conference = $conference; if(preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_\-]/i', $slug)) throw new Exception('Room Slug contains invalid Characters: "'.$slug.'"'); if(!$this->getConference()->hasRoom($slug)) throw new NotFoundException('Room '.$slug); $this->slug = $slug; $this->guid = $this->get('GUID'); $schedule = $conference->getSchedule(); $talksPerRoom = $schedule->getSchedule(); $scheduleName = $this->getScheduleName(); $this->talks = isset($talksPerRoom[$scheduleName]) ? $talksPerRoom[$scheduleName] : []; } public function getCurrentTalk($now) { return array_filter_last($this->talks, function($talk) use ($now) { return $talk['start'] < $now && $talk['end'] > $now; }); } public function getNextTalk($now) { return array_filter_first($this->talks, function($talk) use ($now) { return !isset($talk['special']) && $talk['start'] > $now; }); } public function getConference() { return $this->conference; } public function getId() { return $this->guid; } public function getSlug() { if ($this->slug != NULL) { return $this->slug; } else { return ""; } } private function get($key, $fallbackValue = null) { $keychain = 'ROOMS.'.$this->getSlug().'.'.$key; $fallback = null; if (isset($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['ROOM_DEFAULTS'][$key])) { $fallback = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['ROOM_DEFAULTS'][$key]; } return $this->conference->get($keychain, $fallbackValue ?: $fallback); } private function has($key) { return $this->conference->has('ROOMS.'.$this->getSlug().'.'.$key); } public function getThumb() { if ($this->conference->has('cdn.thumbnail_url')) { return str_replace('{streamId}', $this->getStream(), $this->conference->get('cdn.thumbnail_url')); } return proto().'://'.joinpath([$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CDN'], 'thumbnail', $this->getStream(), 'thumb.jpeg']); } public function getPoster() { if ($this->conference->has('cdn.poster_url')) { return str_replace('{streamId}', $this->getStream(), $this->conference->get('cdn.poster_url')); } return proto().'://'.joinpath([$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CDN'], 'thumbnail', $this->getStream(), 'poster.jpeg']); } public function getLink() { return joinpath([$this->getConference()->getSlug(), $this->getSlug()]).url_params(); } public function getStream() { return $this->get('STREAM') ?: $this->get('streamId') ?: $this->getSlug(); } public function getScheduleName() { return $this->get('SCHEDULE_NAME') ?: $this->get('name') ?: $this->getDisplay(); } public function getDisplay() { return $this->get('DISPLAY') ?: $this->get('name') ?: $this->getSlug(); } public function getDisplayShort() { $display_short = $this->get('DISPLAY_SHORT', ''); if (empty($display_short)) { return $this->getDisplay(); // getDisplay() falls back to slug } else { return $display_short; } } public function h264Only() { return $this->get('H264_ONLY'); } public function hasStereo() { return $this->get('STEREO'); } public function hasPreview() { return $this->get('PREVIEW', true); } public function requestsWide() { return $this->get('WIDE'); } public function hasSchedule() { return $this->get('SCHEDULE', true) && $this->getConference()->has('SCHEDULE'); } public function hasSubtitles() { return $this->get('SUBTITLES') && $this->has('SUBTITLES_ROOM_ID') && $this->getConference()->has('SUBTITLES'); } public function getSubtitlesRoomId() { return $this->get('SUBTITLES_ROOM_ID'); } public function hasFeedback() { return $this->get('FEEDBACK') && $this->getConference()->hasFeedback(); } public function hasTwitter() { return $this->get('TWITTER') && $this->getConference()->has('TWITTER'); } public function getTwitterDisplay() { return sprintf( $this->get('TWITTER_CONFIG.DISPLAY', $this->getConference()->get('TWITTER.DISPLAY')), $this->getSlug() ); } public function getTwitterUrl() { return sprintf( '', rawurlencode($this->getTwitterText()) ); } public function getTwitterText() { return sprintf( $this->get('TWITTER_CONFIG.TEXT') ?: $this->getConference()->get('TWITTER.TEXT') ?: $this->getHashtag(), $this->getSlug() ); } public function hasMastodon() { return $this->get('social.mastodon') && $this->getConference()->get('social') !== false; } public function getMastodonUrl() { return sprintf( '', substr($this->getHashtag(), 1) ); } public function getHashtag() { return sprintf( $this->get('social.hashtag') ?: $this->getConference()->get('social.hashtag'), $this->getSlug() ); } public function hasMatrix() { return $this->get('chat.matrix') && $this->getConference()->has('chat'); } public function getMatrixDisplay() { return sprintf( $this->get('chat.matrix.display') ?: $this->getConference()->get('chat.matrix.display'), $this->getSlug() ); } public function getMatrixUrl() { return sprintf( $this->get('chat.matrix.url') ?: $this->getConference()->get('chat.matrix.url'), rawurlencode($this->getSlug()) ); } public function hasIrc() { $irc = $this->get('IRC'); return $this->getConference()->has('IRC') && (is_array($irc) ? count($irc) : $irc); } public function getIrcDisplay() { return sprintf( $this->get('IRC_CONFIG.DISPLAY') ?: $this->get('irc.display') ?: $this->getConference()->get('IRC.DISPLAY'), $this->getSlug() ); } public function getIrcUrl() { return sprintf( $this->get('IRC_CONFIG.URL') ?: $this->get('irc.url') ?: $this->getConference()->get('IRC.URL'), rawurlencode($this->getSlug()) ); } public function hasWebchat() { return $this->get('WEBCHAT') && $this->getConference()->has('WEBCHAT_URL'); } public function getWebchatUrl() { return sprintf( $this->get('WEBCHAT_URL', $this->getConference()->get('WEBCHAT_URL')), rawurlencode($this->getSlug()) ); } public function hasChat() { $chat = $this->get('CHAT'); return ((is_array($chat) ? count($chat) : $chat) && $this->getConference()->has('CHAT')) || $this->hasIrc() || $this->hasWebchat() || $this->hasTwitter(); } public function hasEmbed() { return $this->get('EMBED') && $this->getConference()->get('EMBED'); } public function hasInfo() { return $this->get('INFO') && $this->getConference()->get('INFO'); } public function getInfo() { return $this->get('INFO'); } public function hasSdVideo() { return $this->get('SD_VIDEO'); } public function hasHdVideo() { return $this->get('HD_VIDEO'); } public function hasAudio() { return $this->get('AUDIO') && $this->getConference()->get('AUDIO') !== FALSE; } public function hasSlides() { return $this->get('SLIDES'); } public function hasMusic() { return $this->get('MUSIC'); } public function hasDash() { return $this->get('DASH', true); } public function hasCustomStreamingUrl() { return $this->conference->has('cdn.hls_playlist_url'); } public function getHLSPlaylistUrl() { if ($this->conference->has('cdn.hls_playlist_url')) { return str_replace('{streamId}', rawurlencode($this->getStream()), $this->conference->get('cdn.hls_playlist_url')); } return proto().'://'.joinpath([$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CDN'], 'hls', rawurlencode($this->getStream()).'/native_hd.m3u8']); } public function getDashManifestUrl() { if ($this->conference->has('cdn.dash_manifest_url')) { return str_replace('{streamId}', rawurlencode($this->getStream()), $this->conference->get('cdn.dash_manifest_url')); } return proto().'://'.joinpath([$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CDN'], 'dash', rawurlencode($this->getStream()).'/manifest.mpd']); } public function getDashTech() { return 'Adaptive multi-format-multi-bitrate-Stream to rule the World!!1elf'; } public function getTranslations() { return $this->get('TRANSLATION') ?: []; } private function getTranslationEndpoints() { return array_map( function ($translation) { return $translation['endpoint']; }, $this->getTranslations() ); } private function isTranslationEndpoint($endpoint) { return in_array($endpoint, $this->getTranslationEndpoints()); } private function findTranslationLabel($language) { foreach($this->getTranslations() as $translation) { if ($translation['endpoint'] === $language) { return $translation['label']; } } return null; } public function hasTranslation() { return count($this->getTranslations()) > 0; } public function isValidLanguage($language) { return ($language === 'native' || $this->isTranslationEndpoint($language)); } public function getSelectionNames() { $selections = array(); if($this->hasDash()) if($this->h264Only()) $selections[] = 'hls'; else $selections[] = 'dash'; if($this->hasAudio()) $selections[] = 'audio'; if($this->hasMusic()) $selections[] = 'music'; if($this->hasSlides()) $selections[] = 'slides'; return $selections; } public function isSelectionTranslated($selection) { # dash is special, has langs included return $selection !== 'dash' && $selection !== 'music'; } public function getTabNames() { $tabs = array(); if($this->hasDash()) $tabs[] = 'dash'; if($this->hasAudio()) $tabs[] = 'audio'; if($this->hasMusic()) $tabs[] = 'music'; if($this->hasSlides()) $tabs[] = 'slides'; return $tabs; } public function getSelections() { $selections = array(); foreach($this->getSelectionNames() as $selection) $selections[$selection] = $this->createSelectionObject($selection); return $selections; } public function createSelectionObject($selection = null) { if(!$selection) { $selections = $this->getSelectionNames(); $selection = $selections[0]; } return new RoomSelection($this, $selection); } public function getTabs() { $tabs = array(); foreach($this->getTabNames() as $tab) $tabs[$tab] = $this->createTabObject($tab); return $tabs; } public function createTabObject($tab = null) { if(!$tab) { $tabs = $this->getTabNames(); $tab = $tabs[0]; } return new RoomTab($this, $tab); } public function getVideoResolutions() { $res = array(); if($this->hasHdVideo()) $res[] = 'hd'; if($this->hasSdVideo()) $res[] = 'sd'; return $res; } public function getStreams() { $selections = $this->getSelectionNames(); $selections[] = "hd"; $streams = array(); foreach ($selections as $selection) { $streams[] = $this->createStreamObject($selection, 'native'); if ($this->isSelectionTranslated($selection)) { foreach ($this->getTranslations() as $translation) { $streams[] = $this->createStreamObject($selection, $translation['endpoint'], $translation['label']); } } } return $streams; } public function selectStream($selection, $language = 'native') { if($selection == 'video') $selection = 'hd'; $selections = $this->getSelectionNames(); if(count($selections) == 0) throw new NotFoundException('No Streams activated'); // default page if(!$selection) $selection = $selections[0]; if(!in_array($selection, $selections)) throw new NotFoundException('Selection '.$selection.' in Room '.$this->getSlug()); $translation_label = null; if ($language !== 'native') { if (! $this->hasTranslation()) { throw new NotFoundException('Translated Streams of Room '. $this->getSlug()); } if (! $this->isValidLanguage($language)) { throw new NotFoundException('Selected translation'); } $translation_label = $this->findTranslationLabel($language); } return $this->createStreamObject($selection, $language, $translation_label); } public function createStreamObject($selection, $language = 'native', $languageLabel = null) { return new Stream($this, $selection, $language, $languageLabel); } }