#!/bin/bash set -o errexit -o nounset echo "Running $0" if [ -z "${TRAVIS_BRANCH:-}" ]; then echo "This script may only be run from Travis!" exit 1 fi if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" || "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" != "stable" || "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "linux" ]]; then echo "This commit was made against '$TRAVIS_BRANCH' with '$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION' on '$TRAVIS_OS_NAME'." echo "Instead of 'master' branch with 'stable' on 'linux'!" echo "Not deploying!" exit 0 fi if [ -z "${CONTENT_TESTS:-}" ]; then # check for outdated dependencies on nightly builds if [ "${TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE:-}" == "cron" ]; then echo "This is cron build. Checking for outdated dependencies!" rm ./Cargo.lock cargo clean # replace all [dependencies] versions with "*" sed -i -e "/^\[dependencies\]/,/^\[.*\]/ s|^\(.*=[ \t]*\).*$|\1\"\*\"|" ./Cargo.toml cargo test || { echo "Cron build failed! Dependencies outdated!"; exit 1; } echo "Cron build success! Dependencies are up to date!" exit 0 fi echo "We deploy only after we also test the markup and descriptions!" exit 0 fi # Returns 1 if program is installed and 0 otherwise program_installed() { local return_=1 type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { local return_=0; } echo "$return_" } # Ensure required programs are installed if [ $(program_installed git) == 0 ]; then echo "Please install Git." exit 1 elif [ $(program_installed mdbook) == 0 ]; then echo "Please install mdbook: cargo install mdbook." exit 1 fi echo "Building site to book/" mdbook build echo "Copying assets/* to book/" cp -r assets/ book/ echo "Committing book directory to gh-pages branch" REV=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) cd book # hotfix for https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-cookbook/issues/416 sed -i -e "s/_FontAwesome/FontAwesome/" *.html mv ./_FontAwesome ./FontAwesome git init git remote add upstream "https://$GH_TOKEN@github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-cookbook.git" git config user.name "Rust Cookbook" git config user.email "cookbook@rust-lang.org" git add -A . git commit -qm "Build cookbook at ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}@${REV}" echo "Pushing gh-pages to GitHub" git push -q upstream HEAD:refs/heads/gh-pages --force