Alex Goodman 6aaf9ee712
Incorporate import changes + add image overwrite option (#294)
* incorporate import changes + add image overwrite option

Signed-off-by: Alex Goodman <>

* update import tests to account for arbitrary json shape

Signed-off-by: Alex Goodman <>
2020-12-18 16:59:30 -05:00

355 lines
10 KiB

package ui
import (
stereoEventParsers ""
syftEventParsers ""
const maxBarWidth = 50
const statusSet = common.SpinnerDotSet // SpinnerCircleOutlineSet
const completedStatus = "✔" // "●"
const tileFormat = color.Bold
const statusTitleTemplate = " %s %-28s "
const interval = 150 * time.Millisecond
var (
auxInfoFormat = color.HEX("#777777")
dockerPullCompletedColor = color.HEX("#fcba03")
dockerPullDownloadColor = color.HEX("#777777")
dockerPullExtractColor = color.White
dockerPullStageChars = strings.Split("▁▃▄▅▆▇█", "")
// startProcess is a helper function for providing common elements for long-running UI elements (such as a
// progress bar formatter and status spinner)
func startProcess() (format.Simple, *common.Spinner) {
width, _ := frame.GetTerminalSize()
barWidth := int(0.25 * float64(width))
if barWidth > maxBarWidth {
barWidth = maxBarWidth
formatter := format.NewSimpleWithTheme(barWidth, format.HeavyNoBarTheme, format.ColorCompleted, format.ColorTodo)
spinner := common.NewSpinner(statusSet)
return formatter, &spinner
// formatDockerPullPhase returns a single character that represents the status of a layer pull.
func formatDockerPullPhase(phase docker.PullPhase, inputStr string) string {
switch phase {
case docker.WaitingPhase:
// ignore any progress related to waiting
return " "
case docker.PullingFsPhase, docker.DownloadingPhase:
return dockerPullDownloadColor.Sprint(inputStr)
case docker.DownloadCompletePhase:
return dockerPullDownloadColor.Sprint(dockerPullStageChars[len(dockerPullStageChars)-1])
case docker.ExtractingPhase:
return dockerPullExtractColor.Sprint(inputStr)
case docker.VerifyingChecksumPhase, docker.PullCompletePhase:
return dockerPullCompletedColor.Sprint(inputStr)
case docker.AlreadyExistsPhase:
return dockerPullCompletedColor.Sprint(dockerPullStageChars[len(dockerPullStageChars)-1])
return inputStr
// nolint:funlen
// formatDockerImagePullStatus writes the docker image pull status summarized into a single line for the given state.
func formatDockerImagePullStatus(pullStatus *docker.PullStatus, spinner *common.Spinner, line *frame.Line) {
var size, current uint64
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Pulling image")
layers := pullStatus.Layers()
status := make(map[docker.LayerID]docker.LayerState)
completed := make([]string, len(layers))
// fetch the current state
for idx, layer := range layers {
completed[idx] = " "
status[layer] = pullStatus.Current(layer)
numCompleted := 0
for idx, layer := range layers {
prog := status[layer].PhaseProgress
current := prog.Current()
size := prog.Size()
if progress.IsCompleted(prog) {
input := dockerPullStageChars[len(dockerPullStageChars)-1]
completed[idx] = formatDockerPullPhase(status[layer].Phase, input)
} else if current != 0 {
var ratio float64
switch {
case current == 0 || size < 0:
ratio = 0
case current >= size:
ratio = 1
ratio = float64(current) / float64(size)
i := int(ratio * float64(len(dockerPullStageChars)-1))
input := dockerPullStageChars[i]
completed[idx] = formatDockerPullPhase(status[layer].Phase, input)
if progress.IsErrCompleted(status[layer].DownloadProgress.Error()) {
for _, layer := range layers {
prog := status[layer].DownloadProgress
size += uint64(prog.Size())
current += uint64(prog.Current())
var progStr, auxInfo string
if len(layers) > 0 {
render := strings.Join(completed, "")
prefix := dockerPullCompletedColor.Sprintf("%d Layers", len(layers))
auxInfo = auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%s / %s]", humanize.Bytes(current), humanize.Bytes(size))
if len(layers) == numCompleted {
auxInfo = auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%s] Extracting...", humanize.Bytes(size))
progStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s▕%s▏", prefix, render)
spin := color.Magenta.Sprint(spinner.Next())
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s%s", spin, title, progStr, auxInfo))
// PullDockerImageHandler periodically writes a formatted line widget representing a docker image pull event.
func PullDockerImageHandler(ctx context.Context, fr *frame.Frame, event partybus.Event, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
_, pullStatus, err := stereoEventParsers.ParsePullDockerImage(event)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s event: %w", event.Type, err)
line, err := fr.Append()
if err != nil {
return err
_, spinner := startProcess()
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break loop
case <-time.After(interval):
formatDockerImagePullStatus(pullStatus, spinner, line)
if pullStatus.Complete() {
break loop
if pullStatus.Complete() {
spin := color.Green.Sprint(completedStatus)
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Pulled image")
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate, spin, title))
return err
// FetchImageHandler periodically writes a the image save and write-to-disk process in the form of a progress bar.
// nolint:dupl
func FetchImageHandler(ctx context.Context, fr *frame.Frame, event partybus.Event, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
_, prog, err := stereoEventParsers.ParseFetchImage(event)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s event: %w", event.Type, err)
line, err := fr.Append()
if err != nil {
return err
formatter, spinner := startProcess()
stream := progress.Stream(ctx, prog, interval)
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Loading image")
formatFn := func(p progress.Progress) {
progStr, err := formatter.Format(p)
spin := color.Magenta.Sprint(spinner.Next())
if err != nil {
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %+v", err))
} else {
auxInfo := auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%s]", prog.Stage())
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s %s", spin, title, progStr, auxInfo))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range stream {
spin := color.Green.Sprint(completedStatus)
title = tileFormat.Sprint("Loaded image")
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate, spin, title))
return err
// ReadImageHandler periodically writes a the image read/parse/build-tree status in the form of a progress bar.
func ReadImageHandler(ctx context.Context, fr *frame.Frame, event partybus.Event, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
_, prog, err := stereoEventParsers.ParseReadImage(event)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s event: %w", event.Type, err)
line, err := fr.Append()
if err != nil {
return err
formatter, spinner := startProcess()
stream := progress.Stream(ctx, prog, interval)
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Parsing image")
formatFn := func(p progress.Progress) {
progStr, err := formatter.Format(p)
spin := color.Magenta.Sprint(spinner.Next())
if err != nil {
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %+v", err))
} else {
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s", spin, title, progStr))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range stream {
spin := color.Green.Sprint(completedStatus)
title = tileFormat.Sprint("Parsed image")
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate, spin, title))
return nil
// CatalogerStartedHandler periodically writes catalog statistics to a single line.
func CatalogerStartedHandler(ctx context.Context, fr *frame.Frame, event partybus.Event, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
monitor, err := syftEventParsers.ParseCatalogerStarted(event)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s event: %w", event.Type, err)
line, err := fr.Append()
if err != nil {
return err
_, spinner := startProcess()
stream := progress.StreamMonitors(ctx, []progress.Monitorable{monitor.FilesProcessed, monitor.PackagesDiscovered}, interval)
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Cataloging image")
formatFn := func(p int64) {
spin := color.Magenta.Sprint(spinner.Next())
auxInfo := auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[packages %d]", p)
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s", spin, title, auxInfo))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range stream {
spin := color.Green.Sprint(completedStatus)
title = tileFormat.Sprint("Cataloged image")
auxInfo := auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%d packages]", monitor.PackagesDiscovered.Current())
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s", spin, title, auxInfo))
return nil
// ImportStartedHandler shows the intermittent upload progress to Anchore Enterprise.
// nolint:dupl
func ImportStartedHandler(ctx context.Context, fr *frame.Frame, event partybus.Event, wg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
host, prog, err := syftEventParsers.ParseImportStarted(event)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad %s event: %w", event.Type, err)
line, err := fr.Append()
if err != nil {
return err
formatter, spinner := startProcess()
stream := progress.Stream(ctx, prog, interval)
title := tileFormat.Sprint("Uploading image")
formatFn := func(p progress.Progress) {
progStr, err := formatter.Format(p)
spin := color.Magenta.Sprint(spinner.Next())
if err != nil {
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf("Error: %+v", err))
} else {
auxInfo := auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%s]", prog.Stage())
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s %s", spin, title, progStr, auxInfo))
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for p := range stream {
spin := color.Green.Sprint(completedStatus)
title = tileFormat.Sprint("Uploaded image")
auxInfo := auxInfoFormat.Sprintf("[%s]", host)
_, _ = io.WriteString(line, fmt.Sprintf(statusTitleTemplate+"%s", spin, title, auxInfo))
return err