#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple proxy for SET, note will show up in history # import pexpect import sys import getpass from src.core.setcore import * # grab the operating system operating_system = check_os() # if windows then do some stuff if operating_system == "posix": definepath = os.getcwd() print "\n[*] Welcome to the SET-Proxy Configuration Utility" print "\nEnter the proxy setting informatiom below.\n\nExample:\n" try: proxy = raw_input("Enter the proxy server: ") username = raw_input("Enter the username for the proxy (hit enter for none): ") password = getpass.getpass("Enter the password for the proxy (hit enter for none): ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[!] Exiting the Social-Engineer Toolkit." sys.exit() if username != "": proxy_string = "export http_proxy='http://%s:%s@%s'" % (username,password,proxy) if username == "": proxy_string = "export http_proxy='http://%s'" % (proxy) filewrite = file("src/program_junk/proxy.config", "w") filewrite.write(proxy_string) filewrite.close() from src.core.set import * def kill_proc(port,flag): proc=subprocess.Popen("netstat -antp | grep '%s'" % (port), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_value=proc.communicate()[0] a=re.search("\d+/%s" % (flag), stdout_value) if a: b=a.group() b=b.replace("/%s" % (flag),"") subprocess.Popen("kill -9 %s 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" % (b), shell=True).wait() # cleans up stale processes from SET try: # kill anything python running on 80 kill_proc("80","python") # kill anything on 443 ruby which is generally a rogue listener kill_proc("443", "ruby") # handle errors except Exception, error: log(error) pass else: print "[!] Sorry, this only works on posix (nix) based systems and is not compatible with this operating system."