#!/bin/sh # Janus is a flexible monotone based palette with balanced accent colors. # The accent palette is designed with precise color relationships to the base # hue. Janus displays well on output devices with wide gamma variation. # It scales down to a tight five color palette for layout work and can be used # in full palette mode for terminal applications and is available as # colorschemes for popular command line applications and terminal emulators. # # Download from: http://ethanschoonover.com/janus # # JANUS 16/8 TERMCOLOR HEX XTERM XTERM HEX L*A*B # base03 8/4 br black #00151b 233 #121212 05 -07 -07 # base02 0/4 black #17282e 234 #1c1c1c 15 -06 -06 # base01 10/7 br green #3b494e 236 #303030 30 -05 -05 # base00 11/7 br yellow #5e6d73 239 #4e4e4e 45 -05 -05 # base0 12/6 br blue #77878c 242 #6c6c6c 55 -05 -05 # base1 14/4 br cyan #9eaeb4 246 #949494 70 -05 -05 # base2 7/7 white #d2d5cf 252 #d0d0d0 85 -02 03 # base3 15/7 br white #f7f0dd 230 #ffffd7 95 00 10 # green 2/2 green #93a707 64 #548700 65 -20 65 # yellow 3/3 yellow #b58900 172 #d78700 60 10 65 # orange 9/3 br red #bb3e07 130 #af5f00 45 50 55 # red 1/1 red #b71818 124 #af0000 35 60 45 # magenta 5/5 magenta #d92983 161 #d7005f 50 70 -05 # violet 13/5 br magenta #6c71c4 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 # blue 4/4 blue #247ebb 26 #005fd7 50 -10 -40 # cyan 6/6 cyan #3cafa5 37 #00afaf 65 -35 -05 cat > palette_dark.tmp < palette_light.tmp < "$MUTTTARGET-dark-256$MUTTSUFFIX" awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$3;next} {for ( i in a) gsub(i,a[i])}1' FS="," \ palette_dark.tmp $MUTTSOURCE > "$MUTTTARGET-dark-16$MUTTSUFFIX" awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$2;next} {for ( i in a) gsub(i,a[i])}1' FS="," \ palette_light.tmp $MUTTSOURCE > "$MUTTTARGET-light-256$MUTTSUFFIX" awk 'NR==FNR {a[$1]=$3;next} {for ( i in a) gsub(i,a[i])}1' FS="," \ palette_light.tmp $MUTTSOURCE > "$MUTTTARGET-light-16$MUTTSUFFIX" rm palette_light.tmp rm palette_dark.tmp