#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess from src.core.setcore import * # # Simple python script to kill things created by the SET wifi attack vector # interface = raw_input(setprompt(["8"], "Enter your wireless interface (ex: wlan0): ")) # fix a bug if present print_status("Attempting to set rfkill to unblock all if RTL is in use. Ignore errors on this.") subprocess.Popen("rmmod rtl8187;rfkill block all;rfkill unblock all;modprobe rtl8187;rfkill unblock all;ifconfig %s up" % (interface), shell=True).wait() print_status("Killing airbase-ng...") subprocess.Popen("killall airbase-ng", shell=True).wait() print_status("Killing dhcpd3 and dhclient3...") subprocess.Popen("killall dhcpd3", shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen("killall dhclient3", shell=True).wait() print_status("Killing dnsspoof...") subprocess.Popen("killall dnsspoof", shell=True).wait() print_status("Turning off IP_forwarding...") subprocess.Popen("echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", shell=True).wait() print_status("Killing monitor mode on mon0...") subprocess.Popen("src/wireless/airmon-ng stop mon0", shell=True).wait() print_status("Turning off monitor mode on wlan0...") subprocess.Popen("src/wireless/airmon-ng stop wlan0", shell=True).wait() print_status("SET has stopped the wireless access point. ") return_continue()