mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 02:20:03 +00:00
2 changed files with 282 additions and 110 deletions
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"electron-promise-ipc": "^2.2.4",
"ps-node": "^0.1.6",
"ssh-config": "^5.0.0",
"tmp-promise": "^3.0.2",
"which": "^3.0.0",
"winston": "^3.3.3"
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import at from 'core-js-pure/actual/array/at'
import * as fs from 'fs/promises'
import * as fsSync from 'fs'
import * as path from 'path'
@ -6,125 +5,297 @@ import slugify from 'slugify'
import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
import { PartialProfile } from 'tabby-core'
import { SSHProfileImporter, PortForwardType, SSHProfile, SSHProfileOptions, AutoPrivateKeyLocator } from 'tabby-ssh'
import {
} from 'tabby-ssh'
import { ElectronService } from './services/electron.service'
import SSHConfig, { LineType } from 'ssh-config'
// Enum to delineate the properties in SSHProfile options
enum SSHProfilePropertyNames {
Host = 'host',
Port = 'port',
User = 'user',
X11 = 'x11',
PrivateKeys = 'privateKeys',
KeepaliveInterval = 'keepaliveInterval',
KeepaliveCountMax = 'keepaliveCountMax',
ReadyTimeout = 'readyTimeout',
JumpHost = 'jumpHost',
AgentForward = 'agentForward',
ProxyCommand = 'proxyCommand',
ForwardedPorts = 'forwardedPorts',
// Data structure to map the (lowercase) ssh-config attributes (as keys) to a tuple
// containing the name of the corresponding SSHProfile attribute
const decodeFields: Record<string, SSHProfilePropertyNames> = {
hostname: SSHProfilePropertyNames.Host,
user: SSHProfilePropertyNames.User,
port: SSHProfilePropertyNames.Port,
forwardx11: SSHProfilePropertyNames.X11,
serveraliveinterval: SSHProfilePropertyNames.KeepaliveInterval,
serveralivecountmax: SSHProfilePropertyNames.KeepaliveCountMax,
connecttimeout: SSHProfilePropertyNames.ReadyTimeout,
proxyjump: SSHProfilePropertyNames.JumpHost,
forwardagent: SSHProfilePropertyNames.AgentForward,
identityfile: SSHProfilePropertyNames.PrivateKeys,
proxycommand: SSHProfilePropertyNames.ProxyCommand,
localforward: SSHProfilePropertyNames.ForwardedPorts,
remoteforward: SSHProfilePropertyNames.ForwardedPorts,
dynamicforward: SSHProfilePropertyNames.ForwardedPorts,
// Function to use the above to return details corresponding to the supplied SSHProperty name.
// If the name of the supplied SSH Config file Property is valid, and one that we process,
// then we get back the name of the corresponding Property in the SSHProfile object
function decodeTarget (SSHProperty: string): string {
const lower = SSHProperty.toLowerCase()
if (lower in decodeFields) {
return decodeFields[lower]
return ''
// Function to combine SSHConfig values into a single string. This is used to smash
// together the proxyCommand values which are split on whitespace and presented as
// an array of objects in the SSHConfig object
function convertSSHConfigValuesToString (arg: string | string[] | object[]): string {
if (typeof arg === 'string') { return arg }
let allStrings = true
for (const item of arg) {
if (typeof item !== 'string') {
allStrings = false
if (allStrings) {
return arg.join(' ')
// Have to explicitly unwrap the arg into a list of objects to avoid Typescript grumbles
const objList: object[] = []
for (const item of arg) {
if ( typeof item === 'object' && 'val' in item ) {
return objList.filter(obj => 'val' in obj)
.map(obj => 'val' in obj ? obj.val as string: '')
.join(' ')
// Function to read in the SSH config file and return it as a string
async function readSSHConfigFile (filePath: string): Promise<string> {
try {
return await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error reading SSH config file:', err)
return ''
// Function to take an ssh-config entry and convert it into an SSHProfile
function convertHostToSSHProfile (host: string, settings: Record<string, string | string[] | object[] >): PartialProfile<SSHProfile> {
// inline function to generate an id for this profile
const deriveID = (name: string) => 'openssh-config:' + slugify(name)
// Start point of the profile, with an ID, name, type and group
const thisProfile: PartialProfile<SSHProfile> = {
id: deriveID(host),
name: `${host} (.ssh/config)`,
type: 'ssh',
group: 'Imported from .ssh/config',
const options = {}
function convertToForwardedPortDescriptor (forwardType: PortForwardType.Local | PortForwardType.Remote | PortForwardType.Dynamic, details: string): ForwardedPortConfig {
const detailsParts = details.split(/\s/)
const bindParts = detailsParts[0].trim().split(':')
if (bindParts.length === 1) {
let tgtParts = ['', '22']
if ( detailsParts.length > 1 ) {
tgtParts = detailsParts[1].trim().split(':')
return {
host: bindParts[0],
port: parseInt(bindParts[1]),
targetAddress: tgtParts[0],
targetPort: parseInt(tgtParts[1]),
type: forwardType,
description: details,
// for each ssh-config key in turn...
for (const key in settings) {
// decode a target attribute and an action
const targetName = decodeTarget(key)
switch (targetName) {
// The following have single string values
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.User:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.Host:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.JumpHost:
const basicString = settings[key]
if (typeof basicString === 'string') {
if (targetName === SSHProfilePropertyNames.JumpHost) {
options[targetName] = deriveID(basicString)
} else {
options[targetName] = basicString
} else {
console.log('Unexpected value in settings for ' + key)
// The following have single integer values
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.Port:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.KeepaliveInterval:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.KeepaliveCountMax:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.ReadyTimeout:
const numberString = settings[key]
if (typeof numberString === 'string') {
options[targetName] = parseInt(numberString, 10)
} else {
console.log('Unexpected value in settings for ' + key)
// The following have single yes/no values
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.X11:
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.AgentForward:
let booleanString = settings[key]
booleanString = typeof booleanString === 'string' ? booleanString.toLowerCase() : ''
if ( booleanString === 'yes' || booleanString === 'no' ) {
options[targetName] = booleanString === 'yes'
} else {
console.log('Unexpected value in settings for ' + key)
// ProxyCommand will be an array if unquoted and containing multiple words,
// or a simple string otherwise
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.ProxyCommand:
const proxyCommand = convertSSHConfigValuesToString(settings[key])
options[targetName] = proxyCommand
// IdentityFile may have multiple values and the need to have '~' converted to the
// path to the HOME directory
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.PrivateKeys:
const processedKeys: string [] = (settings[key] as string[]).map( s => {
let retVal: string = s
if (s.startsWith('~/')) {
retVal = path.join(process.env.HOME ?? '~', s.slice(2))
return retVal
options[targetName] = processedKeys
// The port forwarding directives all end up in the same space, but with a different value
// in the SSHProfileOptions object
case SSHProfilePropertyNames.ForwardedPorts:
const forwardTypeString = key.toLowerCase()
let forwardType: PortForwardType | null = null
switch (forwardTypeString) {
case 'localforward':
forwardType = PortForwardType.Local
case 'remoteforward':
forwardType = PortForwardType.Remote
case 'dynamicforward':
forwardType = PortForwardType.Dynamic
if (forwardType) {
options[targetName] ??= []
for (const forwarderDetails of settings[key]) {
if (typeof forwarderDetails === 'string') {
options[targetName].push(convertToForwardedPortDescriptor(forwardType, forwarderDetails))
thisProfile.options = options
return thisProfile
function convertToSSHProfiles (config: SSHConfig): PartialProfile<SSHProfile>[] {
const myMap = new Map<string, PartialProfile<SSHProfile>>()
function noWildCardsInName (name: string) {
return !/[?*]/.test(name)
for (const entry of config) {
// Each entry represents a line in the SSH Config. If the line is a 'Host' line,
// then it will also contain the configuration for that identifiable Host.
// There may be more than one host per line and some 'Hosts' have wildcards in their
// names
// If this is a genuine entry rather than a Comment...
// ... and there is a 'Host' Parameter
if (entry.type === LineType.DIRECTIVE && entry.param === 'Host') {
// for each Name in this entry
const hostList: string[] = []
// if there is more than one host specified on this line, then the names will be
// in an array
if (typeof entry.value === 'string') {
} else if (Array.isArray(entry.value)) {
for (const item of entry.value) {
// for each Host identified on this line, check that there are no wildcards in the
// name and that we've not seen the name before.
// If that is the case, then get the full configuration for this name.
// If that has a 'Hostname' property (if that's missing, the name is not usable
// for our purposes) then convert the configuration into an SSHProfile and stash it
for (const host of hostList) {
if (noWildCardsInName(host)) {
if (!(host in myMap)) {
// NOTE: SSHConfig.compute() lies about the return types
const configuration: Record<string, string | string[] | object[]> = config.compute(host)
if (configuration['HostName']) {
myMap[host] = convertHostToSSHProfile(host, configuration)
// Convert the values from the map into a list of Partial SSHProfiles sorted
// by Hostname
return Object.keys(myMap).sort().map(key => myMap[key])
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class OpenSSHImporter extends SSHProfileImporter {
async getProfiles (): Promise<PartialProfile<SSHProfile>[]> {
const deriveID = name => 'openssh-config:' + slugify(name)
const results: PartialProfile<SSHProfile>[] = []
const configPath = path.join(process.env.HOME ?? '~', '.ssh', 'config')
try {
const lines = (await fs.readFile(configPath, 'utf8')).split('\n')
const globalOptions: Partial<SSHProfileOptions> = {}
let currentProfile: PartialProfile<SSHProfile>|null = null
for (let line of lines) {
if (line.trim().startsWith('#') || !line.trim()) {
if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith('host ')) {
if (currentProfile) {
const name = line.substr(5).trim()
currentProfile = {
id: deriveID(name),
name: `${name} (.ssh/config)`,
type: 'ssh',
group: 'Imported from .ssh/config',
options: {
host: name,
} else {
const target: Partial<SSHProfileOptions> = currentProfile?.options ?? globalOptions
line = line.trim()
const idx = /\s/.exec(line)?.index ?? -1
if (idx === -1) {
const key = line.substr(0, idx).trim()
const value = line.substr(idx + 1).trim()
if (key === 'IdentityFile') {
target.privateKeys = value.split(',').map(s => s.trim()).map(s => {
if (s.startsWith('~')) {
s = path.join(process.env.HOME ?? '~', s.slice(2))
return s
} else if (key === 'RemoteForward') {
const bind = value.split(/\s/)[0].trim()
const tgt = value.split(/\s/)[1].trim()
target.forwardedPorts ??= []
type: PortForwardType.Remote,
description: value,
host: bind.split(':')[0] ?? '',
port: parseInt(bind.split(':')[1] ?? bind),
targetAddress: tgt.split(':')[0],
targetPort: parseInt(tgt.split(':')[1]),
} else if (key === 'LocalForward') {
const bind = value.split(/\s/)[0].trim()
const tgt = value.split(/\s/)[1].trim()
target.forwardedPorts ??= []
type: PortForwardType.Local,
description: value,
host: bind.includes(':') ? bind.split(':')[0] : '',
port: parseInt(at(bind.split(':'), -1)),
targetAddress: tgt.split(':')[0],
targetPort: parseInt(tgt.split(':')[1]),
} else if (key === 'DynamicForward') {
const bind = value.trim()
target.forwardedPorts ??= []
type: PortForwardType.Dynamic,
description: value,
host: bind.includes(':') ? bind.split(':')[0] : '',
port: parseInt(at(bind.split(':'), -1)),
targetAddress: '',
targetPort: 22,
} else {
const mappedKey = {
hostname: 'host',
host: 'host',
port: 'port',
user: 'user',
forwardx11: 'x11',
serveraliveinterval: 'keepaliveInterval',
serveralivecountmax: 'keepaliveCountMax',
proxycommand: 'proxyCommand',
proxyjump: 'jumpHost',
if (mappedKey) {
target[mappedKey] = value
if (currentProfile) {
for (const p of results) {
if (p.options?.proxyCommand) {
p.options.proxyCommand = p.options.proxyCommand
.replace('%h', p.options.host ?? '')
.replace('%p', (p.options.port ?? 22).toString())
if (p.options?.jumpHost) {
p.options.jumpHost = deriveID(p.options.jumpHost)
return results
try {
const sshConfigContent = await readSSHConfigFile(configPath)
const config: SSHConfig = SSHConfig.parse(sshConfigContent)
return convertToSSHProfiles(config)
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ENOENT') {
return []
Reference in a new issue