Daniel Thwaites ba5565d698
Refactor palette generator ♻️
Simplified a lot of code which was unnecessarily generic.

Now using monads to manage the state of the random number generator
rather than passing it around by hand.

Also made some performance improvements, then increased the population
size so more combinations are tried in a similar length of time.
2023-07-08 14:28:15 +01:00

27 lines
690 B

module Stylix.Output ( makeOutputTable ) where
import Data.Colour ( RGB(RGB) )
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Word ( Word8 )
import Text.JSON ( JSObject, toJSObject )
import Text.Printf ( printf )
toHexNum :: Double -> Word8
toHexNum = truncate
{- |
Convert a colour to a hexdecimal string.
>>> toHex (RGB 255 255 255)
toHex :: RGB -> String
toHex (RGB r g b) = printf "%02x%02x%02x" (toHexNum r) (toHexNum g) (toHexNum b)
-- | Convert a palette to the JSON format expected by Stylix's NixOS modules.
makeOutputTable :: V.Vector RGB -> JSObject String
= toJSObject
. V.toList
. V.imap (\i c -> (printf "base%02X" i, c))
. toHex