~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special thanks to the following people who have contributed to SET: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Infection Guide Using Java/VbScript by AnalyseR: http://www.exploit-db.com/papers/12991/ * The Social Engineer Framework http://social-engineer.org * LoganWHD for his efforts on the Framework and testing out the pre-alpha of SET. * Elwood for his testing out and bug reporting through the release. * HD Moore for Metasploit of course! * Special thanks to Thomas Werth and his Java Applet attack, it is amazing!! * Special thanks to Kyle Osborn for providing the Man Left in the Middle attack * Special thanks to Ernest for the SSL idea for Credential Harvesting * Greg Foss for reporting a local XSS vuln with credential harvester/tabnabbing * Kevin Mitnick for new additions, ideas, improvements, testing, and Java Repeater fix! * white_sheep, emgent, and the Back|Track crew for the web jacking attack vector * Garland for the BeEF PowerShell addon * Crag Balding for the patch to fix a bug in web cloner * Lampis Alevizos for the repeater java_applet idea * Thomas Roth for the patch to the java_applet.pde teensy fix * Didier Stevens for his disitool that does the digital signature stealing * Thanks to Matt for figuring out the issues with the docbase attack and help with the java repeater * Jim O'Gorman (elwood) for the UNC path attack idea * Peter Osterberg for the wscript modifications to support Windows 7 * Thanks for PadZero for the multi-language support in Teensy HID and bug fixes * Special thanks to muts for the paramiko SSH tunneling idea!! * Hugo Caron (y0ug) for the new gnome_wget.pde teensy addition * Thanks to sami8007 and Trcx for the dsniff addition to SET * Jonathan Murray for the email priority addition to the mass mailer and spear phishing attack modules * Special thanks to the TB-Security.com team for creating the SMS spoofing. * Thomas Werth, for his addition to SET with RATTE * Elwood for his idea on the wireless attack vector * Mister X for allowing airbase-ng to be included into SET * Thanks for Brandon Murphy for the report on the bug for download in the SET interactive shell and some feature ideas * Thanks for pr1me for bringing to my attention a couple of bugs and the fixes for them * Larry Pesce, Luca Grembo for bug reports * Chris John Riley for his list of bugs and feature requests... I'm still working on them! :) * RejectedManiac for the fix on the wireless access point channel specification * Darkther4py for finding a bug in the SET create payload/ratte issue * Josh Kelley (winfang98) for his awesome stuff with the teensy and help with the presentations at BSIDES and Defcon * To digip for the version 2.0 idea! * To Marc Doudiet for working on the vbs version of the teensy exe converter * Thanks to Jose Hernandez for the bug reports! * Bernardo Damele for shellcodeexec * Thanks to Matthew Graeber for the powershell injection technique http://www.exploit-monday.com/2011/10/exploiting-powershells-features-not.html * Dale Lakes for his additions into check_mssql * Dale Pearson for finding all the bugs in my code :) * Leg3nd for some fixes on the java applet * f8lerror for reporting the multiattack bug * Thanks to Olie and his unnamed coworker for a quick patch to define users home path versus static root directory * Thanks to Stephen Haywood for his patch to the smtp module for bug fix * Thanks to Justin Elze for the idea on the QRCode Attack vector * Thanks to chap0 for the phishing email template added to the phishing attack vector * Thanks for Jeremy Miller for the DEPLOY_BINARIES idea and being able to turn them off and only use POWERSHELL_INJECTION * Python shellcode injection from Debasish Mandal * Credit to jduck for posting the pastebin of the PoC for the java applet zero day *hugs* * Offensive-Security's Peensy project - http://www.offensive-security.com/offsec/advanced-teensy-penetration-testing-payloads/ * Thanks to Stephen Haywood (averagesecurityguy) for talking me into moving to github * Thanks to Larry Spohn (spoonman) for the python udp 1434 sql discovery code * Persistence on OSX - http://patrickmosca.com/root-a-mac-in-10-seconds-or-less/ * special thanks to d4rk0s for the full screen attack The Social-Engineer Development Team: Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) JR DePre (pr1me) Thomas Werth Joey Furr (j0fer)