2015-03-30 21:18:42 +02:00

243 lines
5.2 KiB

class Schedule extends ModelBase
public function isEnabled() {
return $this->has('SCHEDULE');
public function getSimulationOffset() {
return $this->get('SCHEDULE.SIMULATE_OFFSET', 0);
public function getScale() {
return floatval(get('SCHEDULE.SCALE', 7));
private function fetchSchedule()
$opts = array(
'http' => array(
'timeout' => 2,
'user_agent' => 'C3Voc Universal Streaming-Website Backend @ '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
$schedule = file_get_contents($this->getScheduleUrl(), false, $context);
throw new ScheduleException("Error Downloading Schedule from ".$this->getScheduleUrl());
return simplexml_load_string($schedule);
public function getSchedule()
if($schedule = $this->getCached())
return $schedule;
// download schedule-xml
$schedule = $this->fetchSchedule();
$mapping = $this->getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping();
$program = array();
// re-calculate day-ends
// some schedules have long gaps before the first talk or talks that expand beyond the dayend
// (fiffkon, i look at you)
// so to be on the safer side we calculate our own daystart/end here
foreach($schedule->day as $day)
$daystart = PHP_INT_MAX;
$dayend = 0;
foreach($day->room as $room)
foreach($room->event as $event)
$start = strtotime((string)$event->date);
$duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration);
$end = $start + $duration;
$daystart = min($daystart, $start);
$dayend = max($dayend, $end);
$day['start'] = $daystart;
$day['end'] = $dayend;
$dayidx = 0;
foreach($schedule->day as $day)
$daystart = (int)$day['start'];
$dayend = (int)$day['end'];
$roomidx = 0;
foreach($day->room as $room)
$lastend = false;
$name = (string)$room['name'];
$name = $mapping[$name];
foreach($room->event as $event)
$start = strtotime((string)$event->date);
$duration = $this->strToDuration((string)$event->duration);
$end = $start + $duration;
if($lastend && $lastend < $start)
// synthesize pause event
$pauseduration = $start - $lastend;
$program[$name][] = array(
'special' => 'pause',
'title' => round($pauseduration / 60).' minutes pause',
'fstart' => date('c', $lastend),
'fend' => date('c', $start),
'start' => $lastend,
'end' => $start,
'duration' => $pauseduration,
else if(!$lastend && $daystart < $start)
$program[$name][] = array(
'special' => 'gap',
'fstart' => date('c', $daystart),
'fend' => date('c', $start),
'start' => $daystart,
'end' => $start,
'duration' => $start - $daystart,
$personnames = array();
foreach($event->persons->person as $person)
$personnames[] = (string)$person;
$program[$name][] = array(
'title' => (string)$event->title,
'speaker' => implode(', ', $personnames),
'fstart' => date('c', $start),
'fend' => date('c', $end),
'start' => $start,
'end' => $end,
'duration' => $duration,
$lastend = $end;
// synthesize daychange event
if(!$lastend) $lastend = $daystart;
if($lastend < $dayend)
$program[$name][] = array(
'special' => 'gap',
'fstart' => date('c', $lastend),
'fend' => date('c', $dayend),
'start' => $lastend,
'end' => $dayend,
'duration' => $dayend - $lastend,
if($dayidx < count($schedule->day))
$program[$name][] = array(
'special' => 'daychange',
'title' => 'Daychange from Day '.$dayidx.' to '.($dayidx+1),
'start' => $dayend,
'end' => (int)$schedule->day[$dayidx]['start'],
'duration' => 60*60,
return $this->doCache($program);
public function getDurationSum()
$sum = 0;
foreach(reset($this->getSchedule()) as $event)
$sum += $event['duration'];
return $sum;
private function strToDuration($str)
$parts = explode(':', $str);
return ((int)$parts[0] * 60 + (int)$parts[1]) * 60;
private function getScheduleUrl()
return get('SCHEDULE.URL');
private function isCacheEnabled()
return has('SCHEDULE.CACHE') && function_exists('apc_fetch') && function_exists('apc_store');
private function getCacheDuration()
return get('SCHEDULE.CACHE', 60*10 /* 10 minutes */);
private $localCache = null;
private function getCached()
return $this->localCache;
return null;
return apc_fetch('SCHEDULE.CACHE');
private function doCache($value)
$this->localCache = $value;
return $value;
apc_store('SCHEDULE.CACHE', $value, $this->getCacheDuration());
return $value;
private function getScheduleToRoomSlugMapping()
$mapping = array();
foreach($this->get('ROOMS') as $slug => $room)
$mapping[ $room['SCHEDULE_NAME'] ] = $slug;
return $mapping;