use sqlx::Sqlite; use sqlx_test::test_type; test_type!(null( Sqlite, Option, "NULL" == None:: )); test_type!(bool(Sqlite, bool, "FALSE" == false, "TRUE" == true)); test_type!(i32(Sqlite, i32, "94101" == 94101_i32)); test_type!(i64(Sqlite, i64, "9358295312" == 9358295312_i64)); // NOTE: This behavior can be surprising. Floating-point parameters are widening to double which can // result in strange rounding. test_type!(f32( Sqlite, f32, "3.1410000324249268" == 3.141f32 as f64 as f32 )); test_type!(f64( Sqlite, f64, "939399419.1225182" == 939399419.1225182_f64 )); test_type!(string( Sqlite, String, "'this is foo'" == "this is foo", "''" == "" )); test_type!(bytes( Sqlite, Vec, "X'DEADBEEF'" == vec![0xDE_u8, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF], "X''" == Vec::::new(), "X'0000000052'" == vec![0_u8, 0, 0, 0, 0x52] ));