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synced 2025-02-26 12:27:20 +00:00
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407 lines
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use rustc::lint::*;
use rustc::middle::const_eval::ConstVal::{Int, Uint};
use rustc::middle::const_eval::EvalHint::ExprTypeChecked;
use rustc::middle::const_eval::{eval_const_expr_partial, ConstVal};
use rustc::middle::ty;
use rustc_front::hir::*;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use syntax::ast::Lit_::LitBool;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use utils::{snippet, span_lint, span_note_and_lint, span_help_and_lint, in_external_macro, expr_block};
/// **What it does:** This lint checks for matches with a single arm where an `if let` will usually suffice. It is `Warn` by default.
/// **Why is this bad?** Just readability – `if let` nests less than a `match`.
/// **Known problems:** None
/// **Example:**
/// ```
/// match x {
/// Some(ref foo) -> bar(foo),
/// _ => ()
/// }
/// ```
declare_lint!(pub SINGLE_MATCH, Warn,
"a match statement with a single nontrivial arm (i.e, where the other arm \
is `_ => {}`) is used; recommends `if let` instead");
/// **What it does:** This lint checks for matches where all arms match a reference, suggesting to remove the reference and deref the matched expression instead. It is `Warn` by default.
/// **Why is this bad?** It just makes the code less readable. That reference destructuring adds nothing to the code.
/// **Known problems:** None
/// **Example:**
/// ```
/// match x {
/// &A(ref y) => foo(y),
/// &B => bar(),
/// _ => frob(&x),
/// }
/// ```
declare_lint!(pub MATCH_REF_PATS, Warn,
"a match has all arms prefixed with `&`; the match expression can be \
dereferenced instead");
/// **What it does:** This lint checks for matches where match expression is a `bool`. It suggests to replace the expression with an `if...else` block. It is `Warn` by default.
/// **Why is this bad?** It makes the code less readable.
/// **Known problems:** None
/// **Example:**
/// ```
/// let condition: bool = true;
/// match condition {
/// true => foo(),
/// false => bar(),
/// }
/// ```
declare_lint!(pub MATCH_BOOL, Warn,
"a match on boolean expression; recommends `if..else` block instead");
/// **What it does:** This lint checks for overlapping match arms. It is `Warn` by default.
/// **Why is this bad?** It is likely to be an error and if not, makes the code less obvious.
/// **Known problems:** None
/// **Example:**
/// ```
/// let x = 5;
/// match x {
/// 1 ... 10 => println!("1 ... 10"),
/// 5 ... 15 => println!("5 ... 15"),
/// _ => (),
/// }
/// ```
declare_lint!(pub MATCH_OVERLAPPING_ARM, Warn,
"a match has overlapping arms");
pub struct MatchPass;
impl LintPass for MatchPass {
fn get_lints(&self) -> LintArray {
impl LateLintPass for MatchPass {
fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext, expr: &Expr) {
if in_external_macro(cx, expr.span) { return; }
if let ExprMatch(ref ex, ref arms, MatchSource::Normal) = expr.node {
check_single_match(cx, ex, arms, expr);
check_match_bool(cx, ex, arms, expr);
check_overlapping_arms(cx, arms);
if let ExprMatch(ref ex, ref arms, source) = expr.node {
check_match_ref_pats(cx, ex, arms, source, expr);
fn check_single_match(cx: &LateContext, ex: &Expr, arms: &[Arm], expr: &Expr) {
if arms.len() == 2 &&
// both of the arms have a single pattern and no guard
arms[0].pats.len() == 1 && arms[0].guard.is_none() &&
arms[1].pats.len() == 1 && arms[1].guard.is_none() &&
// and the second pattern is a `_` wildcard: this is not strictly necessary,
// since the exhaustiveness check will ensure the last one is a catch-all,
// but in some cases, an explicit match is preferred to catch situations
// when an enum is extended, so we don't consider these cases
arms[1].pats[0].node == PatWild &&
// we don't want any content in the second arm (unit or empty block)
is_unit_expr(&arms[1].body) &&
// finally, MATCH_BOOL doesn't apply here
(cx.tcx.expr_ty(ex).sty != ty::TyBool || cx.current_level(MATCH_BOOL) == Allow)
span_help_and_lint(cx, SINGLE_MATCH, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to use match for destructuring a \
single pattern. Consider using `if let`",
&format!("try\nif let {} = {} {}",
snippet(cx, arms[0].pats[0].span, ".."),
snippet(cx, ex.span, ".."),
expr_block(cx, &arms[0].body, None, "..")));
fn check_match_bool(cx: &LateContext, ex: &Expr, arms: &[Arm], expr: &Expr) {
// type of expression == bool
if cx.tcx.expr_ty(ex).sty == ty::TyBool {
if arms.len() == 2 && arms[0].pats.len() == 1 { // no guards
let exprs = if let PatLit(ref arm_bool) = arms[0].pats[0].node {
if let ExprLit(ref lit) = arm_bool.node {
match lit.node {
LitBool(true) => Some((&*arms[0].body, &*arms[1].body)),
LitBool(false) => Some((&*arms[1].body, &*arms[0].body)),
_ => None,
} else { None }
} else { None };
if let Some((ref true_expr, ref false_expr)) = exprs {
if !is_unit_expr(true_expr) {
if !is_unit_expr(false_expr) {
span_help_and_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block:",
&format!("try\nif {} {} else {}",
snippet(cx, ex.span, "b"),
expr_block(cx, true_expr, None, ".."),
expr_block(cx, false_expr, None, "..")));
} else {
span_help_and_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block:",
&format!("try\nif {} {}",
snippet(cx, ex.span, "b"),
expr_block(cx, true_expr, None, "..")));
} else if !is_unit_expr(false_expr) {
span_help_and_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block:",
&format!("try\nif !{} {}",
snippet(cx, ex.span, "b"),
expr_block(cx, false_expr, None, "..")));
} else {
span_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block");
} else {
span_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block");
} else {
span_lint(cx, MATCH_BOOL, expr.span,
"you seem to be trying to match on a boolean expression. \
Consider using an if..else block");
fn check_overlapping_arms(cx: &LateContext, arms: &[Arm]) {
if arms.len() >= 2 {
let ranges = all_ranges(cx, arms);
let overlap = match type_ranges(&ranges) {
TypedRanges::IntRanges(ranges) => overlapping(&ranges).map(|(start, end)| (start.span, end.span)),
TypedRanges::UintRanges(ranges) => overlapping(&ranges).map(|(start, end)| (start.span, end.span)),
TypedRanges::None => None,
if let Some((start, end)) = overlap {
span_note_and_lint(cx, MATCH_OVERLAPPING_ARM, start,
"some ranges overlap",
end, "overlaps with this");
fn check_match_ref_pats(cx: &LateContext, ex: &Expr, arms: &[Arm], source: MatchSource, expr: &Expr) {
if has_only_ref_pats(arms) {
if let ExprAddrOf(Mutability::MutImmutable, ref inner) = ex.node {
let template = match_template(cx, expr.span, source, "", inner);
span_lint(cx, MATCH_REF_PATS, expr.span, &format!(
"you don't need to add `&` to both the expression \
and the patterns: use `{}`", template));
} else {
let template = match_template(cx, expr.span, source, "*", ex);
span_lint(cx, MATCH_REF_PATS, expr.span, &format!(
"instead of prefixing all patterns with `&`, you can dereference the \
expression: `{}`", template));
/// Get all arms that are unbounded PatRange-s.
fn all_ranges(cx: &LateContext, arms: &[Arm]) -> Vec<SpannedRange<ConstVal>> {
.filter_map(|arm| {
if let Arm { ref pats, guard: None, .. } = *arm {
Some(pats.iter().filter_map(|pat| {
if_let_chain! {[
let PatRange(ref lhs, ref rhs) = pat.node,
let Ok(lhs) = eval_const_expr_partial(cx.tcx, &lhs, ExprTypeChecked, None),
let Ok(rhs) = eval_const_expr_partial(cx.tcx, &rhs, ExprTypeChecked, None)
], {
return Some(SpannedRange { span: pat.span, node: (lhs, rhs) });
if_let_chain! {[
let PatLit(ref value) = pat.node,
let Ok(value) = eval_const_expr_partial(cx.tcx, &value, ExprTypeChecked, None)
], {
return Some(SpannedRange { span: pat.span, node: (value.clone(), value) });
else {
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct SpannedRange<T> {
span: Span,
node: (T, T),
enum TypedRanges {
/// Get all `Int` ranges or all `Uint` ranges. Mixed types are an error anyway and other types than
/// `Uint` and `Int` probably don't make sense.
fn type_ranges(ranges: &[SpannedRange<ConstVal>]) -> TypedRanges {
if ranges.is_empty() {
else {
match ranges[0].node {
(Int(_), Int(_)) => {
TypedRanges::IntRanges(ranges.iter().filter_map(|range| {
if let (Int(start), Int(end)) = range.node {
Some(SpannedRange { span: range.span, node: (start, end) })
else {
(Uint(_), Uint(_)) => {
TypedRanges::UintRanges(ranges.iter().filter_map(|range| {
if let (Uint(start), Uint(end)) = range.node {
Some(SpannedRange { span: range.span, node: (start, end) })
else {
_ => TypedRanges::None,
fn is_unit_expr(expr: &Expr) -> bool {
match expr.node {
ExprTup(ref v) if v.is_empty() => true,
ExprBlock(ref b) if b.stmts.is_empty() && b.expr.is_none() => true,
_ => false,
fn has_only_ref_pats(arms: &[Arm]) -> bool {
let mapped = arms.iter().flat_map(|a| &a.pats).map(|p| match p.node {
PatRegion(..) => Some(true), // &-patterns
PatWild => Some(false), // an "anything" wildcard is also fine
_ => None, // any other pattern is not fine
// look for Some(v) where there's at least one true element
mapped.map_or(false, |v| v.iter().any(|el| *el))
fn match_template(cx: &LateContext,
span: Span,
source: MatchSource,
op: &str,
expr: &Expr) -> String {
let expr_snippet = snippet(cx, expr.span, "..");
match source {
MatchSource::Normal => {
format!("match {}{} {{ ...", op, expr_snippet)
MatchSource::IfLetDesugar { .. } => {
format!("if let ... = {}{} {{", op, expr_snippet)
MatchSource::WhileLetDesugar => {
format!("while let ... = {}{} {{", op, expr_snippet)
MatchSource::ForLoopDesugar => {
cx.sess().span_bug(span, "for loop desugared to match with &-patterns!")
fn overlapping<T>(ranges: &[SpannedRange<T>]) -> Option<(&SpannedRange<T>, &SpannedRange<T>)>
where T: Copy + Ord {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Kind<'a, T: 'a> {
Start(T, &'a SpannedRange<T>),
End(T, &'a SpannedRange<T>),
impl<'a, T: Copy> Kind<'a, T> {
fn range(&self) -> &'a SpannedRange<T> {
match *self {
Kind::Start(_, r) | Kind::End(_, r) => r
fn value(self) -> T {
match self {
Kind::Start(t, _) | Kind::End(t, _) => t
impl<'a, T: Copy + Ord> PartialOrd for Kind<'a, T> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl<'a, T: Copy + Ord> Ord for Kind<'a, T> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(2*ranges.len());
for r in ranges {
values.push(Kind::Start(r.node.0, &r));
values.push(Kind::End(r.node.1, &r));
for (a, b) in values.iter().zip(values.iter().skip(1)) {
match (a, b) {
(&Kind::Start(_, ra), &Kind::End(_, rb)) => if ra.node != rb.node { return Some((ra, rb)) },
(&Kind::End(a, _), &Kind::Start(b, _)) if a != b => (),
_ => return Some((&a.range(), &b.range())),
fn test_overlapping() {
use syntax::codemap::DUMMY_SP;
let sp = |s, e| SpannedRange { span: DUMMY_SP, node: (s, e) };
assert_eq!(None, overlapping::<u8>(&[]));
assert_eq!(None, overlapping(&[sp(1, 4)]));
assert_eq!(None, overlapping(&[sp(1, 4), sp(5, 6)]));
assert_eq!(None, overlapping(&[sp(1, 4), sp(5, 6), sp(10, 11)]));
assert_eq!(Some((&sp(1, 4), &sp(3, 6))), overlapping(&[sp(1, 4), sp(3, 6)]));
assert_eq!(Some((&sp(5, 6), &sp(6, 11))), overlapping(&[sp(1, 4), sp(5, 6), sp(6, 11)]));