Jonas Galvão Xavier 5374a1dc6f
add cyclone-json output format (#635)
* add cyclone json format

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* adapt format to sbom.SBOM structure

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* cycloneDX json output with official lib

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* add cycloneDX 1.3 schema output in xml

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* fix lints errors

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* tidying go mod

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* remove cycloneDX 1.2 format

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* update cycloneDX xml schema

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* fix cyclone according to schema

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* use RFC 2141 URN form of uuid for serial number

add schema validation for cycloneDX 1.3 JSON output

add yajsv cli for JSON schema validation during tests

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* tidying go mod up

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* go get json schema validator

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* install yajsv without mess with go mod

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* reuse code between cycloneDX json & xml encoders

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* add output options for cyclone XML

add bom.json to .gitignore

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* add cyclone json format

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* adapt format to sbom.SBOM structure

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* cycloneDX json output with official lib

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* add cycloneDX 1.3 schema output in xml

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* fix lints errors

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* tidying go mod

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* remove cycloneDX 1.2 format

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* update cycloneDX xml schema

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* fix cyclone according to schema

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* use RFC 2141 URN form of uuid for serial number

add schema validation for cycloneDX 1.3 JSON output

add yajsv cli for JSON schema validation during tests

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* tidying go mod up

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* go get json schema validator

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* install yajsv without mess with go mod

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* reuse code between cycloneDX json & xml encoders

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* add output options for cyclone XML

add bom.json to .gitignore

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* fix cyclone12xml removal

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* feedback changes

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>

* go mod tidy

Signed-off-by: Jonas Galvão Xavier <>
2021-12-03 17:06:23 -08:00

337 lines
12 KiB

BIN = syft
TEMPDIR = ./.tmp
RESULTSDIR = test/results
COVER_REPORT = $(RESULTSDIR)/unit-coverage-details.txt
COVER_TOTAL = $(RESULTSDIR)/unit-coverage-summary.txt
LINTCMD = $(TEMPDIR)/golangci-lint run --tests=false --timeout=2m --config .golangci.yaml
ACC_TEST_IMAGE = centos:8.2.2004
ACC_DIR = ./test/acceptance
BOLD := $(shell tput -T linux bold)
PURPLE := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 5)
GREEN := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 2)
CYAN := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 6)
RED := $(shell tput -T linux setaf 1)
RESET := $(shell tput -T linux sgr0)
# the quality gate lower threshold for unit test total % coverage (by function statements)
# CI cache busting values; change these if you want CI to not use previous stored cache
## Build variables
GITTREESTATE=$(if $(shell git status --porcelain),dirty,clean)
OS := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(OS),Darwin)
SNAPSHOT_CMD=$(shell realpath $(shell pwd)/$(SNAPSHOTDIR)/$(BIN)-macos_darwin_amd64/$(BIN))
SNAPSHOT_CMD=$(shell realpath $(shell pwd)/$(SNAPSHOTDIR)/$(BIN)_linux_amd64/$(BIN))
ifeq "$(strip $(VERSION))" ""
override VERSION = $(shell git describe --always --tags --dirty)
## Variable assertions
ifndef TEMPDIR
$(error TEMPDIR is not set)
$(error RESULTSDIR is not set)
ifndef ACC_DIR
$(error ACC_DIR is not set)
ifndef DISTDIR
$(error DISTDIR is not set)
$(error SNAPSHOTDIR is not set)
ifndef REF_NAME
define title
@printf '$(TITLE)$(1)$(RESET)\n'
## Tasks
.PHONY: all
all: clean static-analysis test ## Run all linux-based checks (linting, license check, unit, integration, and linux acceptance tests)
@printf '$(SUCCESS)All checks pass!$(RESET)\n'
.PHONY: test
test: unit validate-cyclonedx-schema integration benchmark acceptance-linux cli ## Run all tests (currently unit, integration, linux acceptance, and cli tests)
.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "$(BOLD)$(CYAN)%-25s$(RESET)%s\n", $$1, $$2}'
.PHONY: ci-bootstrap
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt update && sudo -E apt install -y bc jq libxml2-utils && go install
github_changelog_generator --version || sudo gem install github_changelog_generator
mkdir -p $(RESULTSDIR)
mkdir -p $(TEMPDIR)
.PHONY: bootstrap-tools
bootstrap-tools: $(TEMPDIR)
GO111MODULE=off GOBIN=$(shell realpath $(TEMPDIR)) go get -u
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMPDIR)/ v1.42.1
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMPDIR)/ v0.2.0
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(TEMPDIR)/ v0.3.0
.github/scripts/ -b $(TEMPDIR)/ v0.177.0
.PHONY: bootstrap-go
go mod download
.PHONY: bootstrap
bootstrap: $(RESULTSDIR) bootstrap-go bootstrap-tools ## Download and install all go dependencies (+ prep tooling in the ./tmp dir)
$(call title,Bootstrapping dependencies)
.PHONY: static-analysis
static-analysis: lint check-go-mod-tidy check-licenses
.PHONY: lint
lint: ## Run gofmt + golangci lint checks
$(call title,Running linters)
# ensure there are no go fmt differences
@printf "files with gofmt issues: [$(shell gofmt -l -s .)]\n"
@test -z "$(shell gofmt -l -s .)"
# run all golangci-lint rules
# go tooling does not play well with certain filename characters, ensure the common cases don't result in future "go get" failures
$(eval MALFORMED_FILENAMES := $(shell find . | grep -e ':'))
@bash -c "[[ '$(MALFORMED_FILENAMES)' == '' ]] || (printf '\nfound unsupported filename characters:\n$(MALFORMED_FILENAMES)\n\n' && false)"
.PHONY: lint-fix
lint-fix: ## Auto-format all source code + run golangci lint fixers
$(call title,Running lint fixers)
gofmt -w -s .
$(LINTCMD) --fix
go mod tidy
.PHONY: check-licenses
check-licenses: ## Ensure transitive dependencies are compliant with the current license policy
$(TEMPDIR)/bouncer check
@ .github/scripts/ && echo "go.mod and go.sum are tidy!"
.PHONY: validate-cyclonedx-schema
cd schema/cyclonedx && make
.PHONY: unit
unit: $(RESULTSDIR) fixtures ## Run unit tests (with coverage)
$(call title,Running unit tests)
go test -coverprofile $(COVER_REPORT) $(shell go list ./... | grep -v anchore/syft/test)
@go tool cover -func $(COVER_REPORT) | grep total | awk '{print substr($$3, 1, length($$3)-1)}' > $(COVER_TOTAL)
@echo "Coverage: $$(cat $(COVER_TOTAL))"
@if [ $$(echo "$$(cat $(COVER_TOTAL)) >= $(COVERAGE_THRESHOLD)" | bc -l) -ne 1 ]; then echo "$(RED)$(BOLD)Failed coverage quality gate (> $(COVERAGE_THRESHOLD)%)$(RESET)" && false; fi
.PHONY: benchmark
benchmark: $(RESULTSDIR) ## Run benchmark tests and compare against the baseline (if available)
$(call title,Running benchmark tests)
go test -p 1 -run=^Benchmark -bench=. -count=5 -benchmem ./... | tee $(RESULTSDIR)/benchmark-$(REF_NAME).txt
(test -s $(RESULTSDIR)/benchmark-main.txt && \
$(TEMPDIR)/benchstat $(RESULTSDIR)/benchmark-main.txt $(RESULTSDIR)/benchmark-$(REF_NAME).txt || \
$(TEMPDIR)/benchstat $(RESULTSDIR)/benchmark-$(REF_NAME).txt) \
| tee $(RESULTSDIR)/benchstat.txt
.PHONY: show-benchstat
@cat $(RESULTSDIR)/benchstat.txt
.PHONY: integration
integration: ## Run integration tests
$(call title,Running integration tests)
go test -v ./test/integration
# note: this is used by CI to determine if the integration test fixture cache (docker image tars) should be busted
find test/integration/test-fixtures/image-* -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum | tee test/integration/test-fixtures/cache.fingerprint && echo "$(INTEGRATION_CACHE_BUSTER)" >> test/integration/test-fixtures/cache.fingerprint
.PHONY: java-packages-fingerprint
@cd syft/pkg/cataloger/java/test-fixtures/java-builds && \
make packages.fingerprint
.PHONY: fixtures
$(call title,Generating test fixtures)
cd syft/pkg/cataloger/java/test-fixtures/java-builds && make
.PHONY: generate-json-schema
generate-json-schema: ## Generate a new json schema
cd schema/json && go run generate.go
.PHONY: generate-license-list
generate-license-list: ## Generate an updated spdx license list
go generate ./internal/spdxlicense/...
gofmt -s -w ./internal/spdxlicense
.PHONY: build
build: $(SNAPSHOTDIR) ## Build release snapshot binaries and packages
$(SNAPSHOTDIR): ## Build snapshot release binaries and packages
$(call title,Building snapshot artifacts)
# create a config with the dist dir overridden
echo "dist: $(SNAPSHOTDIR)" > $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
cat .goreleaser.yaml >> $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
# build release snapshots
# DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL needed to support multi architecture builds for goreleaser
$(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser release --skip-publish --skip-sign --rm-dist --snapshot --config $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
# note: we cannot clean the snapshot directory since the pipeline builds the snapshot separately
.PHONY: acceptance-mac
acceptance-mac: $(RESULTSDIR) $(SNAPSHOTDIR) ## Run acceptance tests on build snapshot binaries and packages (Mac)
$(call title,Running acceptance test: Run on Mac)
$(ACC_DIR)/ \
$(ACC_DIR) \
# note: we cannot clean the snapshot directory since the pipeline builds the snapshot separately
.PHONY: acceptance-linux
acceptance-linux: acceptance-test-deb-package-install acceptance-test-rpm-package-install ## Run acceptance tests on build snapshot binaries and packages (Linux)
.PHONY: acceptance-test-deb-package-install
acceptance-test-deb-package-install: $(RESULTSDIR) $(SNAPSHOTDIR)
$(call title,Running acceptance test: DEB install)
$(ACC_DIR)/ \
$(ACC_DIR) \
.PHONY: acceptance-test-rpm-package-install
acceptance-test-rpm-package-install: $(RESULTSDIR) $(SNAPSHOTDIR)
$(call title,Running acceptance test: RPM install)
$(ACC_DIR)/ \
$(ACC_DIR) \
# note: this is used by CI to determine if the integration test fixture cache (docker image tars) should be busted
find test/cli/test-fixtures/image-* -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum | tee test/cli/test-fixtures/cache.fingerprint && echo "$(CLI_CACHE_BUSTER)" >> test/cli/test-fixtures/cache.fingerprint
.PHONY: cli
cli: $(SNAPSHOTDIR) ## Run CLI tests
chmod 755 "$(SNAPSHOT_CMD)"
$(SNAPSHOT_CMD) version
go test -count=1 -v ./test/cli
.PHONY: changelog
changelog: clean-changelog
@docker run -it --rm \
-v $(shell pwd)/ \
rawkode/mdv \
-t 748.5989 \
$(TEMPDIR)/chronicle -vv >
.PHONY: release
release: clean-dist ## Build and publish final binaries and packages. Intended to be run only on macOS.
$(call title,Publishing release artifacts)
# Prepare for macOS-specific signing process
# login to docker
# note: the previous step creates a new keychain, so it is important to reauth into
@echo $${DOCKER_PASSWORD} | docker login -u $${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin
# create a config with the dist dir overridden
echo "dist: $(DISTDIR)" > $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
cat .goreleaser.yaml >> $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
# release (note the version transformation from v0.7.0 --> 0.7.0)
# DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL needed to support multi architecture builds for goreleaser
bash -c "\
$(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser \
--rm-dist \
--config $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml \
--release-notes <(cat"
# verify checksum signatures
.github/scripts/ "$(DISTDIR)"
# upload the version file that supports the application version update check (excluding pre-releases)
.github/scripts/ "$(DISTDIR)" "$(VERSION)"
.PHONY: clean
clean: clean-dist clean-snapshot clean-test-image-cache ## Remove previous builds, result reports, and test cache
rm -rf $(RESULTSDIR)/*
.PHONY: clean-snapshot
rm -rf $(SNAPSHOTDIR) $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
.PHONY: clean-dist
clean-dist: clean-changelog
rm -rf $(DISTDIR) $(TEMPDIR)/goreleaser.yaml
.PHONY: clean-changelog
rm -f
clean-test-image-cache: clean-test-image-tar-cache clean-test-image-docker-cache
.PHONY: clear-test-image-tar-cache
clean-test-image-tar-cache: ## Delete all test cache (built docker image tars)
find . -type f -wholename "**/test-fixtures/cache/stereoscope-fixture-*.tar" -delete
.PHONY: clear-test-image-docker-cache
clean-test-image-docker-cache: ## Purge all test docker images
docker images --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}' | grep stereoscope-fixture- | awk '{print $$1}' | uniq | xargs docker rmi --force
.PHONY: show-test-image-cache
show-test-image-cache: ## Show all docker and image tar cache
$(call title,Docker daemon cache)
@docker images --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' | grep stereoscope-fixture- | sort
$(call title,Tar cache)
@find . -type f -wholename "**/test-fixtures/cache/stereoscope-fixture-*.tar" | sort
.PHONY: show-test-snapshots
show-test-snapshots: ## Show all test snapshots
$(call title,Test snapshots)
@find . -type f -wholename "**/test-fixtures/snapshot/*" | sort