# vim: filetype=muttrc # # # make sure that you are using mutt linked against slang, not ncurses, or # suffer the consequences of weird color issues. use "mutt -v" to check this. # custom body highlights ----------------------------------------------- # highlight my name and other personally relevant strings #color body color136 color233 "(ethan|schoonover)" # custom index highlights ---------------------------------------------- # messages which mention my name in the body #color index color136 color233 "~b \"phil(_g|\!| gregory| gold)|pgregory\" !~N !~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index J_cream color233 "~b \"phil(_g|\!| gregory| gold)|pgregory\" ~N !~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index color136 color37 "~b \"phil(_g|\!| gregory| gold)|pgregory\" ~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index color136 J_magent "~b \"phil(_g|\!| gregory| gold)|pgregory\" ~F !~p !~P" ## messages which are in reference to my mails #color index J_magent color233 "~x \"(mithrandir|aragorn)\\.aperiodic\\.net|thorin\\.hillmgt\\.com\" !~N !~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index J_magent color233 "~x \"(mithrandir|aragorn)\\.aperiodic\\.net|thorin\\.hillmgt\\.com\" ~N !~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index J_magent color37 "~x \"(mithrandir|aragorn)\\.aperiodic\\.net|thorin\\.hillmgt\\.com\" ~T !~F !~p !~P" #color index J_magent color124 "~x \"(mithrandir|aragorn)\\.aperiodic\\.net|thorin\\.hillmgt\\.com\" ~F !~p !~P" # for background in 16 color terminal, valid background colors include: # base03, bg, black, any of the non brights # basic colors --------------------------------------------------------- color normal color244 color233 color error color124 color233 color tilde color254 color233 color message color37 color233 color markers color124 color234 color attachment color234 color233 color search color61 color233 #color status J_black J_status color status color244 color254 color indicator color230 color136 color tree color136 color233 # arrow in threads # basic monocolor screen mono bold bold mono underline underline mono indicator reverse mono error bold # index ---------------------------------------------------------------- #color index color124 color233 "~D(!~p|~p)" # deleted #color index color254 color233 ~F # flagged #color index color166 color233 ~= # duplicate messages #color index color245 color233 "~A!~N!~T!~p!~Q!~F!~D!~P" # the rest #color index J_base color233 "~A~N!~T!~p!~Q!~F!~D" # the rest, new color index color124 color233 "~A" # all messages color index color166 color233 "~E" # expired messages color index color33 color233 "~N" # new messages color index color33 color233 "~O" # old messages color index color61 color233 "~Q" # messages that have been replied to color index color245 color233 "~R" # read messages color index color33 color233 "~U" # unread messages color index color33 color233 "~U~$" # unread, unreferenced messages color index color244 color233 "~v" # messages part of a collapsed thread color index color244 color233 "~P" # messages from me color index color37 color233 "~p!~F" # messages to me color index color37 color233 "~N~p!~F" # new messages to me color index color37 color233 "~U~p!~F" # unread messages to me color index color245 color233 "~R~p!~F" # messages to me color index color124 color233 "~F" # flagged messages color index color124 color233 "~F~p" # flagged messages to me color index color124 color233 "~N~F" # new flagged messages color index color124 color233 "~N~F~p" # new flagged messages to me color index color124 color233 "~U~F~p" # new flagged messages to me color index color254 color124 "~D" # deleted messages color index color239 color233 "~v~(!~N)" # collapsed thread with no unread color index color136 color233 "~v~(~N)" # collapsed thread with some unread color index color64 color233 "~N~v~(~N)" # collapsed thread with unread parent # statusbg used to indicated flagged when foreground color shows other status # for collapsed thread color index color124 color254 "~v~(~F)!~N" # collapsed thread with flagged, no unread color index color136 color254 "~v~(~F~N)" # collapsed thread with some unread & flagged color index color64 color254 "~N~v~(~F~N)" # collapsed thread with unread parent & flagged color index color64 color254 "~N~v~(~F)" # collapsed thread with unread parent, no unread inside, but some flagged color index color37 color254 "~v~(~p)" # collapsed thread with unread parent, no unread inside, some to me directly color index color136 color124 "~v~(~D)" # thread with deleted (doesn't differentiate between all or partial) #color index color136 color233 "~(~N)" # messages in threads with some unread #color index color64 color233 "~S" # superseded messages #color index color124 color233 "~T" # tagged messages #color index color166 color124 "~=" # duplicated messages # message headers ------------------------------------------------------ #color header color245 color233 "^" color hdrdefault color245 color233 color header color244 color233 "^(From)" color header color33 color233 "^(Subject)" # body ----------------------------------------------------------------- color quoted color33 color233 color quoted1 color37 color233 color quoted2 color136 color233 color quoted3 color124 color233 color quoted4 color166 color233 color signature color245 color233 color bold color254 color233 color underline color254 color233 color normal color240 color233 # color body color239 color233 "[;:][-o][)/(|]" # emoticons color body color239 color233 "[;:][)(|]" # emoticons color body color239 color233 "[*]?((N)?ACK|CU|LOL|SCNR|BRB|BTW|CWYL|\ |FWIW|vbg|GD&R|HTH|HTHBE|IMHO|IMNSHO|\ |IRL|RTFM|ROTFL|ROFL|YMMV)[*]?" color body color239 color233 "[ ][*][^*]*[*][ ]?" # more emoticon? color body color239 color233 "[ ]?[*][^*]*[*][ ]" # more emoticon? ## pgp color body color124 color233 "(BAD signature)" color body color37 color233 "(Good signature)" color body color230 color233 "^gpg: Good signature .*" color body color244 color233 "^gpg: " color body color244 color124 "^gpg: BAD signature from.*" mono body bold "^gpg: Good signature" mono body bold "^gpg: BAD signature from.*" # yes, an insance URL regex color body color124 color233 "([a-z][a-z0-9+-]*://(((([a-z0-9_.!~*'();:&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*@)?((([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?|[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?)|([a-z0-9_.!~*'()$,;:@&=+-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])+)(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,-]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?|(www|ftp)\\.(([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.)*([a-z]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)\\.?(:[0-9]+)?(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*(/([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*(;([-a-z0-9_.!~*'():@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)*)*)?(\\?([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?(#([-a-z0-9_.!~*'();/?:@&=+$,]|%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f])*)?)[^].,:;!)? \t\r\n<>\"]" # and a heavy handed email regex #color body J_magent color233 "((@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\]),)*@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\]):)?[0-9a-z_.+%$-]+@(([0-9a-z-]+\\.)*[0-9a-z-]+\\.?|#[0-9]+|\\[[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\.[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]\\])" # Various smilies and the like #color body color233 color233 "<[Gg]>" # #color body color233 color233 "<[Bb][Gg]>" # #color body color136 color233 " [;:]-*[})>{(<|]" # :-) etc... # *bold* #color body color33 color233 "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])\\*[^*]+\\*([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" #mono body bold "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])\\*[^*]+\\*([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" # _underline_ #color body color33 color233 "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])_[^_]+_([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" #mono body underline "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])_[^_]+_([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" # /italic/ (Sometimes gets directory names) #color body color33 color233 "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])/[^/]+/([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" #mono body underline "(^|[[:space:][:punct:]])/[^/]+/([[:space:][:punct:]]|$)" # Border lines. #color body color33 color233 "( *[-+=#*~_]){6,}" #folder-hook . "color status J_black J_status " #folder-hook gmail/inbox "color status J_black color136 " #folder-hook gmail/important "color status J_black color136 "