#!/usr/bin/env python # # Python installer # import subprocess import sys import os import platform # if nix then run installer if platform.system() == "Linux": # give installer a null value installer="" try: # if our command option is true then install stuff if sys.argv[1] == "install": installer = True # if index is out of range then flag options except IndexError: print "** SET Dependancy Installer **" print "** Written by: Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) **" print "** Visit: https://www.trustedsec.com **" print "\nTo install: setup.py install" # if user specified install then lets to the installation if installer == True: # if we trigger on sources.list then we know its ubuntu if os.path.isfile("/etc/apt/sources.list"): # force install of debian packages subprocess.Popen("apt-get --force-yes -y install git build-essential python-pexpect python-pefile python-crypto python-openssl", shell=True).wait() # if sources.list is not available then we're running something offset else: print "[!] Your not running a Debian variant. Installer not finished for this type of Linux distro." print "[!] Install git, python-pexpect, python-crypto, python-openssl, python-pefile manually for all of SET dependancies." sys.exit() if os.path.isdir("/usr/share/setoolkit"): print "[!] SET is already installed in /usr/share/setoolkit, remove and start again." sys.exit() if not os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/git"): print "[-] Install failed. GIT is not installed... SET will not continue." print "[!] Install GIT and run the installer again." sys.exit() print "[*] Installing SET into the /usr/share/setoolkit folder through git..." subprocess.Popen("git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit /usr/share/setoolkit", shell=True).wait() print "[*] Installing setoolkit installer to /usr/bin/setoolkit..." subprocess.Popen("cp /usr/share/setoolkit/setoolkit /usr/bin", shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen("cp /usr/share/setoolkit/set-update /usr/bin/", shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen("chmod +x /usr/bin/setoolkit", shell=True).wait() print "[*] Note you will manually need to install Core Security 'Impacket'" print "[*] Download link: http://corelabs.coresecurity.com/index.php?module=Wiki&action=view&type=tool&name=Impacket" # https://impacket.googlecode.com/files/impacket-0.9.10.tar.gz print "[*] Once downloaded, tar -zxvf impacket*, go to the directory and run python setup.py install." print "[*] We are no finished! To run SET, type setoolkit..." if platform.system() =='Darwin': subprocess.Popen("easy_install pexpect pycrypto pyopenssl pefile", shell=True).wait() if platform.system() != "Linux": if platform.system() != "Darwin": print "[!] Sorry this installer is not designed for any other system other than Linux and Mac. Please install the python depends manually."