{ pkgs, pkgsLib, coricamuLib, config, inputs, ... }: { baseUrl = "https://danth.github.io/stylix/"; siteTitle = "Stylix"; language = "en-gb"; header.html = ''


''; pages = [ { path = "index.html"; title = "Stylix"; body.markdownFile = pkgs.runCommand "index.md" {} '' # Remove the title line tail -n+2 ${../README.md} >$out ''; } { path = "options.html"; title = "NixOS options"; body.docbook = let configuration = pkgsLib.nixosSystem { inherit (pkgs) system; modules = [ inputs.self.nixosModules.stylix ./settings.nix { _module.check = false; } ]; }; in coricamuLib.makeOptionsDocBook { inherit (configuration) options; customFilter = option: builtins.elemAt option.loc 0 == "stylix"; }; } { path = "options-hm.html"; title = "Home Manager options"; body.docbook = let configuration = inputs.home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration { inherit pkgs; modules = [ inputs.self.homeManagerModules.stylix ./settings.nix { home = { homeDirectory = "/home/docs"; stateVersion = "22.11"; username = "docs"; }; } ]; check = false; }; in coricamuLib.makeOptionsDocBook { inherit (configuration) options; customFilter = option: builtins.elemAt option.loc 0 == "stylix"; }; } ]; files.haddock = let ghc = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; [ json JuicyPixels random ]); in pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { name = "palette-generator-haddock"; src = ../palette-generator; buildInputs = [ ghc ]; buildPhase = '' haddock $src/**/*.hs \ --html \ --ignore-all-exports \ --use-contents '${config.baseUrl}' \ --odir $out ''; dontInstall = true; dontFixup = true; }; }