Solarized Colorscheme for IntelliJ IDEA ======================================= Original Solarized color scheme developed by Ethan Schoonover Adapted for IntelliJ IDEA by: Adam Vandenberg Johan Kaving Visit the [Solarized homepage] ------------------------------ See the [Solarized homepage] for screenshots, details and colorscheme versions for Vim, Mutt, popular terminal emulators and other applications. Downloads --------- If you have come across this colorscheme via the [IntelliJ-only repository] on github see the link above to the Solarized homepage or visit the main [Solarized repository]. The [IntelliJ-only repository] is kept in sync with the main [Solarized repository]. Issues, bug reports, changelogs are centralized at the main [Solarized repository]. [Solarized homepage]: [Solarized repository]: [IntelliJ-only repository]: Installation ------------ ### Option 1: Install using "Import Settings..." 1. Go to `File | Import Settings...` and specify the `intellij-colors-solarized` directory. Clik `OK` in the dialog that appears. 2. Restart IntelliJ IDEA 3. Go to `Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts` and select one of the new color themes. ### Option 2: Manual installation 1. Copy `Solarized Dark.xml` and `Solarized Light.xml` to your IntelliJ IDEA preferences color directory. On Mac OS X this is typically located in `~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea10/colors` or `~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea10CE/colors` (for the Community Edition). On Windows it is in `Documents and Settings//.IntelliJIdea10/config/colors`. 2. Restart IntelliJ IDEA 3. Go to `Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts` and select one of the new color themes. Note About Fonts ----------------- Unfortunately, font settings are included in the color settings files. You should probably modify these in `Preferences | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font` after adding the color schemes to your IntelliJ IDEA installation. Note About Committing Changes ----------------------------- If you want to commit updates to the XML color scheme files, make sure to run the `` script before committing to generate an updated `settings.jar` file as well. *The script has been tested on OS X, on other operating systems you're on your own.*