function Compat() { this.isChrome = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") !== -1; this.browser = this.isChrome ? : window.browser; // Firefox doesn't support tags in search suggestion. this.tagged = this.isChrome ? (tag, str) => `<${tag}>${str}` : (_, str) => str; this.match = (str) => this.tagged("match", str); this.dim = (str) => this.tagged("dim", str); } // Escape the five predefined entities to display them as text. Compat.prototype.escape = function(str) { str = str || ""; return this.isChrome ? str .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'") : str; }; // Compatibly get extension's background page. Compat.prototype.getBackgroundPage = function() { return this.browser.extension.getBackgroundPage(); }; Compat.prototype.normalizeDate = function(date) { let month = '' + (date.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + date.getDate(), year = date.getFullYear(); return [year, month.padStart(2, "0"), day.padStart(2, "0")].join('-'); }; Compat.prototype.sendMessage = function(message, response) { c.browser.runtime.sendMessage(message, response); };