const c = new Compat(); const crateSearcher = new CrateSearch(mapping, crateIndex); const attributeSearcher = new AttributeSearch(); const bookSearcher = new BookSearch(booksIndex); const lintSearcher = new LintSearch(lintsIndex); const stdSearcher = new StdSearch(searchIndex); const crateDocSearchManager = new CrateDocSearchManager(); const commandManager = new CommandManager(); const defaultSuggestion = `Search std ${c.match("docs")}, external ${c.match("docs")} (@), ${c.match("crates")} (!), ${c.match("attributes")} (#), ${c.match("books")} (%), clippy ${c.match("lints")} (>), and ${c.match("error codes")}, etc in your address bar instantly!`; const omnibox = new Omnibox(defaultSuggestion, c.omniboxPageSize()); let formatDoc = (index, doc) => { let description = doc.displayPath + c.match(; if (doc.desc) { description += " - " + c.dim(c.escape(doc.desc)); } return {content: doc.href, description}; }; omnibox.bootstrap({ onSearch: (query) => { return; }, onFormat: formatDoc, onAppend: (query) => { return [{ content: stdSearcher.getSearchUrl(query), description: `Search Rust docs ${c.match(query)} on ${settings.isOfflineMode ? "offline mode" : stdSearcher.rootPath}`, }]; }, beforeNavigate: (content) => { if (content && /^@.\w+$/i.test(content.trim())) { // Case: @crate, redirect to that crate's page return `${content.replace("@", "")}`; } else if (content && /^https?.*\/~\/\*\/.*/ig.test(content)) { // Sanitize docs url which from all crates doc search mode. (Prefix with "~") // Here is the url instance:*/reqwest/fn.get.html let [_, __, crateName] = new URL(content).pathname.slice(1).split("/"); let crateVersion = CrateDocSearchManager.getCrates()[crateName].version; return content.replace("/~/", `/${crateName}/`).replace("/*/", `/${crateVersion}/`); } else { return content; } }, afterNavigated: (query, result) => { HistoryCommand.record(query, result); } }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent("~", { onSearch: (query) => { return crateDocSearchManager.searchAll(query); }, onFormat: formatDoc, }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent("@", { onSearch: (query) => { return; }, onFormat: (index, item) => { if (item.hasOwnProperty("content")) { // 1. Crate list header. // 2. Crate result footer return item; } else if (item.hasOwnProperty("href")) { return formatDoc(index, item); } else { // Crate name list. let content = `@${}`; return { content, description: `${c.match(content)} v${item.version} - ${c.dim(item.doc)}`, } } }, }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent("!", { defaultSearch: true, searchPriority: 1, onSearch: (query) => { this.docMode = query.startsWith("!!"); return; }, onFormat: (index, crate) => { return { content: this.docMode ? `${}` : `https://${settings.crateRegistry}/crates/${}`, description: `${c.capitalize(this.docMode ? "" : settings.crateRegistry)}: ${c.match(} v${crate.version} - ${c.dim(c.escape(crate.description))}`, }; }, onAppend: (query) => { let keyword = query.replace(/[!\s]/g, ""); return [{ content: "" + encodeURIComponent(keyword), description: "Search Rust crates for " + c.match(keyword) + " on", }, { content: "remind", description: `Remind: ${c.dim("We only indexed the top 20K crates. Sorry for the inconvenience if your desired crate not show.")}`, }]; } }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent("#", { defaultSearch: true, searchPriority: 2, deduplicate: true, onSearch: (query) => { return; }, onFormat: (index, attribute) => { return { content: attribute.href, description: `Attribute: ${c.match("#[" + + "]")} ${c.dim(attribute.description)}`, } } }); omnibox.addRegexQueryEvent(/e\d{2,4}$/i, { onSearch: (query) => { let baseIndex = parseInt(query.slice(1).padEnd(4, '0')); let result = []; for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) { let errorIndex = 'E' + String(baseIndex++).padStart(4, "0").toUpperCase(); result.push(errorIndex); } return result; }, onFormat: (index, errorCode) => { return { content: "" + errorCode, description: `Search Rust error index for ${c.match(errorCode)} on`, }; } }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent("%", { onSearch: (query) => { return; }, onFormat: (index, page) => { let parentTitles = page.parentTitles || []; return { content: page.url, description: `${[ => c.escape(t)), c.match(c.escape(page.title))].join(" > ")} - ${c.dim(}` } } }); const LINT_URL = ""; omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent(">", { onSearch: (query) => { return; }, onFormat: (index, lint) => { return { content: `${LINT_URL}#${}`, description: `Clippy lint: [${lint.level}] ${c.match(} - ${c.dim(c.escape(lint.description))}`, } }, }); omnibox.addPrefixQueryEvent(":", { onSearch: (query) => { return commandManager.execute(query); }, }); omnibox.addNoCacheQueries("!", "@", ":"); window.crateSearcher = crateSearcher;