add xchat back as a subtree

This commit is contained in:
Trevor Bramble 2013-06-26 22:28:26 -07:00
parent c2cda43581
commit af8f233a48
4 changed files with 687 additions and 0 deletions

xchat/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
# Solarized Colorscheme for XChat
This is a port of the [Solarized][solarized-homepage] colorscheme for
[XChat Solarized Github Repository][xchat-solarized-github]
Original Solarized colorscheme developed by:
**Ethan Schoonover**
[Solarized Github Repository][solarized-github]
## Visit the [Solarized homepage][solarized-homepage]
If you have come across this colorscheme via the
[XChat-only repository on github][xchat-solarized-github], see the
[Solarized homepage][solarized-homepage] for screenshots, details, and
colorscheme versions for Vim, Mutt, popular terminal emulators, and other
## Screenshots
![Solarized Dark](
![Solarized Light](
## Installation
### XChat Data Directories
Replace `<username>` with your actual username.
* **Windows Vista/7:**
`C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\X-Chat 2\`
* **Windows XP:**
`C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\X-Chat 2\`
* **Linux:**
### pevents.conf
The Solarized theme for XChat was designed using the default `pevents.conf`
The only reason you may need to replace your existing `pevents.conf` file is if
it is heavily modified.
The `pevents.conf` included with the theme has 2 modifications:
1. Nick names are wrapped with angle brackets.
1. Mode characters ( ~, &, @, %, +) are shown next to nick names.
### Install the Solarized theme
1. Exit XChat
1. Back-up the current `colors.conf` and `pevents.conf` files located in
the appropriate XChat Data Directory
1. Copy the `solarized-dark-colors.conf` or `solarized-light-colors.conf` file
to the appropriate XChat Data Directory and rename it to `colors.conf`
1. **(Optional)** Copy the `pevents.conf` file to the appropriate XChat Data
1. Restart XChat
## Color Values
### Solarized Dark
mIRC colors are mapped 0-15
XChat Color
0 Default
1 Default
2 Default
3 Default
4 Default
5 Default
6 Default
7 Default
8 Default
9 Default
10 Default
11 Default
12 Default
13 Default
14 Default
15 Default
Local colors are mapped 16-31
XChat Solarized Hex Color Mapping
----- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------
16 Orange #cb4b16 Motd Indicator
17 Base 1 #93a1a1 User level indicators ( ~, &, @, %, +)
18 Blue #268bd2 Primary Nick Color (when not using "Colored nick names") / Channel Action/Message
19 Cyan #2aa198 Nick Color #1 - Join / You Join
20 Violet #6c71c4 Nick Color #2
21 Magenta #d33682 Channel Msg / Action Hilight
22 Blue #268bd2 Nick Color #3 / Server Messages
23 Violet #6c71c4 Quit / Part Messages
24 Red #dc322f Nick Color #4 / Notify/Ignore Header
25 Yellow #b58900 Nick Color #5 / User's Angle Bracket Color
26 Magenta #d33682 Nick Color #6 / DCC/Channel Messages
27 Base 01 #586e75 Nick Color #7 / Some Whois / Nick Angle Bracket Color
28 Green #859900 Nick Color #8 / Some Whois / NickServ dashes
29 Orange #cb4b16 Nick Color #9 / Channel Topic Color
30 Yellow #b58900 User's Message / Some Whois / Some DCC
31 Orange #cb4b16 User's Nick Color
XChat special colors are mapped at 256+
XChat Solarized Hex Color Mapping
----- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------
256 Base 03 #002b36 Marking Text Forground
257 Base 01 #586e75 Marking Text Background
258 Base 0 #839496 Text Colors Foreground
259 Base 03 #002b36 Text Colors Background
260 Cyan #2aa198 Marker Line
261 Blue #268bd2 New Data
262 Orange #cb4b16 Highlight
263 Yellow #b58900 New Message
264 Base 01 #586e75 Away User
265 Magenta #d33682 Spell Checker
### Solarized Light
mIRC colors are mapped 0-15
XChat Color
0 Default
1 Default
2 Default
3 Default
4 Default
5 Default
6 Default
7 Default
8 Default
9 Default
10 Default
11 Default
12 Default
13 Default
14 Default
15 Default
Local colors are mapped 16-31
XChat Solarized Hex Color Mapping
----- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------
16 Orange #cb4b16 Motd Indicator
17 Base 01 #586e75 User level indicators ( ~, &, @, %, +)
18 Blue #268bd2 Primary Nick Color (when not using "Colored nick names") / Channel Action/Message
19 Cyan #2aa198 Nick Color #1 - Join / You Join
20 Violet #6c71c4 Nick Color #2
21 Magenta #d33682 Channel Msg / Action Hilight
22 Blue #268bd2 Nick Color #3 / Server Messages
23 Violet #6c71c4 Quit / Part Messages
24 Red #dc322f Nick Color #4 / Notify/Ignore Header
25 Yellow #b58900 Nick Color #5 / User's Angle Bracket Color
26 Magenta #d33682 Nick Color #6 / DCC/Channel Messages
27 Base 1 #93a1a1 Nick Color #7 / Some Whois / Nick Angle Bracket Color
28 Green #859900 Nick Color #8 / Some Whois / NickServ dashes
29 Orange #cb4b16 Nick Color #9 / Channel Topic Color
30 Yellow #b58900 User's Message / Some Whois / Some DCC
31 Orange #cb4b16 User's Nick Color
XChat special colors are mapped at 256+
XChat Solarized Hex Color Mapping
----- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------
256 Base 3 #fdf6e3 Marking Text Forground
257 Base 1 #93a1a1 Marking Text Background
258 Base 00 #657b83 Text Colors Foreground
259 Base 3 #fdf6e3 Text Colors Background
260 Cyan #2aa198 Marker Line
261 Blue #268bd2 New Data
262 Orange #cb4b16 Highlight
263 Yellow #b58900 New Message
264 Base 1 #93a1a1 Away User
265 Magenta #d33682 Spell Checker

xchat/pevents.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
event_name=Add Notify
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 added to notify list.
event_name=Ban List
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 Banlist:%C19 $4%C20 $2%C21 $3
event_text=%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(You are banned).
event_name=Change Nick
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 is now known as $2
event_name=Channel Action
event_text=%C18*$t$1%O $2
event_name=Channel Action Hilight
event_text=%C21*%O$t%C21%B$1%O%C21 $2
event_name=Channel Ban
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets ban on $2
event_name=Channel Creation
event_text=%C22*%O$tChannel $1 created on $2
event_name=Channel DeHalfOp
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel half-operator status from%C26 $2
event_name=Channel DeOp
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes channel operator status from%C26 $2
event_name=Channel DeVoice
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O removes voice from%C26 $2
event_name=Channel Exempt
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets exempt on $2
event_name=Channel Half-Operator
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel half-operator status to%C26 $2
event_name=Channel INVITE
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets invite on $2
event_name=Channel List
event_text=%UChannel Users Topic
event_name=Channel Message
event_name=Channel Mode Generic
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets mode $2$3 $4
event_name=Channel Modes
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C22Channel $1 modes: $2
event_name=Channel Msg Hilight
event_name=Channel Notice
event_name=Channel Operator
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives channel operator status to%C26 $2
event_name=Channel Remove Exempt
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 removes exempt on $2
event_name=Channel Remove Invite
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 removes invite on $2
event_name=Channel Remove Keyword
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 removes channel keyword
event_name=Channel Remove Limit
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 removes user limit
event_name=Channel Set Key
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel keyword to $2
event_name=Channel Set Limit
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets channel limit to $2
event_name=Channel UnBan
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 removes ban on $2
event_name=Channel Voice
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1%O gives voice to%C26 $2
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C22Connected. Now logging in...
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C22Connecting to $1 ($2) port $3%O...
event_name=Connection Failed
event_text=%C21*%O$t%C21Connection failed. Error: $1
event_name=CTCP Generic
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2
event_name=CTCP Generic to Channel
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP $1 from $2 (to $3)
event_name=CTCP Send
event_text=%C19>%O$1%C19<%O$tCTCP $2
event_name=CTCP Sound
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2
event_name=CTCP Sound to Channel
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a CTCP Sound $1 from $2 (to $3)
event_name=DCC CHAT Abort
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O aborted.
event_name=DCC CHAT Connect
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT connection established to %C26$1 %C30[%O$2%C30]
event_name=DCC CHAT Failed
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC CHAT to %C26$1%O lost ($4).
event_name=DCC CHAT Offer
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a DCC CHAT offer from $1
event_name=DCC CHAT Offering
event_text=%C22*%O$tOffering DCC CHAT to $1
event_name=DCC CHAT Reoffer
event_text=%C22*%O$tAlready offering CHAT to $1
event_name=DCC Conection Failed
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC $1 connect attempt to%C26 $2%O failed (err=$3).
event_name=DCC Generic Offer
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived '$1%O' from $2
event_name=DCC Header
event_text=%C24,18 Type To/From Status Size Pos File
event_name=DCC Malformed
event_text=%C22*%O$tReceived a malformed DCC request from %C26$1%O.%010%C22*%O$tContents of packet: $2
event_name=DCC Offer
event_text=%C22*%O$tOffering%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2
event_name=DCC Offer Not Valid
event_text=%C22*%O$tNo such DCC offer.
event_name=DCC RECV Abort
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted.
event_name=DCC RECV Complete
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O complete %C30[%C26$4%O cps%C30]%O.
event_name=DCC RECV Connect
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC RECV connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]
event_name=DCC RECV Failed
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC RECV%C26 $1%O from%C26 $3%O failed ($4).
event_name=DCC RECV File Open Error
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC RECV: Cannot open $1 for writing ($2).
event_name=DCC Rename
event_text=%C22*%O$tThe file%C26 $1%C already exists, saving it as%C26 $2%O instead.
event_name=DCC RESUME Request
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas requested to resume%C26 $2 %Cfrom%C26 $3%C.
event_name=DCC SEND Abort
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $2%O to%C26 $1%O aborted.
event_name=DCC SEND Complete
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O complete %C30[%C26$3%O cps%C30]%O.
event_name=DCC SEND Connect
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC SEND connection established to%C26 $1 %C30[%O$2%C30]
event_name=DCC SEND Failed
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC SEND%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O failed. $3
event_name=DCC SEND Offer
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26$1 %Ohas offered%C26 $2 %O(%C26$3 %Obytes)
event_name=DCC Stall
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Cstalled - aborting.
event_name=DCC Timeout
event_text=%C22*%O$tDCC $1%C26 $2 %Oto%C26 $3 %Otimed out - aborting.
event_name=Delete Notify
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 deleted from notify list.
event_text=%C22*%O$tDisconnected ($1).
event_name=Found IP
event_text=%C22*%O$tFound your IP: [$1]
event_name=Generic Message
event_name=Ignore Add
event_text=%O%C26$1%O added to ignore list.
event_name=Ignore Changed
event_text=Ignore on %C26$1%O changed.
event_name=Ignore Footer
event_name=Ignore Header
event_text=%C24,18 Hostmask PRIV NOTI CHAN CTCP DCC INVI UNIG
event_name=Ignore Remove
event_text=%O%C26$1%O removed from ignore list.
event_name=Ignorelist Empty
event_text= Ignore list is empty.
event_text=%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Channel is invite only).
event_text=%C22*%O$tYou have been invited to%C26 $1%O by%C26 $2%C (%C26$3%C)
event_text=%C19*%O$t%C19%B$1 %B($3) has joined $2
event_text=%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(Requires keyword).
event_text=%C21*%O$t%C21$1 has kicked $2 from $3 ($4%O%C21)
event_text=%C22*%O$tYou have been killed by $1 ($2%O%C22)
event_name=Message Send
event_name=MOTD Skipped
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C22MOTD Skipped.
event_name=Nick Clash
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 already in use. Retrying with $2...
event_name=Nick Failed
event_text=%C22*%O$tNickname already in use. Use /NICK to try another.
event_name=No DCC
event_text=%C22*%O$tNo such DCC.
event_name=No Running Process
event_text=%C22*%O$tNo process is currently running
event_name=Notice Send
event_name=Notify Empty
event_text=$tNotify list is empty.
event_name=Notify Header
event_text=%C24,18 %B Notify List
event_name=Notify Number
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 users in notify list.
event_name=Notify Offline
event_text=%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is offline ($3).
event_name=Notify Online
event_text=%C22*%O$tNotify: $1 is online ($3).
event_name=Open Dialog
event_text=%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3
event_name=Part with Reason
event_text=%C23*%O$t%C23$1 (%O%C23$2) has left $3 (%O%C23%B%B$4%O%C23)
event_name=Ping Reply
event_text=%C22*%O$tPing reply from $1: $2 second(s)
event_name=Ping Timeout
event_text=%C22*%O$tNo ping reply for $1 seconds, disconnecting.
event_name=Private Action
event_text=%C18**$t$3$1%O $2 %C18**
event_name=Private Action to Dialog
event_text=%C18*$t$3$1%O $2
event_name=Private Message
event_name=Private Message to Dialog
event_name=Process Already Running
event_text=%C22*%O$tA process is already running
event_text=%C23*%O$t%C23$1 has quit (%O%C23%B%B$2%O%C23)
event_name=Raw Modes
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 sets modes%B %C30[%O$2%B%C30]
event_name=Receive Wallops
event_name=Resolving User
event_text=%C22*%O$tLooking up IP number for%C26 $1%O...
event_name=Server Connected
event_name=Server Error
event_name=Server Lookup
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C22Looking up $1
event_name=Server Notice
event_name=Server Text
event_name=SSL Message
event_name=Stop Connection
event_text=%C22*%O$tStopped previous connection attempt (pid=$1)
event_text=%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29is: $2
event_name=Topic Change
event_text=%C22*%O$t$1 has changed the topic to: $2
event_name=Topic Creation
event_text=%C29*%O$t%C29Topic for $1%C %C29set by $2%C %C29at $3
event_name=Unknown Host
event_text=%C22*%O$tUnknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?
event_name=User Limit
event_text=%C22*%O$tCannot join%C26 %B$1 %O(User limit reached).
event_name=Users On Channel
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C26Users on $1:%C $2
event_name=WhoIs Authenticated
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %O$2%C27 $3
event_name=WhoIs Away Line
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Cis away %C30(%O$2%O%C30)
event_name=WhoIs Channel/Oper Line
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2
event_name=WhoIs End
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %OEnd of WHOIS list.
event_name=WhoIs Identified
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2
event_name=WhoIs Idle Line
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2
event_name=WhoIs Idle Line with Signon
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O idle%C26 $2%O, signon:%C26 $3
event_name=WhoIs Name Line
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %C30(%O$2@$3%C30)%O: $4
event_name=WhoIs Real Host
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28] %Oreal user@host%C27 $2%O, real IP%C27 $3
event_name=WhoIs Server Line
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2
event_name=WhoIs Special
event_text=%C22*%O$t%C28[%O$1%C28]%O $2
event_name=You Join
event_text=%C19*%O$t%C19Now talking on $2
event_name=You Kicked
event_text=%C23*$tYou have been kicked from $2 by $3 ($4%O%C23)
event_name=You Part
event_text=%C23*$tYou have left channel $3
event_name=You Part with Reason
event_text=%C23*$tYou have left channel $3 (%O%C23%B%B$4%O%C23)
event_name=Your Action
event_text=%C18*$t$1%O $2
event_name=Your Invitation
event_text=%C22*%O$tYou've invited%C26 $1%O to%C26 $2%O (%C26$3%O)
event_name=Your Message
event_name=Your Nick Changing
event_text=%C22*%O$tYou are now known as $2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
color_0 = cccc cccc cccc
color_1 = 0000 0000 0000
color_2 = 35c2 35c2 b332
color_3 = 2a3d 8ccc 2a3d
color_4 = c3c3 3b3b 3b3b
color_5 = c7c7 3232 3232
color_6 = 8000 2666 7fff
color_7 = 6666 3636 1f1f
color_8 = d999 a6d3 4147
color_9 = 3d70 cccc 3d70
color_10 = 199a 5555 5555
color_11 = 2eef 8ccc 74df
color_12 = 451e 451e e666
color_13 = b0b0 3737 b0b0
color_14 = 4c4c 4c4c 4c4c
color_15 = 9595 9595 9595
color_16 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_17 = 9393 a1a1 a1a1
color_18 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_19 = 2a2a a1a1 9898
color_20 = 6c6c 7171 c4c4
color_21 = d3d3 3636 8282
color_22 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_23 = 6c6c 7171 c4c4
color_24 = dcdc 3232 2f2f
color_25 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_26 = d3d3 3636 8282
color_27 = 5858 6e6e 7575
color_28 = 8585 9999 0000
color_29 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_30 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_31 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_256 = 0000 2b2b 3636
color_257 = 5858 6e6e 7575
color_258 = 8383 9494 9696
color_259 = 0000 2b2b 3636
color_260 = 2a2a a1a1 9898
color_261 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_262 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_263 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_264 = 5858 6e6e 7575
color_265 = d3d3 3636 8282

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
color_0 = cccc cccc cccc
color_1 = 0000 0000 0000
color_2 = 35c2 35c2 b332
color_3 = 2a3d 8ccc 2a3d
color_4 = c3c3 3b3b 3b3b
color_5 = c7c7 3232 3232
color_6 = 8000 2666 7fff
color_7 = 6666 3636 1f1f
color_8 = d999 a6d3 4147
color_9 = 3d70 cccc 3d70
color_10 = 199a 5555 5555
color_11 = 2eef 8ccc 74df
color_12 = 451e 451e e666
color_13 = b0b0 3737 b0b0
color_14 = 4c4c 4c4c 4c4c
color_15 = 9595 9595 9595
color_16 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_17 = 5858 6e6e 7575
color_18 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_19 = 2a2a a1a1 9898
color_20 = 6c6c 7171 c4c4
color_21 = d3d3 3636 8282
color_22 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_23 = 6c6c 7171 c4c4
color_24 = dcdc 3232 2f2f
color_25 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_26 = d3d3 3636 8282
color_27 = 9393 a1a1 a1a1
color_28 = 8585 9999 0000
color_29 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_30 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_31 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_256 = fdfd f6f6 e3e3
color_257 = 9393 a1a1 a1a1
color_258 = 6565 7b7b 8383
color_259 = fdfd f6f6 e3e3
color_260 = 2a2a a1a1 9898
color_261 = 2626 8b8b d2d2
color_262 = cbcb 4b4b 1616
color_263 = b5b5 8989 0000
color_264 = 9393 a1a1 a1a1
color_265 = d3d3 3636 8282