Solarized - PuTTY settings ========================== ### [See official homepage for full content]( Installation (PuTTY) -------------------- Import the `.reg` files to create new sessions using the Solarized color scheme which you can modify/duplicate as you see fit. To copy the color settings into an existing session, edit `solarized_dark.reg` or `solarized_light.reg` and replace `Solarized%20Dark` in the third line with the name of the session you want to modify. PuTTY Tray ---------- [PuTTY Tray]( can store sessions in text files as opposed to the Windows registry. To modify an existing session to use Solarized colors, open the file in a text editor and replace the lines beginning with `Colour##` (0-21) with the version from `solarized_dark_puttytray.txt` or `solarized_light_puttytray.txt`. Screenshots ----------- ![Dark scheme]( *Dark scheme* ![Light scheme]( *Light scheme*