package cli import ( "fmt" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" ) func TestPackagesCmdFlags(t *testing.T) { hiddenPackagesImage := "docker-archive:" + getFixtureImage(t, "image-hidden-packages") coverageImage := "docker-archive:" + getFixtureImage(t, "image-pkg-coverage") nodeBinaryImage := "docker-archive:" + getFixtureImage(t, "image-node-binary") //badBinariesImage := "docker-archive:" + getFixtureImage(t, "image-bad-binaries") tmp := t.TempDir() + "/" tests := []struct { name string args []string env map[string]string assertions []traitAssertion }{ { name: "no-args-shows-help", args: []string{"packages"}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("an image/directory argument is required"), // specific error that should be shown assertInOutput("Generate a packaged-based Software Bill Of Materials"), // excerpt from help description assertFailingReturnCode, }, }, { name: "json-output-flag", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertJsonReport, assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "multiple-output-flags", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "table", "-o", "json=" + tmp + ".tmp/multiple-output-flag-test.json", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertTableReport, assertFileExists(tmp + ".tmp/multiple-output-flag-test.json"), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, // I haven't been able to reproduce locally yet, but in CI this has proven to be unstable: // For the same commit: // pass: // fail: // For the meantime this test will be commented out, but should be added back in as soon as possible. // //{ // name: "regression-survive-bad-binaries", // // this image has all sorts of rich binaries from the clang-13 test suite that should do pretty bad things // // to the go cataloger binary path. We should NEVER let a panic stop the cataloging process for these // // specific cases. // // // this is more of an integration test, however, to assert the output we want to see from the application // // a CLI test is much easier. // args: []string{"packages", "-vv", badBinariesImage}, // assertions: []traitAssertion{ // assertInOutput("could not parse possible go binary"), // assertSuccessfulReturnCode, // }, //}, { name: "output-env-binding", env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_OUTPUT": "json", }, args: []string{"packages", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertJsonReport, assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "table-output-flag", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "table", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertTableReport, assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "default-output-flag", args: []string{"packages", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertTableReport, assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "squashed-scope-flag", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", "-s", "squashed", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertPackageCount(34), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "squashed-scope-flag-hidden-packages", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", "-s", "squashed", hiddenPackagesImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertPackageCount(163), assertNotInOutput("vsftpd"), // hidden package assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "all-layers-scope-flag", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", "-s", "all-layers", hiddenPackagesImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertPackageCount(164), // packages are now deduplicated for this case assertInOutput("all-layers"), assertInOutput("vsftpd"), // hidden package assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "all-layers-scope-flag-by-env", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", hiddenPackagesImage}, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_PACKAGE_CATALOGER_SCOPE": "all-layers", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertPackageCount(164), // packages are now deduplicated for this case assertInOutput("all-layers"), assertInOutput("vsftpd"), // hidden package assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { // we want to make certain that syft can catalog a single go binary and get a SBOM report that is not empty name: "catalog-single-go-binary", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", getSyftBinaryLocation(t)}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertJsonReport, assertStdoutLengthGreaterThan(1000), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "catalog-node-js-binary", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", nodeBinaryImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertJsonReport, assertInOutput("node.js"), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "responds-to-package-cataloger-search-options", args: []string{"packages", "-vv"}, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_PACKAGE_SEARCH_UNINDEXED_ARCHIVES": "true", "SYFT_PACKAGE_SEARCH_INDEXED_ARCHIVES": "false", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ // the application config in the log matches that of what we expect to have been configured. Note: // we are not testing further wiring of this option, only that the config responds to // package-cataloger-level options. assertInOutput("search-unindexed-archives: true"), assertInOutput("search-indexed-archives: false"), }, }, { name: "platform-option-wired-up", args: []string{"packages", "--platform", "arm64", "-o", "json", "registry:busybox:1.31"}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("sha256:1ee006886991ad4689838d3a288e0dd3fd29b70e276622f16b67a8922831a853"), // linux/arm64 image digest assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "json-file-flag", args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", "--file", filepath.Join(tmp, "output-1.json"), coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertSuccessfulReturnCode, assertFileOutput(t, filepath.Join(tmp, "output-1.json"), assertJsonReport, ), }, }, { name: "json-output-flag-to-file", args: []string{"packages", "-o", fmt.Sprintf("json=%s", filepath.Join(tmp, "output-2.json")), coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertSuccessfulReturnCode, assertFileOutput(t, filepath.Join(tmp, "output-2.json"), assertJsonReport, ), }, }, { name: "catalogers-option", // This will detect enable python-index-cataloger, python-package-cataloger and ruby-gemspec cataloger args: []string{"packages", "-o", "json", "--catalogers", "python,ruby-gemspec", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertPackageCount(13), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "override-default-parallelism", args: []string{"packages", "-vvv", "-o", "json", coverageImage}, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_PARALLELISM": "2", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ // the application config in the log matches that of what we expect to have been configured. assertInOutput("parallelism: 2"), assertInOutput("parallelism=2"), assertPackageCount(34), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, { name: "default-parallelism", args: []string{"packages", "-vvv", "-o", "json", coverageImage}, assertions: []traitAssertion{ // the application config in the log matches that of what we expect to have been configured. assertInOutput("parallelism: 1"), assertInOutput("parallelism=1"), assertPackageCount(34), assertSuccessfulReturnCode, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cmd, stdout, stderr := runSyft(t, test.env, test.args...) for _, traitFn := range test.assertions { traitFn(t, stdout, stderr, cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()) } if t.Failed() { t.Log("STDOUT:\n", stdout) t.Log("STDERR:\n", stderr) t.Log("COMMAND:", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } }) } } func TestRegistryAuth(t *testing.T) { host := "localhost:17" image := fmt.Sprintf("%s/something:latest", host) args := []string{"packages", "-vv", fmt.Sprintf("registry:%s", image)} tests := []struct { name string args []string env map[string]string assertions []traitAssertion }{ { name: "fallback to keychain", args: args, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("source=OciRegistry"), assertInOutput(image), assertInOutput("no registry credentials configured, using the default keychain"), }, }, { name: "use creds", args: args, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_AUTHORITY": host, "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_USERNAME": "username", "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_PASSWORD": "password", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("source=OciRegistry"), assertInOutput(image), assertInOutput(fmt.Sprintf(`using basic auth for registry "%s"`, host)), }, }, { name: "use token", args: args, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_AUTHORITY": host, "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN": "token", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("source=OciRegistry"), assertInOutput(image), assertInOutput(fmt.Sprintf(`using token for registry "%s"`, host)), }, }, { name: "not enough info fallsback to keychain", args: args, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_REGISTRY_AUTH_AUTHORITY": host, }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("source=OciRegistry"), assertInOutput(image), assertInOutput(`no registry credentials configured, using the default keychain`), }, }, { name: "allows insecure http flag", args: args, env: map[string]string{ "SYFT_REGISTRY_INSECURE_USE_HTTP": "true", }, assertions: []traitAssertion{ assertInOutput("insecure-use-http: true"), }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cmd, stdout, stderr := runSyft(t, test.env, test.args...) for _, traitAssertionFn := range test.assertions { traitAssertionFn(t, stdout, stderr, cmd.ProcessState.ExitCode()) } if t.Failed() { t.Log("STDOUT:\n", stdout) t.Log("STDERR:\n", stderr) t.Log("COMMAND:", strings.Join(cmd.Args, " ")) } }) } }