################################################################################################## ################################################################################################## ## ## ## The following config file will allow you to customize settings within ## ## the Social Engineer Toolkit. The lines that do not have comment code ## ## ("#") are the fields you want to toy with. They are pretty easy to ## ## understand. ## ## ## ## The Metasploit path is the default path for where Metasploit is located. ## ## Metasploit is required for SET to function properly. ## ## ## ## The ETTERCAP function specifies if you want to use ARP Cache poisoning in ## ## conjunction with the web attacks, note that ARP Cache poisoning is only ## ## for internal subnets only and does not work against people on the internet. ## ## ## ## The SENDMAIL option allows you to spoof source IP addresses utilizing an ## ## application called SendMail. Sendmail is NOT installed by default on BackTrack5. ## ## To spoof email addresses when performing the mass email attacks, you must ## ## install Sendmail manually using: apt-get install sendmail ## ## ## ## Note that ETTERCAP and SENDMAIL flags only accept ON or OFF switches. ## ## ## ## Note that the Metasploit_PATH cannot have a / after the folder name. ## ## ## ## There are additional options, read the comments for additional descriptions. ## ## ## ################################################################################################## ################################################################################################## # ### Define the path to MetaSploit, for example: /pentest/exploits/framework3 METASPLOIT_PATH=/opt/metasploit/apps/pro/msf3 # ### This will tell what database to use when using the MetaSploit functionality. Default is PostgreSQL METASPLOIT_DATABASE=postgresql # ### How many times SET should encode a payload if you are using standard MetaSploit encoding options ENCOUNT=4 # ### If this options i set, the MetaSploit payloads will automatically migrate to ### notepad once the applet is executed. This is beneficial if the victim closes ### the browser, however can introduce buggy results when auto migrating. ### NOTE: This will make bypassuac not work properly. Migrate to a different process to get it to work. AUTO_MIGRATE=OFF # ### Custom exe you want to use for MetaSploit encoding, this usually has better av ### detection. Currently it is set to legit.binary which is just calc.exe. An example ### you could use would be putty.exe so this field would be /pathtoexe/putty.exe CUSTOM_EXE=legit.binary # ### This is for the backdoored executable if you want to keep the executable to still work. Normally ### when legit.binary is used, it will render the application useless. Specifying this will keep the ### application working BACKDOOR_EXECUTION=ON # ### Here we can run multiple meterpreter scripts once a session is active. This ### may be important if we are sleeping and need to run persistence, try to elevate ### permissions and other tasks in an automated fashion. First turn this trigger on ### then configure the flags. Note that you need to separate the commands by a ; METERPRETER_MULTI_SCRIPT=OFF LINUX_METERPRETER_MULTI_SCRIPT=OFF # ### What commands do you want to run once a meterpreter session has been established. ### Be sure if you want multiple commands to separate with a ;. For example you could do ### run getsystem;run hashdump;run persistence to run three different commands METERPRETER_MULTI_COMMANDS=run persistence -r -p 21 -i 300 -X -A;getsystem LINUX_METERPRETER_MULTI_COMMANDS=uname;id;cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts # ### This is the port that is used for the iFrame injection using the metasploit browser attacks. ### By default this port is 8080 however egress filtering may block this. May want to adjust to ### something like 21 or 53 METASPLOIT_IFRAME_PORT=8080 # ### Define to use Ettercap or not when using website attack only - set to ON and OFF ETTERCAP=OFF # ### Ettercap home directory (needed for DNS_spoof) ETTERCAP_PATH=/usr/share/ettercap # ### Specify what interface you want ettercap or DSNiff to listen on, if nothing will default ETTERCAP_INTERFACE=eth0 # ### Define to use dsniff or not when using website attack only - set to on and off ### If dsniff is set to on, ettercap will automatically be disabled. DSNIFF=OFF # ### Auto detection of IP address interface utilizing Google, set this ON if you want AUTO_DETECT=OFF # ### SendMail ON or OFF for spoofing email addresses SENDMAIL=OFF # ### Email provider list supports GMail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. Simply change it to the provider you want. EMAIL_PROVIDER=GMAIL # ### Set to ON if you want to use Email in conjunction with webattack WEBATTACK_EMAIL=OFF # ### Web attack time delay between emails default is 1 second TIME_DELAY_EMAIL=1 # ### Man Left In The Middle port, this will be used for the web server bind port MLITM_PORT=80 # ### Use Apache instead of the standard Python web server. This will increase the speed ### of the attack vector. APACHE_SERVER=OFF # ### Path to the Apache web root APACHE_DIRECTORY=/var/www # ### Specify what port to run the http server off of that serves the java applet attack ### or metasploit exploit. Default is port 80. This also goes if you are using apache_server equal on. ### You need to specify what port Apache is listening on in order for this to work properly. WEB_PORT=80 # ### Create self-signed Java applets and spoof publisher note this requires you to ### install ---> Java 6 JDK, BT5 or Ubuntu users: apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk ### If this is not installed it will not work. Can also do: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk SELF_SIGNED_APPLET=OFF # ### This flag will set the java id flag within the java applet to something different. ### This could be to make it look more believable or for better obfuscation JAVA_ID_PARAM=Applet has been verified. (SECURE) # ### Java applet repeater option will continue to prompt the user with the java applet if ### the user hits cancel. This means it will be non stop until run is executed. This gives ### a better success rate for the Java applet attack JAVA_REPEATER=OFF # ### Java repeater timing which is the delay it takes between the user hitting cancel to ### when the next Java applet runs. Be careful setting to low as it will spawn them over ### and over even if they hit run. 200 equals 2 seconds. JAVA_TIME=200 # ### Turn on ssl certificates for set secure communications through web_attack vector WEBATTACK_SSL=OFF # ### Path to the pem file to utilize certificates with the web attack vector (required) ### You can create your own utilizing set, just turn on self_signed_cert ### If your using this flag, ensure openssl is installed! To turn this on turn SELF_SIGNED_CERT ### to the on position. SELF_SIGNED_CERT=OFF # ### Below is the client/server (private) cert, this must be in pem format in order to work ### Simply place the path you want. For example /root/ssl_client/server.pem PEM_CLIENT=/root/newcert.pem PEM_SERVER=/root/newreq.pem # ### Tweak the web jacking time used for the iFrame replace, sometimes it can be a little slow ### and harder to convince the victim. 5000 = 5 seconds WEBJACKING_TIME=2000 # ### Command center interface to bind to by default it is localhost only. If you want to enable it ### so you can hit the command center remotely put the interface to to bind to all interfaces. COMMAND_CENTER_INTERFACE= # ### Port for the command center COMMAND_CENTER_PORT=44444 # ### This will remove the set interactive shell from the menu selection. The SET payloads are large in nature ### and things like the pwniexpress need smaller set builds SET_INTERACTIVE_SHELL=ON # ### What do you want to use for your default terminal within the command center. The default is xterm ### the options you have are as follow - gnome, konsole, xterm, solo. If you select solo it will place ### all results in the same shell you used to open the set-web interface. This is useful if your using ### something that only has one console, such as an iPhone or iPad. TERMINAL=SOLO # ### Digital signature stealing method must have the pefile Python modules loaded ### from http://code.google.com/p/pefile/. Be sure to install this before turning ### this flag on!!! This flag gives much better AV detection DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_STEAL=OFF # ### These two options will turn the upx packer to on and automatically attempt ### to pack the executable which may evade anti-virus a little better. UPX_ENCODE=OFF UPX_PATH=/usr/bin/upx # ### This feature will turn on or off the automatic redirection. By default for example in multi-attack ### the site will redirect once one successful attack is used. Some people may want to use Java applet ### and credential harvester for example. AUTO_REDIRECT=ON # ### This will redirect the harvester victim to this website once executed and not to the original website. ### For example if you clone abcompany.com and below it says blahblahcompany.com, it will redirect there instead. ### THIS IS USEFUL IF YOU WANT TO REDIRECT THE VICTIM TO AN ADDITIONAL SITE AFTER HARVESTER HAS TAKEN THE CREDENTIALS. ### SIMPLY TURN HARVESTER REDIRECT TO ON THEN ENTER HTTP://WEBSITEOFYOURCHOOSING.COM IN THE HARVESTER URL BELOW ### TO CHANGE. HARVESTER_REDIRECT=OFF HARVESTER_URL=http://thisisasite # ### This will allow you to specify where the harvester log file goes when using APACHE and specifying it to ON. ### By default this will be in the /var/www/ directory. HARVESTER_LOG=/var/www # ### This feature will auto embed a img src tag to a unc path of your attack machine. ### Useful if you want to intercept the half lm keys with rainbowtables. What will happen ### is as soon as the victim clicks the web-page link, a unc path will be initiated ### and the metasploit capture/smb module will intercept the hash values. UNC_EMBED=OFF # ### This feature will attempt to turn create a rogue access point and redirect victims back to the ### set web server when associated. airbase-ng and dnsspoof. ACCESS_POINT_SSID=linksys AIRBASE_NG_PATH=/usr/local/sbin/airbase-ng DNSSPOOF_PATH=/usr/local/sbin/dnsspoof # ### This will configure the default channel that the wireless access point attack broadcasts on through wifi ### communications. AP_CHANNEL=9 # ### This will enable the powershell shellcode injection technique with each java applet. It will be used as ### a second form in case the first method fails. POWERSHELL_INJECTION=ON # ### This will allow you to change the Metasploit payload to whatever you want based on the powershell alphanumeric ### injection attack. Specify this if POWERSHELL INJECTION is set to ON and you want to change it from the standard ### reverse_tcp attack. NOTE: All payloads use x86 - process will automatically downgrade to 32 bit. POWERSHELL_INJECT_PAYLOAD_X86=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # ### THIS OPTION WILL SPRAY MULTIPLE PORTS THROUGH POWERSHELL IN A HOPE TO GET A PORT OUTBOUND. ### NOTE THAT POWERSHELL INJECTION MUST BE SET TO ON. POWERSHELL_MULTI_INJECTION=ON # ### THIS WILL SPECIFY WHICH PORTS TO ITERATE THROUGH TO DO THE POWERSHELL INJECTION. NOTE IF YOU ARE USING SET ### PORT 80 IS USED BY THE WEB SERVER. THE REST OF PORTS SHOULD BE OPEN. CONSIDER IF YOU WANT TO USE PORT 80 TO ### PLACE THE LISTENER ON A DIFFERENT SERVER. POWERSHELL_MULTI_PORTS=22,53,443,21,25 # ### This will display the output of the powershell injection attack so you can see what is being placed on the ### system. POWERSHELL_VERBOSE=OFF # ### This will profile the victim machine and check for installed versions and report back on them ### note this is currently disabled. Development is underway on this feature WEB_PROFILER=OFF # ### Port numbers for the java applet attack linux/osx attacks, reverse payloads also allows you to specify ### what payload you want DEPLOY_OSX_LINUX_PAYLOADS=OFF OSX_REVERSE_PORT=8080 LINUX_REVERSE_PORT=8081 OSX_PAYLOAD_DELIVERY=osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LINUX_PAYLOAD_DELIVERY=linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # ### DO YOU WANT TO USE A CUSTOM OSX AND LINUX PAYLOAD CUSTOM_LINUX_OSX_PAYLOAD=OFF # ### User agent string for when using anything that clones the website, this user agent will be used USER_AGENT_STRING=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0) # ### The way the set interactive shell works is it first deploys a stager payload that pulls an additional executable. ### The downloader is currently being picked up by a/v and is actually somewhat hard to obfuscate because it does ### similar characteristics of a download/exec. If you turn this feature on, set will download the interactive shell ### straight without using the stager. Only issue with this is there may be a delay on the user end however still ### shouldn't be noticed SET_SHELL_STAGER=OFF # ### Disables automatic listener - turn this off if you don't want a metasploit listener in the background. AUTOMATIC_LISTENER=ON # ### This will disable the functionality if metasploit is not installed and you just want to use setoolkit or ratte for payloads ### or the other attack vectors. METASPLOIT_MODE=ON # ### THIS WILL TURN OFF DEPLOYMENT OF BINARIES FOR THE JAVA APPLET ATTACK AND ONLY USE THE POWERSHELL METHOD. ### NOTE THAT POWERSHELL_INJECTION MUST BE SET TO ON DEPLOY_BINARIES=YES # ### THIS IS FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY. THIS WILL REMOVE THE CLEANUP FUNCTIONALITY WITHIN SET TO DEBUG FILE STATES CLEANUP_ENABLED_DEBUG=OFF # ### WHEN SENDING EMAILS OUT, SET WILL ADD A URL AND KEEP TRACK OF THE EMAIL ADDRESSES ON EACH UNIQUE LINK. THIS WILL HELP YOU FIND ### WHO CLICKED ON THE LINK AND FROM WHAT PERSON / EMAIL ADDRESS WAS USED. THIS WORKS ON ALL WEB-BASED ATTACKS AND SPEAR-PHISHING. ### ### NOTE: IN ORDER FOR THIS TO WORK YOU MUST ENABLE WEBATTACK_EMAIL and APACHE_SERVER TO ON. TRACK_EMAIL_ADDRESSES=OFF # ### THIS ALLOWS YOU TO TURN A DNS SERVER ON IN SET. ALL RESPONSES WILL REDIRECT TO THE SET INSTANCE WHICH CAN LAUNCH ATTACK VECTORS DNS_SERVER=OFF # #######################################################################################################################################