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synced 2025-01-02 08:19:11 +00:00
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205 lines
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use std::{fmt, fs, io};
use std::io::Read;
use syntax::{ast, codemap, ptr};
use syntax::parse::token;
use toml;
/// Get the configuration file from arguments.
pub fn file(args: &[ptr::P<ast::MetaItem>]) -> Result<Option<token::InternedString>, (&'static str, codemap::Span)> {
for arg in args {
match arg.node {
ast::MetaItemKind::Word(ref name) |
ast::MetaItemKind::List(ref name, _) => {
if name == &"conf_file" {
return Err(("`conf_file` must be a named value", arg.span));
ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref name, ref value) => {
if name == &"conf_file" {
return if let ast::LitKind::Str(ref file, _) = value.node {
} else {
Err(("`conf_file` value must be a string", value.span))
/// Error from reading a configuration file.
pub enum Error {
Type(&'static str, &'static str, &'static str),
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
Error::Io(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::Toml(ref errs) => {
let mut first = true;
for err in errs {
if !first {
try!(", ".fmt(f));
first = false;
Error::Type(ref key, ref expected, ref got) => {
write!(f, "`{}` is expected to be a `{}` but is a `{}`", key, expected, got)
Error::UnknownKey(ref key) => write!(f, "unknown key `{}`", key),
impl From<io::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self {
macro_rules! define_Conf {
($(#[$doc: meta] ($toml_name: tt, $rust_name: ident, $default: expr => $($ty: tt)+),)+) => {
/// Type used to store lint configuration.
pub struct Conf {
$(#[$doc] pub $rust_name: define_Conf!(TY $($ty)+),)+
impl Default for Conf {
fn default() -> Conf {
Conf {
$($rust_name: define_Conf!(DEFAULT $($ty)+, $default),)+
impl Conf {
/// Set the property `name` (which must be the `toml` name) to the given value
fn set(&mut self, name: String, value: toml::Value) -> Result<(), Error> {
match name.as_str() {
define_Conf!(PAT $toml_name) => {
if let Some(value) = define_Conf!(CONV $($ty)+, value) {
self.$rust_name = value;
else {
return Err(Error::Type(define_Conf!(EXPR $toml_name),
"third-party" => {
// for external tools such as clippy-service
return Ok(());
_ => {
return Err(Error::UnknownKey(name));
// hack to convert tts
(PAT $pat: pat) => { $pat };
(EXPR $e: expr) => { $e };
(TY $ty: ty) => { $ty };
// how to read the value?
(CONV i64, $value: expr) => { $value.as_integer() };
(CONV u64, $value: expr) => { $value.as_integer().iter().filter_map(|&i| if i >= 0 { Some(i as u64) } else { None }).next() };
(CONV String, $value: expr) => { $value.as_str().map(Into::into) };
(CONV Vec<String>, $value: expr) => {{
let slice = $value.as_slice();
if let Some(slice) = slice {
if slice.iter().any(|v| v.as_str().is_none()) {
else {
Some(slice.iter().map(|v| v.as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!()).to_owned()).collect())
else {
// provide a nicer syntax to declare the default value of `Vec<String>` variables
(DEFAULT Vec<String>, $e: expr) => { $e.iter().map(|&e| e.to_owned()).collect() };
(DEFAULT $ty: ty, $e: expr) => { $e };
define_Conf! {
/// Lint: BLACKLISTED_NAME. The list of blacklisted names to lint about
("blacklisted-names", blacklisted_names, ["foo", "bar", "baz"] => Vec<String>),
/// Lint: CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY. The maximum cyclomatic complexity a function can have
("cyclomatic-complexity-threshold", cyclomatic_complexity_threshold, 25 => u64),
/// Lint: DOC_MARKDOWN. The list of words this lint should not consider as identifiers needing ticks
("doc-valid-idents", doc_valid_idents, ["MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "GitHub", "NaN", "GPLv2", "GPLv3"] => Vec<String>),
/// Lint: TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS. The maximum number of argument a function or method can have
("too-many-arguments-threshold", too_many_arguments_threshold, 7 => u64),
/// Lint: TYPE_COMPLEXITY. The maximum complexity a type can have
("type-complexity-threshold", type_complexity_threshold, 250 => u64),
/// Lint: MANY_SINGLE_CHAR_NAMES. The maximum number of single char bindings a scope may have
("single-char-binding-names-threshold", max_single_char_names, 5 => u64),
/// Read the `toml` configuration file. The function will ignore “File not found” errors iif
/// `!must_exist`, in which case, it will return the default configuration.
/// In case of error, the function tries to continue as much as possible.
pub fn read(path: &str, must_exist: bool) -> (Conf, Vec<Error>) {
let mut conf = Conf::default();
let mut errors = Vec::new();
let file = match fs::File::open(path) {
Ok(mut file) => {
let mut buf = String::new();
if let Err(err) = file.read_to_string(&mut buf) {
return (conf, errors);
Err(ref err) if !must_exist && err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
return (conf, errors);
Err(err) => {
return (conf, errors);
let mut parser = toml::Parser::new(&file);
let toml = if let Some(toml) = parser.parse() {
} else {
return (conf, errors);
for (key, value) in toml {
if let Err(err) = conf.set(key, value) {
(conf, errors)