mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 12:18:27 +00:00
3 changed files with 104 additions and 3 deletions
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
| [Define and operate on a type represented as a bitfield][ex-bitflags] | [![bitflags-badge]][bitflags] | [![cat-no-std-badge]][cat-no-std] |
| [Access a file randomly using a memory map][ex-random-file-access] | [![memmap-badge]][memmap] | [![cat-filesystem-badge]][cat-filesystem] |
| [Check number of logical cpu cores][ex-check-cpu-cores] | [![num_cpus-badge]][num_cpus] | [![cat-hardware-support-badge]][cat-hardware-support] |
| [Obtain backtrace of complex error scenarios][ex-error-chain-backtrace] | [![error-chain-badge]][error-chain] | [![cat-rust-patterns-badge]][cat-rust-patterns] |
[ex-std-read-lines]: #ex-std-read-lines
<a name="ex-std-read-lines"></a>
@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ Uses [`ring::hmac`] to creates a [`hmac::Signature`] of a string then verifies t
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate error_chain;
extern crate ring;
# error_chain! {
# foreign_links {
# Ring(ring::error::Unspecified);
@ -1092,14 +1092,112 @@ fn main() {
[ex-error-chain-backtrace]: #ex-error-chain-backtrace
<a name="ex-error-chain-backtrace"></a>
## Obtain backtrace of complex error scenarios
[![error-chain-badge]][error-chain] [![cat-rust-patterns-badge]][cat-rust-patterns]
This recipe shows how to handle a complex error scenario and then
print a backtrace. It relies on [`chain_err`] to extend errors by
appending new errors. The error stack can be unwinded, thus providing
a better context to understand why an error was raised.
The below recipes attemps to deserialize the value `256` into a
`u8`. An error will bubble up from Serde then csv and finaly up to the
user code.
# extern crate csv;
extern crate error_chain;
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate serde_derive;
# use std::fmt;
# error_chain! {
# foreign_links {
# Reader(csv::Error);
# }
# }
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct Rgb {
red: u8,
blue: u8,
green: u8,
impl Rgb {
fn from_reader(csv_data: &[u8]) -> Result<Rgb> {
let color: Rgb = csv::Reader::from_reader(csv_data)
.ok_or("Cannot deserialize the first CSV record")?
.chain_err(|| "Cannot deserialize RGB color")?;
# impl fmt::UpperHex for Rgb {
# fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
# let hexa = u32::from(self.red) << 16 | u32::from(self.blue) << 8 | u32::from(self.green);
# write!(f, "{:X}", hexa)
# }
# }
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let csv = "red,blue,green
let rgb = Rgb::from_reader(csv.as_bytes()).chain_err(|| "Cannot read CSV data")?;
println!("{:?} to hexadecimal #{:X}", rgb, rgb);
fn main() {
if let Err(ref errors) = run() {
eprintln!("Error level - description");
.for_each(|(index, error)| eprintln!("└> {} - {}", index, error));
if let Some(backtrace) = errors.backtrace() {
eprintln!("{:?}", backtrace);
# // In a real use case, errors should handled. For example:
# // ::std::process::exit(1);
Backtrace error rendered:
Error level - description
└> 0 - Cannot read CSV data
└> 1 - Cannot deserialize RGB color
└> 2 - CSV deserialize error: record 1 (line: 2, byte: 15): field 1: number too large to fit in target type
└> 3 - field 1: number too large to fit in target type
Run the recipe with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` to display a detailed [`backtrace`] associated with this error.
{{#include links.md}}
<!-- API Reference -->
[`backtrace`]: https://docs.rs/error-chain/*/error_chain/trait.ChainedError.html#tymethod.backtrace
[`bitflags!`]: https://docs.rs/bitflags/*/bitflags/macro.bitflags.html
[`BufRead::lines`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.BufRead.html#method.lines
[`BufRead`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.BufRead.html
[`BufReader`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.BufReader.html
[`chain_err`]: https://docs.rs/error-chain/*/error_chain/index.html#chaining-errors
[`Command`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/process/struct.Command.html
[`digest::Context`]: https://docs.rs/ring/*/ring/digest/struct.Context.html
[`digest::Digest`]: https://docs.rs/ring/*/ring/digest/struct.Digest.html
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ community. It needs and welcomes help. For details see
| [Define and operate on a type represented as a bitfield][ex-bitflags] | [![bitflags-badge]][bitflags] | [![cat-no-std-badge]][cat-no-std] |
| [Access a file randomly using a memory map][ex-random-file-access] | [![memmap-badge]][memmap] | [![cat-filesystem-badge]][cat-filesystem] |
| [Check number of logical cpu cores][ex-check-cpu-cores] | [![num_cpus-badge]][num_cpus] | [![cat-hardware-support-badge]][cat-hardware-support] |
| [Obtain backtrace of complex error scenarios][ex-error-chain-backtrace] | [![error-chain-badge]][error-chain] | [![cat-rust-patterns-badge]][cat-rust-patterns] |
## [Encoding](encoding.html)
@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ community. It needs and welcomes help. For details see
[ex-threadpool-fractal]: concurrency.html#ex-threadpool-fractal
[ex-threadpool-walk]: concurrency.html#ex-threadpool-walk
[ex-dedup-filenames]: app.html#ex-dedup-filenames
[ex-error-chain-backtrace]: basics.html#ex-error-chain-backtrace
[ex-extract-links-webpage]: net.html#ex-extract-links-webpage
[ex-extract-hashtags]: basics.html#ex-extract-hashtags
[ex-extract-mediawiki-links]: net.html#ex-extract-mediawiki-links
@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ Keep lines sorted.
[data-encoding]: https://docs.rs/data-encoding/
[env_logger-badge]: https://badge-cache.kominick.com/crates/v/env_logger.svg?label=env_logger
[env_logger]: https://docs.rs/env_logger/
[error-chain-badge]: https://badge-cache.kominick.com/crates/v/error-chain.svg?label=error-chain
[error-chain]: https://docs.rs/error-chain/
[flate2-badge]: https://badge-cache.kominick.com/crates/v/flate2.svg?label=flate2
[flate2]: https://docs.rs/flate2/
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