use futures::TryStreamExt; use sqlx::postgres::{PgPool, PgQueryAs, PgRow}; use sqlx::{postgres::PgConnection, Connect, Connection, Executor, Row}; use std::time::Duration; #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn it_connects() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = connect().await?; let value = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(2i32, value); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn it_executes() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = connect().await?; let _ = conn .execute( r#" CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY); "#, ) .await?; for index in 1..=10_i32 { let cnt = sqlx::query("INSERT INTO users (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(index) .execute(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(cnt, 1); } let sum: i32 = sqlx::query("SELECT id FROM users") .try_map(|row: PgRow| row.try_get::(0)) .fetch(&mut conn) .try_fold(0_i32, |acc, x| async move { Ok(acc + x) }) .await?; assert_eq!(sum, 55); Ok(()) } // #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn it_can_return_interleaved_nulls_issue_104() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = connect().await?; let tuple = sqlx::query("SELECT NULL::INT, 10::INT, NULL, 20::INT, NULL, 40::INT, NULL, 80::INT") .try_map(|row: PgRow| { Ok(( row.get::, _>(0), row.get::, _>(1), row.get::, _>(2), row.get::, _>(3), row.get::, _>(4), row.get::, _>(5), row.get::, _>(6), row.get::, _>(7), )) }) .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(tuple.0, None); assert_eq!(tuple.1, Some(10)); assert_eq!(tuple.2, None); assert_eq!(tuple.3, Some(20)); assert_eq!(tuple.4, None); assert_eq!(tuple.5, Some(40)); assert_eq!(tuple.6, None); assert_eq!(tuple.7, Some(80)); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn it_can_work_with_transactions() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = connect().await?; conn.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _sqlx_users_1922 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") .await?; conn.execute("TRUNCATE _sqlx_users_1922").await?; // begin .. rollback let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(10_i32) .execute(&mut tx) .await?; conn = tx.rollback().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 0); // begin .. commit let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(10_i32) .execute(&mut tx) .await?; conn = tx.commit().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); // begin .. (drop) { let mut tx = conn.begin().await?; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO _sqlx_users_1922 (id) VALUES ($1)") .bind(20_i32) .execute(&mut tx) .await?; } conn = connect().await?; let (count,): (i64,) = sqlx::query_as("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sqlx_users_1922") .fetch_one(&mut conn) .await?; assert_eq!(count, 1); Ok(()) } // run with `cargo test --features postgres -- --ignored --nocapture pool_smoke_test` #[ignore] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn pool_smoke_test() -> anyhow::Result<()> { use sqlx_core::runtime::{sleep, spawn, timeout}; eprintln!("starting pool"); let pool = PgPool::builder() .connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .min_size(5) .max_size(10) .build(&dotenv::var("DATABASE_URL")?) .await?; // spin up more tasks than connections available, and ensure we don't deadlock for i in 0..20 { let pool = pool.clone(); spawn(async move { loop { if let Err(e) = sqlx::query("select 1 + 1").execute(&pool).await { eprintln!("pool task {} dying due to {}", i, e); break; } } }); } for _ in 0..5 { let pool = pool.clone(); spawn(async move { while !pool.is_closed() { // drop acquire() futures in a hot loop // drop(pool.acquire()); } }); } eprintln!("sleeping for 30 seconds"); sleep(Duration::from_secs(30)).await; assert_eq!(pool.size(), 10); eprintln!("closing pool"); timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), pool.close()).await?; eprintln!("pool closed successfully"); Ok(()) } #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-async-std", async_std::test)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "runtime-tokio", tokio::test)] async fn test_describe() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut conn = connect().await?; let _ = conn .execute( r#" CREATE TEMP TABLE describe_test ( id SERIAL primary key, name text not null, hash bytea ) "#, ) .await?; let describe = conn .describe("select nt.*, false from describe_test nt") .await?; assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[0].non_null, Some(true)); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[0].type_info.type_name(), "INT4"); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[1].non_null, Some(true)); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[1].type_info.type_name(), "TEXT"); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[2].non_null, Some(false)); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[2].type_info.type_name(), "BYTEA"); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[3].non_null, None); assert_eq!(describe.result_columns[3].type_info.type_name(), "BOOL"); Ok(()) } async fn connect() -> anyhow::Result { let _ = dotenv::dotenv(); let _ = env_logger::try_init(); Ok(PgConnection::connect(dotenv::var("DATABASE_URL")?).await?) }