAllWorkspaces()) { this.window.setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(true, { visibleOnFullScreen: true }) } if (this.window.fullScreenable) { this.window.setFullScreenable(false) } } else { if (this.dockHidden) { await this.dockHidden = false } if (this.window.isAlwaysOnTop()) { this.window.setAlwaysOnTop(false) } if (this.window.isVisibleOnAllWorkspaces()) { this.window.setVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(false) } if (!this.window.fullScreenable) { this.window.setFullScreenable(true) } } } } private setupWindowManagement () { this.window.on('show', () => { this.send('host:window-shown') }) this.window.on('hide', () => { }) const moveSubscription = new Observable(observer => { this.window.on('move', () => }).pipe(debounceTime(250)).subscribe(() => { this.send('host:window-moved') }) this.window.on('closed', () => { moveSubscription.unsubscribe() }) this.window.on('enter-full-screen', () => this.send('host:window-enter-full-screen')) this.window.on('leave-full-screen', () => this.send('host:window-leave-full-screen')) this.window.on('maximize', () => this.send('host:window-maximized')) this.window.on('unmaximize', () => this.send('host:window-unmaximized')) this.window.on('close', event => { if (!this.closing) { event.preventDefault() this.send('host:window-close-request') return } this.windowConfig.set('windowBoundaries', this.windowBounds) this.windowConfig.set('maximized', this.window.isMaximized()) }) this.window.on('closed', () => { this.destroy() }) this.window.on('resize', () => { if (!this.window.isMaximized()) { this.windowBounds = this.window.getBounds() } }) this.window.on('move', () => { if (!this.window.isMaximized()) { this.windowBounds = this.window.getBounds() } }) this.window.on('focus', () => { this.send('host:window-focused') }) ipcMain.on('ready', event => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.window.webContents.send('start', { config: this.configStore, executable: app.getPath('exe'), windowID:, isMainWindow: this.isMainWindow, userPluginsPath: this.application.userPluginsPath, }) }) ipcMain.on('window-minimize', event => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.window.minimize() }) ipcMain.on('window-set-bounds', (event, bounds) => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.window.setBounds(bounds) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-always-on-top', (event, flag) => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.window.setAlwaysOnTop(flag) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-vibrancy', (event, enabled, type) => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.setVibrancy(enabled, type) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-window-controls-color', (event, theme) => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } // let color: string = theme.backgroundMore const symbolColor: string = theme.foreground this.window.setTitleBarOverlay( { // color: '#00000000', symbolColor: symbolColor, height: 32, }, ) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-title', (event, title) => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.window.setTitle(title) }) ipcMain.on('window-bring-to-front', event => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } if (this.window.isMinimized()) { this.window.restore() } this.present() }) ipcMain.on('window-close', event => { if (!this.window || event.sender !== this.window.webContents) { return } this.closing = true this.window.close() }) ipcMain.on('window-set-touch-bar', (_event, segments, selectedIndex) => { this.touchBarControl.segments = => ({ label: s.label, icon: s.hasActivity ? activityIcon : undefined, })) this.touchBarControl.selectedIndex = selectedIndex }) this.window.webContents.setWindowOpenHandler(() => { return { action: 'deny' } }) ipcMain.on('window-set-disable-vibrancy-while-dragging', (_event, value) => { this.disableVibrancyWhileDragging = value && this.configStore.hacks?.disableVibrancyWhileDragging }) let moveEndedTimeout: any = null const onBoundsChange = () => { if (!this.lastVibrancy?.enabled || !this.disableVibrancyWhileDragging || !this.isFluentVibrancy) { return } this.setVibrancy(false, undefined, false) if (moveEndedTimeout) { clearTimeout(moveEndedTimeout) } moveEndedTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.setVibrancy(this.lastVibrancy.enabled, this.lastVibrancy.type) }, 50) } this.window.on('move', onBoundsChange) this.window.on('resize', onBoundsChange) ipcMain.on('window-set-traffic-light-position', (_event, x, y) => { this.window.setTrafficLightPosition({ x, y }) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-opacity', (_event, opacity) => { this.window.setOpacity(opacity) }) ipcMain.on('window-set-progress-bar', (_event, value) => { this.window.setProgressBar(value, { mode: value < 0 ? 'none' : 'normal' }) }) } private destroy () { this.window = null this.visible.complete() this.closed.complete() } }