#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ue BIN="syft" VERSION_FILE="VERSION" VERSION=$1 # the source of truth as to whether we want to notify users of an update is if the release just created is NOT # flagged as a pre-release on github if [[ "$(curl -SsL https://api.github.com/repos/anchore/${BIN}/releases/tags/${VERSION} | jq .prerelease)" == "true" ]] ; then echo "skipping publishing a version file (this is a pre-release: ${VERSION})" exit 0 fi echo "creating and publishing version file (${VERSION})" # create a version file for version-update checks echo "${VERSION}" | tee "${VERSION_FILE}" # upload the version file that supports the application version update check export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2 aws s3 cp "${VERSION_FILE}" s3://toolbox-data.anchore.io/${BIN}/releases/latest/VERSION