mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 01:07:19 +00:00
Until now, the lint only emitted a warning, when breaking public API. Now it doesn't lint at all when the config value is not set to `false`, bringing it in line with the other lints using this config value. Also ensures that this config value is documented in the lint.
374 lines
8.5 KiB
374 lines
8.5 KiB
use std::ptr::NonNull;
fn foo(s: &mut Vec<u32>, b: &u32, x: &mut u32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
*x += *b + s.len() as u32;
// Should not warn.
fn foo2(s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
// Should not warn because we return it.
fn foo3(s: &mut Vec<u32>) -> &mut Vec<u32> {
// Should not warn because `s` is used as mutable.
fn foo4(s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
Vec::push(s, 4);
// Should not warn.
fn foo5(s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
fn foo6(s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
fn non_mut_ref(_: &Vec<u32>) {}
struct Bar;
impl Bar {
fn bar(&mut self) {}
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
fn mushroom(&self, vec: &mut Vec<i32>) -> usize {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
trait Babar {
// Should not warn here since it's a trait method.
fn method(arg: &mut u32);
impl Babar for Bar {
// Should not warn here since it's a trait method.
fn method(a: &mut u32) {}
// Should not warn (checking variable aliasing).
fn alias_check(s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
let mut alias = s;
let mut alias2 = alias;
let mut alias3 = alias2;
// Should not warn (checking variable aliasing).
fn alias_check2(mut s: &mut Vec<u32>) {
let mut alias = &mut s;
struct Mut<T> {
ptr: NonNull<T>,
impl<T> Mut<T> {
// Should not warn because `NonNull::from` also accepts `&mut`.
fn new(ptr: &mut T) -> Self {
Mut {
ptr: NonNull::from(ptr),
// Should not warn.
fn unused(_: &mut u32, _b: &mut u8) {}
// Should not warn.
async fn f1(x: &mut i32) {
*x += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f2(x: &mut i32, y: String) {
*x += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f3(x: &mut i32, y: String, z: String) {
*x += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f4(x: &mut i32, y: i32) {
*x += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f5(x: i32, y: &mut i32) {
*y += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f6(x: i32, y: &mut i32, z: &mut i32) {
*y += 1;
*z += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn f7(x: &mut i32, y: i32, z: &mut i32, a: i32) {
*x += 1;
*z += 1;
async fn a1(x: &mut i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a2(x: &mut i32, y: String) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a3(x: &mut i32, y: String, z: String) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a4(x: &mut i32, y: i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a5(x: i32, y: &mut i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a6(x: i32, y: &mut i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", x);
async fn a7(x: i32, y: i32, z: &mut i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", z);
async fn a8(x: i32, a: &mut i32, y: i32, z: &mut i32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
println!("{:?}", z);
// Should not warn (passed as closure which takes `&mut`).
fn passed_as_closure(s: &mut u32) {}
// Should not warn.
fn passed_as_local(s: &mut u32) {}
// Should not warn.
fn ty_unify_1(s: &mut u32) {}
// Should not warn.
fn ty_unify_2(s: &mut u32) {}
// Should not warn.
fn passed_as_field(s: &mut u32) {}
fn closure_takes_mut(s: fn(&mut u32)) {}
struct A {
s: fn(&mut u32),
// Should warn.
fn used_as_path(s: &mut u32) {}
// Make sure lint attributes work fine
fn lint_attr(s: &mut u32) {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "a"))]
fn cfg_warn(s: &mut u32) {}
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
//~| NOTE: this is cfg-gated and may require further changes
#[cfg(not(feature = "a"))]
mod foo {
fn cfg_warn(s: &mut u32) {}
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
//~| NOTE: this is cfg-gated and may require further changes
// Should not warn.
async fn inner_async(x: &mut i32, y: &mut u32) {
async {
*y += 1;
*x += 1;
async fn inner_async2(x: &mut i32, y: &mut u32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
async {
*x += 1;
async fn inner_async3(x: &mut i32, y: &mut u32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
async {
*y += 1;
// Should not warn.
async fn async_vec(b: &mut Vec<bool>) {
b.append(&mut vec![]);
// Should not warn.
async fn async_vec2(b: &mut Vec<bool>) {
fn non_mut(n: &str) {}
//Should warn
async fn call_in_closure1(n: &mut str) {
(|| non_mut(n))()
fn str_mut(str: &mut String) -> bool {
//Should not warn
async fn call_in_closure2(str: &mut String) {
(|| str_mut(str))();
// Should not warn.
async fn closure(n: &mut usize) -> impl '_ + FnMut() {
|| {
*n += 1;
// Should warn.
fn closure2(n: &mut usize) -> impl '_ + FnMut() -> usize {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
|| *n + 1
// Should not warn.
async fn closure3(n: &mut usize) {
(|| *n += 1)();
// Should warn.
async fn closure4(n: &mut usize) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
(|| {
let _x = *n + 1;
// Should not warn: pub
pub fn pub_foo(s: &mut Vec<u32>, b: &u32, x: &mut u32) {
*x += *b + s.len() as u32;
// Should not warn.
async fn _f(v: &mut Vec<()>) {
let x = || v.pop();
_ = || || x;
struct Data<T: ?Sized> {
value: T,
// Unsafe functions should not warn.
unsafe fn get_mut_unchecked<T>(ptr: &mut NonNull<Data<T>>) -> &mut T {
&mut (*ptr.as_ptr()).value
// Unsafe blocks should not warn.
fn get_mut_unchecked2<T>(ptr: &mut NonNull<Data<T>>) -> &mut T {
unsafe { &mut (*ptr.as_ptr()).value }
fn set_true(b: &mut bool) {
*b = true;
// Should not warn.
fn true_setter(b: &mut bool) -> impl FnOnce() + '_ {
move || set_true(b)
// Should not warn.
fn filter_copy<T: Copy>(predicate: &mut impl FnMut(T) -> bool) -> impl FnMut(&T) -> bool + '_ {
move |&item| predicate(item)
trait MutSelfTrait {
// Should not warn since it's a trait method.
fn mut_self(&mut self);
struct MutSelf {
a: u32,
impl MutSelf {
fn bar(&mut self) {}
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
async fn foo(&mut self, u: &mut i32, v: &mut u32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
//~| ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
async {
*u += 1;
async fn foo2(&mut self, u: &mut i32, v: &mut u32) {
//~^ ERROR: this argument is a mutable reference, but not used mutably
async {
self.a += 1;
*u += 1;
impl MutSelfTrait for MutSelf {
// Should not warn since it's a trait method.
fn mut_self(&mut self) {}
// `is_from_proc_macro` stress tests
fn _empty_tup(x: &mut (())) {}
fn _single_tup(x: &mut ((i32,))) {}
fn _multi_tup(x: &mut ((i32, u32))) {}
fn _fn(x: &mut (fn())) {}
fn _extern_rust_fn(x: &mut extern "Rust" fn()) {}
fn _extern_c_fn(x: &mut extern "C" fn()) {}
fn _unsafe_fn(x: &mut unsafe fn()) {}
fn _unsafe_extern_fn(x: &mut unsafe extern "C" fn()) {}
fn _fn_with_arg(x: &mut unsafe extern "C" fn(i32)) {}
fn _fn_with_ret(x: &mut unsafe extern "C" fn() -> (i32)) {}
fn main() {
let mut u = 0;
let mut v = vec![0];
foo(&mut v, &0, &mut u);
foo2(&mut v);
foo3(&mut v);
foo4(&mut v);
foo5(&mut v);
alias_check(&mut v);
alias_check2(&mut v);
A { s: passed_as_field };
let _: fn(&mut u32) = passed_as_local;
let _ = if v[0] == 0 { ty_unify_1 } else { ty_unify_2 };
pub_foo(&mut v, &0, &mut u);