2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# The Social-Engineer Toolkit
# Written by: David Kennedy (ReL1K)
# Email: davek@secmaniac.com
import shutil
import os
import time
import re
import sys
import socket
from src . core . setcore import *
from src . core . menu import text
me = mod_name ( )
# Define path and set it to the SET root dir
definepath = os . getcwd ( )
sys . path . append ( definepath )
# grab the operating system
operating_system = check_os ( )
# grab metasploit path
msf_path = meta_path ( )
if operating_system == " posix " :
if os . geteuid ( ) != 0 :
print " \n The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) - by David Kennedy (ReL1K) "
print " \n Not running as root. \n \n Exiting the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET). \n "
sys . exit ( 1 )
define_version = get_version ( )
# remove old stale files and restore java applet to original applet
# cleanup_routine()
try :
while 1 :
show_banner ( define_version , ' 1 ' )
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.main ' " , 5 )
show_main_menu = create_menu ( text . main_text , text . main )
# special case of list item 99
print ' \n 99) Return back to the main menu. \n '
main_menu_choice = ( raw_input ( setprompt ( " 0 " , " " ) ) )
if main_menu_choice == ' exit ' :
if operating_system == " windows " or msf_path == False :
if main_menu_choice == " 1 " or main_menu_choice == " 4 " or main_menu_choice == " 8 " or main_menu_choice == " 3 " :
print_warning ( " Sorry. This feature is not yet supported in Windows or Metasploit was not found. " )
return_continue ( )
if main_menu_choice == ' 1 ' : #'Spearphishing Attack Vectors
while 1 :
if operating_system != " windows " :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.spearphish_menu ' " , 5 )
show_spearphish_menu = create_menu ( text . spearphish_text , text . spearphish_menu )
spearphish_menu_choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 1 " ] , " " ) )
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' help ' :
print text . spearphish_text
# Spearphish menu choice 1: Perform a Mass Email Attack
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' 1 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/core/msf_attacks/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.msf_attacks.create_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( create_payload )
except :
import create_payload
# Spearphish menu choice 2: Create a FileFormat Payload
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' 2 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/core/msf_attacks/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.msf_attacks.create_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( create_payload )
except :
import create_payload
#Spearphish menu choice 3: Create a Social-Engineering Template
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' 3 ' :
debug_msg ( me , " calling function ' custom_template ' from ' src.core.setcore ' " , 3 )
custom_template ( )
#Spearphish menu choice 99
if spearphish_menu_choice == ' 99 ' : break
# Web Attack Menu
# Main Menu choice 2: Website Attack Vectors
if main_menu_choice == ' 2 ' :
while 1 :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.webattack_menu ' " , 5 )
show_webattack_menu = create_menu ( text . webattack_text , text . webattack_menu )
attack_vector = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " " ) )
choice3 = " "
if attack_vector == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
if attack_vector == " " :
debug_msg ( me , " no attack vector entered, defaulting to ' 1) Java Applet Attack Method ' " , 3 )
attack_vector = " 1 "
# check unsupported features
if operating_system == " windows " or msf_path == False :
if attack_vector == " 2 " or attack_vector == " 9 " :
print_warning ( " Sorry. This option is not yet available in Windows or Metasploit was not found. " )
return_continue ( )
# Web Attack menu choice 9: Create or Import a CodeSigning Certificate
2013-01-14 12:54:48 +00:00
if attack_vector == ' 8 ' :
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
sys . path . append ( " src/html/unsigned " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.html.unsigned.verified_sign ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( verified_sign )
except :
import verified_sign
# Web Attack menu choice 9: Return to the Previous Menu
if attack_vector == ' 99 ' : break
try :
attack_check = int ( attack_vector )
except :
print_error ( " ERROR:Invalid selection, going back to menu. " )
if attack_check > 9 :
print_warning ( " Invalid option " )
return_continue ( )
# Web Attack menu choice 5: Man Left in the Middle Attack Method
if attack_vector == " 5 " :
choice3 = ' 0 '
if attack_vector != " 5 " :
if attack_vector != " 8 " :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.webattack_vectors_menu ' " , 5 )
show_webvectors_menu = create_menu ( text . webattack_vectors_text , text . webattack_vectors_menu )
print ' 99) Return to Webattack Menu \n '
choice3 = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " " ) )
if choice3 == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
if choice3 == " 99 " : break
if choice3 == " quit " or choice3 == ' 4 ' : break
try :
# write our attack vector to file to be called later
os . chdir ( definepath )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/attack_vector " , " w " )
# webjacking and web templates are not allowed
if attack_vector == " 6 " and choice3 == " 1 " :
print bcolors . RED + " \n Sorry, you can ' t use the Web Jacking vector with Web Templates. " + bcolors . ENDC
return_continue ( )
# if we select multiattack, web templates are not allowed
if attack_vector == " 7 " and choice3 == " 1 " :
print bcolors . RED + " \n Sorry, you can ' t use the Multi-Attack vector with Web Templates. " + bcolors . ENDC
return_continue ( )
# if we select web template and tabnabbing, throw this error and bomb out to menu
if attack_vector == " 4 " and choice3 == " 1 " :
print bcolors . RED + " \n Sorry, you can only use the cloner option with the tabnabbing method. " + bcolors . ENDC
return_continue ( )
# if attack vector is default or 1 for java applet
if attack_vector == ' ' : attack_vector = ' 1 '
# specify java applet attack
if attack_vector == ' 1 ' :
attack_vector = " java "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
# specify browser exploits
if attack_vector == ' 2 ' :
attack_vector = " browser "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
if attack_vector == ' ' : attack_vector = ' 3 '
# specify web harvester method
if attack_vector == ' 3 ' :
attack_vector = " harvester "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
print_info ( " Credential harvester will allow you to utilize the clone capabilities within SET " )
print_info ( " to harvest credentials or parameters from a website as well as place them into a report " )
# specify tab nabbing attack vector
if attack_vector == ' 4 ' :
attack_vector = " tabnabbing "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
# specify man left int he middle attack vector
if attack_vector == ' 5 ' :
attack_vector = " mlitm "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
# specify webjacking attack vector
if attack_vector == " 6 " :
attack_vector = " webjacking "
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
# specify Multi-Attack Vector
attack_vector_multi = " "
if attack_vector == ' 7 ' :
# trigger the multiattack flag in SET
attack_vector = " multiattack "
# write the attack vector to file
filewrite . write ( attack_vector )
filewrite . close ( )
# pull ip address
2013-03-14 14:25:10 +00:00
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
if choice3 != " 5 " :
fileopen = file ( " config/set_config " , " r " ) . readlines ( )
for line in fileopen :
line = line . rstrip ( )
match = re . search ( " AUTO_DETECT=ON " , line )
if match :
try :
ipaddr = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_DGRAM )
ipaddr . connect ( ( ' google.com ' , 0 ) )
ipaddr . settimeout ( 2 )
ipaddr = ipaddr . getsockname ( ) [ 0 ]
2013-03-14 14:25:10 +00:00
update_options ( " IPADDR= " + ipaddr )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
except Exception , error :
log ( error )
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " Your interface IP Address " ) )
2013-03-14 14:25:10 +00:00
update_options ( " IPADDR= " + ipaddr )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
# if AUTO_DETECT=OFF prompt for IP Address
for line in fileopen :
line = line . rstrip ( )
match = re . search ( " AUTO_DETECT=OFF " , line )
if match :
if attack_vector != " harvester " :
if attack_vector != " tabnabbing " :
if attack_vector != " webjacking " :
# this part is to determine if NAT/port forwarding is used
# if it is it'll prompt for additional questions
print_info ( " NAT/Port Forwarding can be used in the cases where your SET machine is " )
print_info ( " not externally exposed and may be a different IP address than your reverse listener. " )
nat_or_fwd = yesno_prompt ( ' 0 ' , ' Are you using NAT/Port Forwarding [yes|no] ' )
if nat_or_fwd == " YES " :
ipquestion = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " IP address to SET web server (this could be your external IP or hostname) " ) )
filewrite2 = file ( " src/program_junk/interface " , " w " )
filewrite2 . write ( ipquestion )
filewrite2 . close ( )
# is your payload/listener on a different IP?
natquestion = yesno_prompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " Is your payload handler (metasploit) on a different IP from your external NAT/Port FWD address [yes|no] " )
if natquestion == ' YES ' :
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " IP address for the reverse handler (reverse payload) " ) )
if natquestion == " NO " :
ipaddr = ipquestion
# if you arent using NAT/Port FWD
if nat_or_fwd == " NO " :
print_info ( " Enter the IP address of your interface IP or if your using an external IP, what " )
print_info ( " will be used for the connection back and to house the web server (your interface address) " )
2013-01-19 14:49:36 +00:00
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " IP address or hostname for the reverse connection " ) )
# here we check if they are using a hostname else we loop through until they have a legit one
if validate_ip ( ipaddr ) == False :
while 1 :
choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " This is not an IP address. Are you using a hostname? [y/n] " ) )
if choice == " " or choice . lower ( ) == " y " :
print_status ( " Roger that. Using hostnames moving forward.. " )
else :
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " IP address for the reverse connection " ) )
if validate_ip ( ipaddr ) == True : break
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
if attack_vector == " harvester " or attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
print_info ( " This option is used for what IP the server will POST to. " )
print_info ( " If you ' re using an external IP, use your external IP for this " )
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " IP address for the POST back in Harvester/Tabnabbing " ) )
2013-03-14 14:25:10 +00:00
update_options ( " IPADDR= " + ipaddr )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
# if java applet attack
if attack_vector == " java " :
# Allow Self-Signed Certificates
fileopen = file ( " config/set_config " , " r " ) . readlines ( )
for line in fileopen :
line = line . rstrip ( )
match = re . search ( " SELF_SIGNED_APPLET=ON " , line )
if match :
sys . path . append ( " src/html/unsigned/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.html.unsigned.self_sign ' " , 1 )
import self_sign
# Select SET quick setup
if choice3 == ' 1 ' :
# get the template ready
sys . path . append ( " src/html/templates " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing src.html.templates.template ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( template )
except :
import template
# grab browser exploit selection
if attack_vector == " browser " :
# grab clientattack
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/browser_exploits " )
debug_msg ( me , " line 357: importing ' src.webattack.browser_exploits.gen_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( gen_payload )
except :
import gen_payload
# arp cache attack, will exit quickly
# if not in config file
sys . path . append ( " src/core/arp_cache " )
debug_msg ( me , " line 364: importing ' src.core.arp_cache.arp ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( arp )
except :
import arp
# actual website attack here
# web_server.py is main core
sys . path . append ( " src/html/ " )
# clean up stale file
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/cloner.failed " ) :
os . remove ( " src/program_junk/cloner.failed " )
site_cloned = True
debug_msg ( me , " line 375: importing ' src.webattack.web_clone.cloner ' " , 1 )
import src . webattack . web_clone . cloner
#try: reload(cloner)
#except: import cloner
# grab java applet attack
if attack_vector == " java " :
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
import src . core . payloadgen . create_payloads
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/cloner.failed " ) :
site_cloned = False
if site_cloned == True :
# cred harvester for auto site here
if attack_vector == " harvester " or attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
if attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/tabnabbing " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.tabnabbing.tabnabbing ' " , 1 )
try : reload ( tabnabbing )
except : import tabnabbing
# start web cred harvester here
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/harvester " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.harvester.harvester ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( harvester )
except :
import harvester
# if we are using profiler lets prep everything to get ready
if attack_vector == " profiler " :
from src . webattack . profiler . webprofiler import *
prep_website ( )
if attack_vector != " harvester " :
if attack_vector != " tabnabbing " :
if attack_vector != " multiattack " :
if attack_vector != " webjacking " :
if attack_vector != " multiattack " :
if attack_vector != " profiler " :
# spawn web server here
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.html.spawn ' " , 1 )
import src . html . spawn
# multi attack vector here
if attack_vector == " multiattack " :
if choice3 == " 1 " :
try :
filewrite = file ( " src/progam_junk/multiattack.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " TEMPLATE=TRUE " )
filewrite . close ( )
except :
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.multi_attack.multiattack ' " , 1 )
import src . webattack . multi_attack . multiattack
# Create a website clone
if choice3 == ' 2 ' :
# flag that we want a custom website
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/web_clone/ " )
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/site.template " ) :
os . remove ( " src/program_junk/site.template " )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/site.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " TEMPLATE=CUSTOM " )
print_info ( " SET supports both HTTP and HTTPS " )
# specify the site to clone
print_info ( " Example: http://www.thisisafakesite.com " )
URL = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " Enter the url to clone " ) )
match = re . search ( " http:// " , URL )
match1 = re . search ( " https:// " , URL )
if not match :
if not match1 :
URL = ( " http:// " + URL )
match2 = re . search ( " facebook.com " , URL )
if match2 :
URL = ( " https://login.facebook.com/login.php " )
filewrite . write ( " \n URL= %s " % ( URL ) )
filewrite . close ( )
# grab browser exploit selection
if attack_vector == " browser " :
# grab clientattack
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/browser_exploits " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.browser_exploits.gen_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( gen_payload )
except :
import gen_payload
# set site cloner to true
site_cloned = True
if attack_vector != " multiattack " :
# import our website cloner
site_cloned = True
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.web_clone.cloner ' " , 1 )
import src . webattack . web_clone . cloner
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/cloner.failed " ) :
site_cloned = False
if site_cloned == True :
if attack_vector == " java " :
# import our payload generator
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
import src . core . payloadgen . create_payloads
# arp cache if applicable
sys . path . append ( " src/core/arp_cache " )
debug_msg ( me , " line 500: importing ' src.core.arp_cache.arp ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( arp )
except :
import arp
# tabnabbing and harvester selection here
if attack_vector == " harvester " or attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
if attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/tabnabbing " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.tabnabbing.tabnabbing ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( tabnabbing )
except :
import tabnabbing
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/harvester " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.harvester.harvester ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( harvester )
except :
import harvester
# multi_attack vector here
if attack_vector == " multiattack " :
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/multi_attack/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.multi_attack.multiattack ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( multiattack )
except :
import multiattack
# if we arent using credential harvester or tabnabbing
if attack_vector != " harvester " :
if attack_vector != " tabnabbing " :
if attack_vector != " multiattack " :
if attack_vector != " webjacking " :
sys . path . append ( " src/html " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.html.spawn ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( spawn )
except :
import spawn
# Import your own site
if choice3 == ' 3 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/web_clone/ " )
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/site.template " ) :
os . remove ( " src/program_junk/site.template " )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/site.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " TEMPLATE=SELF " )
# specify the site to clone
if not os . path . isdir ( " src/program_junk/web_clone " ) :
os . makedirs ( " src/program_junk/web_clone " )
print_warning ( " Example: /home/website/ (make sure you end with /) " )
print_warning ( " Also note that there MUST be an index.html in the folder you point to. " )
URL = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " Path to the website to be cloned " ) )
if not URL . endswith ( " / " ) :
if not URL . endswith ( " index.html " ) :
URL = URL + " / "
if not os . path . isfile ( URL + " index.html " ) :
if os . path . isfile ( URL ) :
shutil . copyfile ( " %s " % ( URL ) , " src/program_junk/web_clone/index.html " )
if not os . path . isfile ( URL ) :
if URL . endswith ( " index.html " ) :
shutil . copyfile ( URL , " %s /src/program_junk/web_clone/index.html " % ( definepath ) )
else :
print_error ( " ERROR:index.html not found!! " )
print_error ( " ERROR:Did you just put the path in, not file? " )
print_error ( " Exiting the Social-Engineer Toolkit...Hack the Gibson. \n " )
exit_set ( )
if os . path . isfile ( URL + " index.html " ) :
print_status ( " Index.html found. Do you want to copy the entire folder or just index.html? " )
choice = raw_input ( " \n 1. Copy just the index.html \n 2. Copy the entire folder \n \n Enter choice [1/2]: " )
if choice == " 1 " or choice == " " :
if os . path . isfile ( " %s /src/program_junk/web_clone/index.html " % ( definepath ) ) :
os . remove ( " %s /src/program_junk/web_clone/index.html " % ( definepath ) )
shutil . copyfile ( URL + " index.html " , " %s /src/program_junk/web_clone/ " % ( definepath ) )
if choice == " 2 " :
if os . path . isdir ( " %s /src/program_junk " % ( URL ) ) :
print_error ( " You cannot specify a folder in the default SET path. This goes into a loop Try something different. " )
URL = raw_input ( " Enter the folder to import into SET, this CANNOT be the SET directory: " )
if os . path . isdir ( " %s /src/program_junk " % ( URL ) ) :
print_error ( " You tried the same thing. Exiting now. " )
sys . exit ( )
copyfolder ( URL , " %s /src/program_junk/web_clone/ " % ( definepath ) )
filewrite . write ( " \n URL= %s " % ( URL ) )
filewrite . close ( )
# if not harvester then load up cloner
if attack_vector == " java " or attack_vector == " browser " :
# import our website cloner
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.web_clone.cloner ' " , 1 )
import src . webattack . web_clone . cloner
# if java applet attack
if attack_vector == " java " :
# import our payload generator
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
import src . core . payloadgen . create_payloads
# grab browser exploit selection
if attack_vector == " browser " :
# grab clientattack
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/browser_exploits " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.browser_exploits.gen_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( gen_payload )
except :
import gen_payload
# arp cache if applicable
sys . path . append ( " src/core/arp_cache " )
debug_msg ( me , " line 592: importing ' src.core.arp_cache.arp ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( arp )
except :
import arp
# if not harvester spawn server
if attack_vector == " java " or attack_vector == " browser " :
# import web_server and do magic
sys . path . append ( " src/html " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.html.spawn ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( spawn )
except :
import spawn
# cred harvester for auto site here
if attack_vector == " harvester " :
# get the url
print_info ( " Example: http://www.blah.com " )
URL = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " URL of the website you imported " ) )
match = re . search ( " http:// " , URL )
match1 = re . search ( " https:// " , URL )
if not match :
if not match1 :
URL = ( " http:// " + URL )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/site.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " \n URL= %s " % ( URL ) )
filewrite . close ( )
# start web cred harvester here
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/harvester " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.harvester.harvester ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( harvester )
except :
import harvester
# tabnabbing for auto site here
if attack_vector == " tabnabbing " or attack_vector == " webjacking " :
# get the url
print_info ( " Example: http://www.blah.com " )
URL = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 2 " ] , " URL of the website you imported " ) )
match = re . search ( " http:// " , URL )
match1 = re . search ( " https:// " , URL )
if not match :
if not match1 :
URL = ( " http:// " + URL )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/site.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " \n URL= %s " % ( URL ) )
filewrite . close ( )
# start tabnabbing here
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/tabnabbing " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.tabnabbing.tabnabbing ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( tabnabbing )
except :
import tabnabbing
# start web cred harvester here
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/harvester " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.harvester.harvester ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( harvester )
except :
import harvester
# multi attack vector here
if attack_vector == " multiattack " :
try :
filewrite = file ( " src/progam_junk/multiattack.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " TEMPLATE=TRUE " )
filewrite . close ( )
except :
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.multi_attack.multiattack ' " , 1 )
import src . webattack . multi_attack . multiattack
# option for thebiz man left in the middle attack vector
if choice3 == ' 0 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/webattack/mlitm " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.webattack.mlitm.thebiz ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( thebiz )
except :
import thebiz
# Return to main menu
if choice3 == ' 4 ' :
print ( " Returning to main menu. \n " )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print " Control-C detected, bombing out to previous menu.. "
# Define Auto-Infection USB/CD Method here
if main_menu_choice == ' 3 ' :
# Main Menu choice 3: Infectious Media Generator
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.infectious_menu ' " , 5 )
show_infectious_menu = create_menu ( text . infectious_text , text . infectious_menu )
infectious_menu_choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 3 " ] , " " ) )
if infectious_menu_choice == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
if infectious_menu_choice == " 99 " :
menu_back ( )
if infectious_menu_choice == " " :
infectious_menu_choice = " 1 "
# if fileformat
if infectious_menu_choice == " 1 " :
ipaddr = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 3 " ] , " IP address for the reverse connection (payload) " ) )
2013-03-14 14:25:10 +00:00
update_options ( " IPADDR= " + ipaddr )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
filewrite1 = file ( " src/program_junk/payloadgen " , " w " )
filewrite1 . write ( " payloadgen=solo " )
filewrite1 . close ( )
# if choice is file-format
if infectious_menu_choice == " 1 " :
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/fileformat.file " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " fileformat=on " )
filewrite . close ( )
sys . path . append ( " src/core/msf_attacks/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.msf_attacks.create_payload ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( create_payload )
except :
import create_payload
# if choice is standard payload
if infectious_menu_choice == " 2 " :
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/standardpayload.file " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " standardpayload=on " )
filewrite . close ( )
#try: reload(create_payloads)
#except: import create_payloads
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
import src . core . payloadgen . create_payloads
if infectious_menu_choice != " 99 " :
# import the autorun stuff
sys . path . append ( " src/autorun/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.autorun.autorun ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( autorun )
except :
import autorun
if infectious_menu_choice == " 2 " :
sys . path . append ( " src/core/payloadgen/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.solo ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( solo )
except :
import solo
# Main Menu choice 4: Create a Payload and Listener
if main_menu_choice == ' 4 ' :
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/payloadgen " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " payloadgen=solo " )
filewrite . close ( )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
import src . core . payloadgen . create_payloads
print_status ( " Your payload is now in the root directory of SET as msf.exe " )
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/meterpreter.alpha " ) :
print " [*] Saving alphanumeric shellcode in root directory of SET as meterpreter.alpha "
shutil . copyfile ( " src/program_junk/meterpreter.alpha " , " meterpreter.alpha " )
2013-03-15 15:35:31 +00:00
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/msf.exe " ) :
shutil . copyfile ( " src/program_junk/msf.exe " , " msf.exe " )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
# if we didn't select the SET interactive shell or RATTE
if not os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/set.payload " ) :
upx ( " msf.exe " )
# if the set payload is there
if os . path . isfile ( " src/program_junk/set.payload " ) :
shutil . copyfile ( " src/program_junk/msf.exe " , " msf.exe " )
sys . path . append ( " src/core/payloadgen/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.solo ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( solo )
except :
import solo
return_continue ( )
# Main Menu choice 5: Mass Mailer Attack
if main_menu_choice == ' 5 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/phishing/smtp/client " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.phishing.smtp.client.smtp_web ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( smtp_web )
except :
import smtp_web
# Main Menu choice 6: Teensy USB HID Attack Vector
if main_menu_choice == ' 6 ' :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.teensy_menu ' " , 5 )
show_teensy_menu = create_menu ( text . teensy_text , text . teensy_menu )
teensy_menu_choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 6 " ] , " " ) )
if teensy_menu_choice == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
# if not return to main menu
yes_or_no = ' '
if teensy_menu_choice != " 99 " :
# set our teensy info file in program junk
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/teensy " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( teensy_menu_choice + " \n " )
if teensy_menu_choice != " 3 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 7 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 8 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 9 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 10 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 11 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 12 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 13 " :
yes_or_no = yesno_prompt ( " 0 " , " Do you want to create a payload and listener [yes|no]: " )
if yes_or_no == " YES " :
filewrite . write ( " payload " )
filewrite . close ( )
# load a payload
sys . path . append ( " src/core/payloadgen " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.payloadgen.create_payloads ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( create_payloads )
except :
import create_payloads
if yes_or_no == " NO " :
filewrite . close ( )
# need these default files for web server load
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/site.template " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " TEMPLATE=CUSTOM " )
filewrite . close ( )
filewrite = file ( " src/program_junk/attack_vector " , " w " )
filewrite . write ( " hid " )
filewrite . close ( )
# if we are doing binary2teensy
if teensy_menu_choice != " 7 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 8 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 9 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 10 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 11 " and teensy_menu_choice != " 12 " :
sys . path . append ( " src/teensy " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.teensy.teensy ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( teensy )
except :
import teensy
if teensy_menu_choice == " 7 " :
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.teensy.binary2teensy ' " , 1 )
import src . teensy . binary2teensy
# if we are doing sd2teensy attack
if teensy_menu_choice == " 8 " :
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.teensy.sd2teensy ' " , 1 )
import src . teensy . sd2teensy
# if we are doing the sd2teensy osx attack
if teensy_menu_choice == " 9 " :
print_status ( " Generating the SD2Teensy OSX pde file for you... " )
shutil . copyfile ( " src/teensy/osx_sd2teensy.pde reports/ " )
print_status ( " File has been exported to reports/osx_sd2teensy.pde " )
return_continue ( )
# if we are doing the X10 Arduino Sniffer
if teensy_menu_choice == " 10 " :
print_status ( " Generating the Arduino sniffer and libraries pde.. " )
if not os . path . isdir ( " reports/arduino_sniffers " ) :
os . makedirs ( " reports/arduino_sniffers " )
shutil . copyfile ( " src/teensy/x10/x10_sniffer.pde " , " reports/arduino_sniffer " )
shutil . copyfile ( " src/teensy/x10/libraries.zip " , " reports/arduino_sniffer/ " )
print_status ( " Arduino sniffer files and libraries exported to reports/arduino_sniffer " )
return_continue ( )
# if we are doing the X10 Jammer
if teensy_menu_choice == " 11 " :
print_status ( " Generating the Arduino jammer pde and libraries... " )
if not os . path . isdir ( " reports/arduino_jammer " ) :
os . makedirs ( " reports/arduino_jammer " )
shutil . copyfile ( " src/teensy/x10/x10_blackout.pde " , " reports/arduino_jammer " )
shutil . copyfile ( " src/teensy/x10/libraries.zip " , " reports/arduino_hammer " )
print_status ( " Arduino jammer files and libraries exported to reports/arduino_jammer " )
return_continue ( )
# powershell shellcode injection
if teensy_menu_choice == " 12 " :
print_status ( " Generating the Powershell - Shellcode injection pde.. " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.teensy.powershell_shellcode ' " , 1 )
import src . teensy . powershell_shellcode
if teensy_menu_choice == " 99 " : teensy_menu_choice = None
# Main Menu choice 8: Wireless Attack Point Attack Vector
if main_menu_choice == ' 8 ' :
if operating_system == " windows " :
print_warning ( " Sorry. The wireless attack vector is not yet supported in Windows. " )
return_continue ( )
if operating_system != " windows " :
# set path to nothing
airbase_path = " "
dnsspoof_path = " "
# need to pull the SET config file
fileopen = file ( " config/set_config " , " r " )
for line in fileopen :
line = line . rstrip ( )
match = re . search ( " AIRBASE_NG_PATH= " , line )
if match :
airbase_path = line . replace ( " AIRBASE_NG_PATH= " , " " )
match1 = re . search ( " DNSSPOOF_PATH= " , line )
if match1 : dnsspoof_path = line . replace ( " DNSSPOOF_PATH= " , " " )
if not os . path . isfile ( airbase_path ) :
if not os . path . isfile ( " /usr/local/sbin/airbase-ng " ) :
print_warning ( " Warning airbase-ng was not detected on your system. Using one in SET. " )
print_warning ( " If you experience issues, you should install airbase-ng on your system. " )
print_warning ( " You can configure it through the set_config and point to airbase-ng. " )
airbase_path = ( " src/wireless/airbase-ng " )
if os . path . isfile ( " /usr/local/sbin/airbase-ng " ) :
airbase_path = " /usr/local/sbin/airbase-ng "
if not os . path . isfile ( dnsspoof_path ) :
if os . path . isfile ( " /usr/local/sbin/dnsspoof " ) : dnsspoof_path = " /usr/local/sbin/dnsspoof "
# if we can find airbase-ng
if os . path . isfile ( airbase_path ) :
if os . path . isfile ( dnsspoof_path ) :
# start the menu here
while 1 :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.wireless_attack_menu ' " , 5 )
show_wireless_menu = create_menu ( text . wireless_attack_text , text . wireless_attack_menu )
wireless_menu_choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 8 " ] , " " ) )
# if we want to start access point
if wireless_menu_choice == " 1 " :
sys . path . append ( " src/wireless/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.wireless.wifiattack ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( wifiattack )
except :
import wifiattack
# if we want to stop the wifi attack
if wireless_menu_choice == " 2 " :
sys . path . append ( " src/wireless/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.wireless.stop_wifiattack ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( stop_wifiattack )
except :
import stop_wifiattack
# if we want to return to the main menu
if wireless_menu_choice == " 99 " :
print ( " [*] Returning to the main menu ... " )
if not os . path . isfile ( dnsspoof_path ) :
if not os . path . isfile ( " /usr/local/sbin/dnsspoof " ) :
print_error ( " ERROR:DNS Spoof was not detected. Check the set_config file. " )
return_continue ( )
# Main Menu choice 9: QRCode Generator
if main_menu_choice == ' 9 ' :
try :
from PIL import Image , ImageDraw
from src . qrcode . qrgenerator import *
print """
The QRCode Attack Vector will create a QRCode for you with whatever URL you want .
When you have the QRCode Generated , select an additional attack vector within SET and
deploy the QRCode to your victim . For example , generate a QRCode of the SET Java Applet
and send the QRCode via a mailer .
url = raw_input ( " Enter the URL you want the QRCode to go to: " )
2013-01-25 14:58:39 +00:00
# if the reports directory does not exist then create it
if not os . path . isdir ( " %s /reports " % ( definepath ) ) :
os . makedirs ( " %s /reports " % ( definepath ) )
2012-12-31 22:11:37 +00:00
gen_qrcode ( url )
pause = raw_input ( " QRCode generated. " )
return_continue ( )
except ImportError :
print_error ( " This module requires python-imaging to work properly. " )
print_error ( " In Ubuntu do apt-get install python-imaging " )
print_error ( " Else refer to here for installation: http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/images/installingPIL.html " )
return_continue ( )
# Main Menu choice 10: PowerShell Attacks
if main_menu_choice == ' 10 ' :
#show_powershell_menu = create_menu(text.powershell_text, text.powershell_menu)
#powershell_menu_choice = raw_input(setprompt(["1"], ""))
import src . powershell . powershell
# Main Menu choice 11: Third Party Modules
if main_menu_choice == ' 11 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/core " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.core.module_handler ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( module_handler )
except :
import module_handler
# Main Menu choice 99: Exit the Social-Engineer Toolkit
if main_menu_choice == ' 99 ' :
# Main Menu choice 7: SMS Spoofing Attack Vector
if main_menu_choice == ' 7 ' :
sms_menu_choice = ' 0 '
while sms_menu_choice != ' 3 ' :
debug_msg ( me , " printing ' text.sms_attack_text ' " , 5 )
show_sms_menu = create_menu ( text . sms_attack_text , text . sms_attack_menu )
sms_menu_choice = raw_input ( setprompt ( [ " 7 " ] , " " ) )
if sms_menu_choice == ' exit ' :
exit_set ( )
if sms_menu_choice == ' 1 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/sms/client/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.sms.client.sms_client ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( sms_client )
except :
import sms_client
if sms_menu_choice == ' 2 ' :
sys . path . append ( " src/sms/client/ " )
debug_msg ( me , " importing ' src.sms.client.custom_sms_template ' " , 1 )
try :
reload ( custom_sms_template )
except :
import custom_sms_template
if sms_menu_choice == ' 99 ' : break
# handle keyboard interrupts
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print " \n \n Thank you for " + bcolors . RED + " shopping " + bcolors . ENDC + " with the Social-Engineer Toolkit. \n \n Hack the Gibson...and remember...hugs are worth more than handshakes. \n "