Christopher Angelo Phillips 75aed5f3ec
(#460) Extend license mapping for common SPDX license names (#509)
Fixes #460 
Signed-off-by: Christopher Angelo Phillips <>
2021-09-30 16:54:36 -04:00

20 lines
761 B

package spdxlicense
import (
// License generated in license_list.go uses a regular expression to help resolve cases where
// x.0.0 and x are supplied as version numbers. For SPDX compatibility, versions with trailing
// dot-zeroes are considered to be equivalent to versions without (e.g., “2.0.0” is considered equal to “2.0” and “2”).
// EX: gpl-2+ ---> GPL-2.0+
// EX: gpl-2.0.0-only ---> GPL-2.0-only
// See the debian link for more details on the spdx license differences
//go:generate go run generate/generate_license_list.go
func ID(id string) (string, bool) {
value, exists := licenseIDs[strings.ToLower(id)]
return value, exists