version: "3" vars: OWNER: anchore PROJECT: syft CACHE_IMAGE:{{ .OWNER }}/{{ .PROJECT }}/test-fixture-cache:latest # static file dirs TOOL_DIR: .tool TMP_DIR: .tmp ORAS_CACHE: "{{ .TMP_DIR }}/oras-cache" CACHE_PATHS_FILE: "{{ .TMP_DIR }}/cache_paths.json" LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE: "{{ .TMP_DIR }}/last_cache_paths.json" # TOOLS ORAS: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/oras" YQ: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/yq" TASK: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/task" # used for changelog generation CHANGELOG: NEXT_VERSION: VERSION # used for snapshot builds OS: sh: uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' ARCH: sh: | [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ] && echo "amd64_v1" || echo $(uname -m) PROJECT_ROOT: sh: echo $PWD # note: the snapshot dir must be a relative path starting with ./ SNAPSHOT_DIR: ./snapshot SNAPSHOT_BIN: "{{ .PROJECT_ROOT }}/{{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }}/{{ .OS }}-build_{{ .OS }}_{{ .ARCH }}/{{ .PROJECT }}" SNAPSHOT_CMD: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/goreleaser release --config {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml --clean --snapshot --skip=publish --skip=sign" BUILD_CMD: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/goreleaser build --config {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml --clean --snapshot --single-target" RELEASE_CMD: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/goreleaser release --clean --release-notes {{ .CHANGELOG }}" VERSION: sh: git describe --dirty --always --tags # used for install and acceptance testing COMPARE_DIR: ./test/compare COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE: centos:8.2.2004 env: GNUMAKEFLAGS: '--no-print-directory' tasks: ## High-level tasks ################################# default: desc: Run all validation tasks aliases: - pr-validations - validations cmds: - task: static-analysis - task: test - task: install-test static-analysis: desc: Run all static analysis tasks cmds: - task: check-go-mod-tidy - task: check-licenses - task: lint - task: check-json-schema-drift - task: check-binary-fixture-size test: desc: Run all levels of test cmds: - task: unit - task: integration - task: validate-cyclonedx-schema - task: benchmark - task: test-utils - task: cli - task: check-docker-cache ## Bootstrap tasks ################################# binny: internal: true # desc: Get the binny tool generates: - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny" status: - "test -f {{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny" cmd: "curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b .tool" silent: true tools: desc: Install all tools needed for CI and local development deps: [binny] aliases: - bootstrap generates: - ".binny.yaml" - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/*" status: - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny check -v" cmd: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny install -v" silent: true update-tools: desc: Update pinned versions of all tools to their latest available versions deps: [binny] generates: - ".binny.yaml" - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/*" cmd: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny update -v" silent: true list-tools: desc: List all tools needed for CI and local development deps: [binny] cmd: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny list" silent: true list-tool-updates: desc: List all tools that are not up to date relative to the binny config deps: [binny] cmd: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/binny list --updates" silent: true tmpdir: silent: true generates: - "{{ .TMP_DIR }}" cmd: "mkdir -p {{ .TMP_DIR }}" ## Static analysis tasks ################################# format: desc: Auto-format all source code deps: [tools] cmds: - gofmt -w -s . - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/gosimports -local -w ." - go mod tidy lint-fix: desc: Auto-format all source code + run golangci lint fixers deps: [tools] cmds: - task: format - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/golangci-lint run --tests=false --fix" lint: desc: Run gofmt + golangci lint checks vars: BAD_FMT_FILES: sh: gofmt -l -s . BAD_FILE_NAMES: sh: "find . | grep -e ':' || true" deps: [tools] cmds: # ensure there are no go fmt differences - cmd: 'test -z "{{ .BAD_FMT_FILES }}" || (echo "files with gofmt issues: [{{ .BAD_FMT_FILES }}]"; exit 1)' silent: true # ensure there are no files with ":" in it (a known back case in the go ecosystem) - cmd: 'test -z "{{ .BAD_FILE_NAMES }}" || (echo "files with bad names: [{{ .BAD_FILE_NAMES }}]"; exit 1)' silent: true # run linting - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/golangci-lint run --tests=false" check-licenses: # desc: Ensure transitive dependencies are compliant with the current license policy deps: [tools] cmd: "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/bouncer check ./..." check-go-mod-tidy: # desc: Ensure go.mod and go.sum are up to date cmds: - cmd: .github/scripts/ && echo "go.mod and go.sum are tidy!" silent: true check-json-schema-drift: desc: Ensure there is no drift between the JSON schema and the code cmds: - .github/scripts/ check-binary-fixture-size: desc: Ensure that the binary test fixtures are not too large cmds: - .github/scripts/ syft/pkg/cataloger/binary/test-fixtures/classifiers/snippets ## Testing tasks ################################# unit: desc: Run unit tests deps: - tmpdir - fixtures vars: TEST_PKGS: sh: "go list ./... | grep -v {{ .OWNER }}/{{ .PROJECT }}/test | grep -v {{ .OWNER }}/{{ .PROJECT }}/cmd/syft/internal/test | tr '\n' ' '" # unit test coverage threshold (in % coverage) COVERAGE_THRESHOLD: 62 cmds: - "go test -coverprofile {{ .TMP_DIR }}/unit-coverage-details.txt {{ .TEST_PKGS }}" - cmd: ".github/scripts/ {{ .COVERAGE_THRESHOLD }} {{ .TMP_DIR }}/unit-coverage-details.txt" silent: true integration: desc: Run integration tests cmds: - "go test -v ./cmd/syft/internal/test/integration" # exercise most of the CLI with the data race detector - "go run -race cmd/syft/main.go alpine:latest" validate-cyclonedx-schema: desc: Run integration tests cmds: - "cd schema/cyclonedx && make" cli: desc: Run CLI tests # note: we don't want to regenerate the snapshot unless we have to. In CI it's probable # that the cache being restored with the correct binary will be rebuilt since the timestamps # and local checksums will not line up. deps: [tools, snapshot] cmds: - cmd: "echo 'testing binary: {{ .SNAPSHOT_BIN }}'" silent: true - cmd: "test -f {{ .SNAPSHOT_BIN }} || (find {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }} && echo '\nno snapshot found' && false)" silent: true - "go test -count=1 -timeout=15m -v ./test/cli" env: SYFT_BINARY_LOCATION: "{{ .SNAPSHOT_BIN }}" test-utils: desc: Run tests for pipeline utils cmds: - cmd: .github/scripts/ ## Benchmark test targets ################################# benchmark: deps: [tmpdir] generates: - "{{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-main.txt" cmds: - "go test -p 1 -run=^Benchmark -bench=. -count=7 -benchmem ./... | tee {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-{{ .VERSION }}.txt" - | bash -c "(test -s {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-main.txt && \ {{ .TOOL_DIR }}/benchstat {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-main.txt {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-{{ .VERSION }}.txt || \ {{ .TOOL_DIR }}/benchstat {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchmark-{{ .VERSION }}.txt) \ | tee {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchstat.txt" show-benchstat: deps: [benchmark, tmpdir] cmds: - cmd: "cat {{ .TMP_DIR }}/benchstat.txt" silent: true ## Test-fixture-related targets ################################# fingerprints: desc: Generate fingerprints for all non-docker test fixture silent: true # this will look for `test-fixtures/Makefile` and invoke the `fingerprint` target to calculate all cache input fingerprint files generates: - '**/test-fixtures/**/*.fingerprint' - test/install/cache.fingerprint cmds: - | BOLD='\033[1m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' RESET='\033[0m' echo -e "${YELLOW}creating fingerprint files for non-docker fixtures...${RESET}" for dir in $(find . -type d -name 'test-fixtures'); do if [ -f "$dir/Makefile" ]; then # for debugging... #echo -e "${YELLOW}• calculating fingerprints in $dir... ${RESET}" (make -C "$dir" fingerprint) fi done # for debugging... # echo -e "generated all fixture fingerprints" - .github/scripts/ - | # if DOWNLOAD_TEST_FIXTURE_CACHE is set to 'false', then we don't need to calculate the fingerprint for the cache if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TEST_FIXTURE_CACHE" = "false" ]; then exit 0 fi .github/scripts/ {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} > /dev/null refresh-fixtures: desc: Clear and fetch all test fixture cache aliases: - fixtures silent: true deps: - tools cmds: - | BOLD='\033[1m' PURPLE='\033[0;35m' RESET='\033[0m' # if DOWNLOAD_TEST_FIXTURE_CACHE is set to 'false', then skip the cache download and always build if [ "$DOWNLOAD_TEST_FIXTURE_CACHE" = "false" ]; then echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}skipping cache download, rebuilding cache...${RESET}" {{ .TASK }} build-fixtures exit 0 fi LATEST_FINGERPRINT=$(docker manifest inspect {{ .CACHE_IMAGE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.annotations.fingerprint') echo "latest cache: $LATEST_FINGERPRINT" if [ -f {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }} ]; then LAST_PULL_FINGERPRINT=$(cat {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.digest') else echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}empty cache, downloading cache...${RESET}" {{ .TASK }} download-test-fixture-cache exit 0 fi {{ .TASK }} fingerprints WANT_FINGERPRINT=$(cat {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.digest') echo "desired cache: $WANT_FINGERPRINT" echo "last pulled cache: $LAST_PULL_FINGERPRINT" # if we already have the latest cache, skip the refresh if [ "$LAST_PULL_FINGERPRINT" = "$WANT_FINGERPRINT" ]; then echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}already have the latest cache (skipping cache download)${RESET}" exit 0 fi # at this point we only refresh the cache if we want the same cache that is currently available. # we don't by default refresh the cache if the cache if it is simply different from what we have, # because we may be working on a code change that doesn't require a cache refresh (but could trigger one, # which would be annoying to deal with in a development workflow). if [ "$LATEST_FINGERPRINT" = "$WANT_FINGERPRINT" ]; then echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}found newer cache! downloading cache...${RESET}" {{ .TASK }} download-test-fixture-cache else echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}found different cache, but isn't clear if it's newer (skipping cache download and manually building)${RESET}" {{ .YQ }} eval '.paths[] | "\(.digest) \(.path)"' {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }} > .tmp/last_cache_lines {{ .YQ }} eval '.paths[] | "\(.digest) \(.path)"' {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} > .tmp/cache_lines diff .tmp/last_cache_lines .tmp/cache_lines || true echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}diff with more context...${RESET}" diff -U10000 {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }} {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} || true echo -e "${BOLD}${PURPLE}detected changes to input material, manually building fixtures...${RESET}" {{ .TASK }} build-fixtures fi build-fixtures: desc: Generate all non-docker test fixtures silent: true # this will look for `test-fixtures/Makefile` and invoke the `fixtures` target to generate any and all test fixtures cmds: - | BOLD='\033[1m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' RESET='\033[0m' # Use a for loop with command substitution to avoid subshell issues for dir in $(find . -type d -name 'test-fixtures'); do if [ -f "$dir/Makefile" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}${BOLD}generating fixtures in $dir${RESET}" (make -C "$dir" fixtures) fi done echo -e "${BOLD}generated all fixtures${RESET}" download-test-fixture-cache: desc: Download test fixture cache from deps: [tools, clean-cache] vars: CACHE_DIGEST: sh: docker manifest inspect {{ .CACHE_IMAGE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.annotations.fingerprint' cmds: - silent: true cmd: | # if oras cache is > 4 GB, delete it if [ -d {{ .ORAS_CACHE }} ]; then total_size=$(du -c {{ .ORAS_CACHE }} | grep total | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$total_size" -gt 4194304 ]; then echo 'deleting oras cache' rm -rf {{ .ORAS_CACHE }} fi fi - "ORAS_CACHE={{ .ORAS_CACHE }} {{ .ORAS }} pull {{ .CACHE_IMAGE }}" - "cp {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }}" upload-test-fixture-cache: desc: Upload the test fixture cache to deps: [tools, fingerprints] silent: true cmd: | set -eu oras_command="{{ .ORAS }} push {{ .CACHE_IMAGE }}" paths=$(cat {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.paths[].path') for path in $paths; do oras_command+=" $path" done oras_command+=" {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }}" oras_command+=" --annotation org.opencontainers.image.source={{ .OWNER }}/{{ .PROJECT }}" oras_command+=" --annotation fingerprint=$(cat {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }} | {{ .YQ }} -r '.digest')" echo "Executing: $oras_command" eval $oras_command show-test-image-cache: silent: true cmds: - "echo 'Docker daemon cache:'" - "docker images --format '{{`{{.ID}}`}} {{`{{.Repository}}`}}:{{`{{.Tag}}`}}' | grep stereoscope-fixture- | sort" - "echo '\nTar cache:'" - 'find . -type f -wholename "**/test-fixtures/cache/stereoscope-fixture-*.tar" | sort' check-docker-cache: desc: Ensure docker caches aren't using too much disk space silent: true cmd: | total_size=$(find . | grep cache | grep tar | xargs du -c | grep total | awk '{print $1}') find . | grep cache | grep tar | xargs du echo "total $total_size KB" if [ "$total_size" -gt 1048576 ]; then echo 'docker cache is larger than 1GB' exit 1 fi ## testing targets ################################# install-test: cmds: - "cd test/install && make" install-test-cache-save: cmds: - "cd test/install && make save" install-test-cache-load: cmds: - "cd test/install && make load" install-test-ci-mac: cmds: - "cd test/install && make ci-test-mac" generate-compare-file: cmd: "go run ./cmd/syft {{ .COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE }} -o json > {{ .COMPARE_DIR }}/test-fixtures/acceptance-{{ .COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE }}.json" compare-mac: deps: [tmpdir] cmd: | {{ .COMPARE_DIR }}/ \ {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE }} \ {{ .TMP_DIR }} compare-linux: cmds: - task: compare-test-deb-package-install - task: compare-test-rpm-package-install compare-test-deb-package-install: deps: [tmpdir] cmd: | {{ .COMPARE_DIR }}/ \ {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE }} \ {{ .TMP_DIR }} compare-test-rpm-package-install: deps: [tmpdir] cmd: | {{ .COMPARE_DIR }}/ \ {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_DIR }} \ {{ .COMPARE_TEST_IMAGE }} \ {{ .TMP_DIR }} ## Code and data generation targets ################################# generate: desc: Add data generation tasks cmds: - task: generate-json-schema - task: generate-license-list - task: generate-cpe-dictionary-index generate-json-schema: desc: Generate a new JSON schema cmds: - "cd syft/internal && go generate . && cd jsonschema && go run . && go fmt ../..." generate-license-list: desc: Generate an updated license processing code off of the latest available SPDX license list cmds: - "go generate ./internal/spdxlicense/..." - "gofmt -s -w ./internal/spdxlicense" generate-cpe-dictionary-index: desc: Generate the CPE index based off of the latest available CPE dictionary dir: "syft/pkg/cataloger/internal/cpegenerate/dictionary" cmds: - "go generate" ## Build-related targets ################################# build: desc: Build the project deps: [tools, tmpdir] generates: - "{{ .PROJECT }}" cmds: - silent: true cmd: | echo "dist: {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }}" > {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml cat .goreleaser.yaml >> {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml - "{{ .BUILD_CMD }}" snapshot: desc: Create a snapshot release aliases: - build deps: [tools, tmpdir] sources: - cmd/**/*.go - syft/**/*.go - internal/**/*.go method: checksum generates: - "{{ .SNAPSHOT_BIN }}" cmds: - silent: true cmd: | echo "dist: {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }}" > {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml cat .goreleaser.yaml >> {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml - "{{ .SNAPSHOT_CMD }}" changelog: desc: Generate a changelog deps: [tools] generates: - "{{ .CHANGELOG }}" - "{{ .NEXT_VERSION }}" cmds: - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/chronicle -vv -n --version-file {{ .NEXT_VERSION }} > {{ .CHANGELOG }}" - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/glow {{ .CHANGELOG }}" ## Release targets ################################# release: desc: Create a release interactive: true deps: [tools] cmds: - cmd: .github/scripts/ silent: true ## CI-only targets ################################# ci-check: # desc: "[CI only] Are you in CI?" cmds: - cmd: .github/scripts/ silent: true ci-release: # desc: "[CI only] Create a release" deps: [tools] cmds: - task: ci-check - "{{ .TOOL_DIR }}/chronicle -vvv >" - cmd: "cat" silent: true - "{{ .RELEASE_CMD }}" ci-release-version-file: # desc: "[CI only] Update the version file" deps: [tools] cmds: - task: ci-check - ".github/scripts/ {{ .RELEASE_VERSION }}" requires: vars: - RELEASE_VERSION ## Cleanup targets ################################# clean-snapshot: desc: Remove any snapshot builds cmds: - "rm -rf {{ .SNAPSHOT_DIR }}" - "rm -rf {{ .TMP_DIR }}/goreleaser.yaml" clean-docker-cache: desc: Remove all docker cache tars and images from the daemon cmds: - find . -type d -wholename "**/test-fixtures/cache" | xargs rm -rf - docker images --format '{{`{{.ID}}`}} {{`{{.Repository}}`}}' | grep stereoscope-fixture- | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | xargs -r docker rmi --force clean-oras-cache: desc: Remove all cache for oras commands cmd: rm -rf {{ .ORAS_CACHE }} clean-cache: desc: Remove all image docker tar cache, images from the docker daemon, and ephemeral test fixtures cmds: - task: clean-docker-cache - | BOLD='\033[1m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' RESET='\033[0m' # Use a for loop with command substitution to avoid subshell issues for dir in $(find . -type d -name 'test-fixtures'); do if [ -f "$dir/Makefile" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}${BOLD}deleting ephemeral test fixtures in $dir${RESET}" (make -C "$dir" clean) fi done echo -e "${BOLD}Deleted all ephemeral test fixtures${RESET}" - rm -f {{ .LAST_CACHE_PULL_FILE }} {{ .CACHE_PATHS_FILE }}