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mirror of https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy synced 2025-03-09 01:37:16 +00:00

197 lines
4.3 KiB

#![allow(unused, clippy::manual_async_fn)]
use std::future::{Future, IntoFuture};
async fn func1(n: usize) -> usize {
n + 1
async fn func2() -> String {
let s = String::from("some string");
let f = async { (*s).to_owned() };
let x = f;
fn main() {
let fut1 = async { 17 };
// Lint
let fut2 = fut1;
let fut1 = async { 25 };
// Lint
let fut2 = fut1;
// Lint
let fut = async { 42 };
// Do not lint: not a single expression
let fut = async {
// Do not lint: expression contains `.await`
let fut = async { func1(func2().await.len()).await };
fn capture_local() -> impl Future<Output = i32> {
let fut = async { 17 };
// Lint
fn capture_local_closure(s: &str) -> impl Future<Output = &str> {
let f = move || std::future::ready(s);
// Do not lint: `f` would not live long enough
async move { f().await }
fn capture_arg(s: &str) -> impl Future<Output = &str> {
let fut = async move { s };
// Lint
fn capture_future_arg<T>(f: impl Future<Output = T>) -> impl Future<Output = T> {
// Lint
fn capture_func_result<FN, F, T>(f: FN) -> impl Future<Output = T>
F: Future<Output = T>,
FN: FnOnce() -> F,
// Do not lint, as f() would be evaluated prematurely
async { f().await }
fn double_future(f: impl Future<Output = impl Future<Output = u32>>) -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
// Do not lint, we will get a `.await` outside a `.async`
async { f.await.await }
fn await_in_async<F, R>(f: F) -> impl Future<Output = u32>
F: FnOnce() -> R,
R: Future<Output = u32>,
// Lint
async { f().await + 1 }
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct F {}
impl F {
async fn run(&self) {}
pub async fn run() {
let f = F {};
let c = f.clone();
// Do not lint: `c` would not live long enough
spawn(async move { c.run().await });
let _f = f;
fn spawn<F: Future + 'static>(_: F) {}
async fn work(_: &str) {}
fn capture() {
let val = "Hello World".to_owned();
// Do not lint: `val` would not live long enough
spawn(async { work(&{ val }).await });
fn await_from_macro() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
($e:expr) => {
// Do not lint: the macro may change in the future
// or return different things depending on its argument
async { mac!(async { 42 }) }
fn async_expr_from_macro() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
() => {
async { 42 }
// Do not lint: the macro may change in the future
async { mac!().await }
fn async_expr_from_macro_deep() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
() => {
async { 42 }
// Do not lint: the macro may change in the future
async { ({ mac!() }).await }
fn all_from_macro() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
() => {
// Lint
async { 42 }
fn parts_from_macro() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
($e: expr) => {
// Do not lint: `$e` might not always be side-effect free
async { $e.await }
mac!(async { 42 })
fn safe_parts_from_macro() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
($e: expr) => {
// Lint
async { $e }
fn parts_from_macro_deep() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
($e: expr) => {
// Do not lint: `$e` might not always be side-effect free
async { ($e,).0.await }
let f = std::future::ready(42);
fn await_from_macro_deep() -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
macro_rules! mac {
($e:expr) => {{ $e }.await};
// Do not lint: the macro may change in the future
// or return different things depending on its argument
async { mac!(async { 42 }) }
// Issue 11959
fn from_into_future(a: impl IntoFuture<Output = u32>) -> impl Future<Output = u32> {
// Do not lint: `a` is not equivalent to this expression
async { a.await }