Alex Goodman e9a8c27be1
respond to authoratative CPEs from catalogers (#3166)
Signed-off-by: Alex Goodman <>
2024-08-27 10:26:35 -04:00

219 lines
6.5 KiB

package task
import (
cpeutils ""
type packageTaskFactory func(cfg CatalogingFactoryConfig) Task
type PackageTaskFactories []packageTaskFactory
type CatalogingFactoryConfig struct {
SearchConfig cataloging.SearchConfig
RelationshipsConfig cataloging.RelationshipsConfig
DataGenerationConfig cataloging.DataGenerationConfig
PackagesConfig pkgcataloging.Config
func DefaultCatalogingFactoryConfig() CatalogingFactoryConfig {
return CatalogingFactoryConfig{
SearchConfig: cataloging.DefaultSearchConfig(),
RelationshipsConfig: cataloging.DefaultRelationshipsConfig(),
DataGenerationConfig: cataloging.DefaultDataGenerationConfig(),
PackagesConfig: pkgcataloging.DefaultConfig(),
func newPackageTaskFactory(catalogerFactory func(CatalogingFactoryConfig) pkg.Cataloger, tags ...string) packageTaskFactory {
return func(cfg CatalogingFactoryConfig) Task {
return NewPackageTask(cfg, catalogerFactory(cfg), tags...)
func newSimplePackageTaskFactory(catalogerFactory func() pkg.Cataloger, tags ...string) packageTaskFactory {
return func(cfg CatalogingFactoryConfig) Task {
return NewPackageTask(cfg, catalogerFactory(), tags...)
func (f PackageTaskFactories) Tasks(cfg CatalogingFactoryConfig) ([]Task, error) {
var allTasks []Task
taskNames := strset.New()
duplicateTaskNames := strset.New()
var err error
for _, factory := range f {
tsk := factory(cfg)
if tsk == nil {
tskName := tsk.Name()
if taskNames.Has(tskName) {
allTasks = append(allTasks, tsk)
if duplicateTaskNames.Size() > 0 {
names := duplicateTaskNames.List()
err = fmt.Errorf("duplicate cataloger task names: %v", strings.Join(names, ", "))
return allTasks, err
// NewPackageTask creates a Task function for a generic pkg.Cataloger, honoring the common configuration options.
func NewPackageTask(cfg CatalogingFactoryConfig, c pkg.Cataloger, tags ...string) Task { //nolint: funlen
fn := func(ctx context.Context, resolver file.Resolver, sbom sbomsync.Builder) error {
catalogerName := c.Name()
log.WithFields("name", catalogerName).Trace("starting package cataloger")
info := monitor.GenericTask{
Title: monitor.Title{
Default: prettyName(catalogerName),
ID: catalogerName,
ParentID: monitor.PackageCatalogingTaskID,
Context: "",
HideOnSuccess: true,
t := bus.StartCatalogerTask(info, -1, "")
pkgs, relationships, err := c.Catalog(ctx, resolver)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to catalog packages with %q: %w", catalogerName, err)
log.WithFields("cataloger", catalogerName).Debugf("discovered %d packages", len(pkgs))
for i, p := range pkgs {
if p.FoundBy == "" {
p.FoundBy = catalogerName
if cfg.DataGenerationConfig.GenerateCPEs && !hasAuthoritativeCPE(p.CPEs) {
// generate CPEs (note: this is excluded from package ID, so is safe to mutate)
// we might have binary classified CPE already with the package so we want to append here
dictionaryCPEs, ok := cpeutils.DictionaryFind(p)
if ok {
log.Tracef("used CPE dictionary to find CPEs for %s package %q: %s", p.Type, p.Name, dictionaryCPEs)
p.CPEs = append(p.CPEs, dictionaryCPEs...)
} else {
p.CPEs = append(p.CPEs, cpeutils.Generate(p)...)
// if we were not able to identify the language we have an opportunity
// to try and get this value from the PURL. Worst case we assert that
// we could not identify the language at either stage and set UnknownLanguage
if p.Language == "" {
p.Language = pkg.LanguageFromPURL(p.PURL)
if cfg.RelationshipsConfig.PackageFileOwnership {
// create file-to-package relationships for files owned by the package
owningRelationships, err := packageFileOwnershipRelationships(p, resolver)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("unable to create any package-file relationships for package name=%q type=%q: %w", p.Name, p.Type, err)
} else {
relationships = append(relationships, owningRelationships...)
pkgs[i] = p
log.WithFields("name", catalogerName).Trace("package cataloger completed")
return nil
tags = append(tags, pkgcataloging.PackageTag)
return NewTask(c.Name(), fn, tags...)
func hasAuthoritativeCPE(cpes []cpe.CPE) bool {
for _, c := range cpes {
if c.Source != cpe.GeneratedSource {
return true
return false
func prettyName(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
// Convert first character to uppercase
r := []rune(s)
r[0] = unicode.ToUpper(r[0])
return strings.ReplaceAll(string(r), "-", " ")
func packageFileOwnershipRelationships(p pkg.Package, resolver file.PathResolver) ([]artifact.Relationship, error) {
fileOwner, ok := p.Metadata.(pkg.FileOwner)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
locations := map[artifact.ID]file.Location{}
for _, path := range fileOwner.OwnedFiles() {
pathRefs, err := resolver.FilesByPath(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to find path for path=%q: %w", path, err)
if len(pathRefs) == 0 {
// ideally we want to warn users about missing files from a package, however, it is very common for
// container image authors to delete files that are not needed in order to keep image sizes small. Adding
// a warning here would be needlessly noisy (even for popular base images).
for _, ref := range pathRefs {
if oldRef, ok := locations[ref.Coordinates.ID()]; ok {
log.Debugf("found path duplicate of %s", oldRef.RealPath)
locations[ref.Coordinates.ID()] = ref
var relationships []artifact.Relationship
for _, location := range locations {
relationships = append(relationships, artifact.Relationship{
From: p,
To: location.Coordinates,
Type: artifact.ContainsRelationship,
return relationships, nil