// error-pattern:yummy #![feature(box_syntax)] #![feature(rustc_private)] #![allow(unknown_lints, missing_docs_in_private_items)] extern crate clippy_lints; extern crate getopts; extern crate rustc; extern crate rustc_driver; extern crate rustc_errors; extern crate rustc_plugin; extern crate syntax; use rustc_driver::{driver, CompilerCalls, RustcDefaultCalls, Compilation}; use rustc::session::{config, Session}; use rustc::session::config::{Input, ErrorOutputType}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::{self, Command}; use syntax::ast; use std::io::{self, Write}; extern crate cargo_metadata; struct ClippyCompilerCalls { default: RustcDefaultCalls, run_lints: bool, } impl ClippyCompilerCalls { fn new(run_lints: bool) -> Self { ClippyCompilerCalls { default: RustcDefaultCalls, run_lints: run_lints, } } } impl<'a> CompilerCalls<'a> for ClippyCompilerCalls { fn early_callback( &mut self, matches: &getopts::Matches, sopts: &config::Options, cfg: &ast::CrateConfig, descriptions: &rustc_errors::registry::Registry, output: ErrorOutputType ) -> Compilation { self.default.early_callback(matches, sopts, cfg, descriptions, output) } fn no_input( &mut self, matches: &getopts::Matches, sopts: &config::Options, cfg: &ast::CrateConfig, odir: &Option, ofile: &Option, descriptions: &rustc_errors::registry::Registry ) -> Option<(Input, Option)> { self.default.no_input(matches, sopts, cfg, odir, ofile, descriptions) } fn late_callback( &mut self, matches: &getopts::Matches, sess: &Session, input: &Input, odir: &Option, ofile: &Option ) -> Compilation { self.default.late_callback(matches, sess, input, odir, ofile) } fn build_controller(&mut self, sess: &Session, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> driver::CompileController<'a> { let mut control = self.default.build_controller(sess, matches); if self.run_lints { let old = std::mem::replace(&mut control.after_parse.callback, box |_| {}); control.after_parse.callback = Box::new(move |state| { { let mut registry = rustc_plugin::registry::Registry::new(state.session, state.krate .as_ref() .expect("at this compilation stage \ the krate must be parsed") .span); registry.args_hidden = Some(Vec::new()); clippy_lints::register_plugins(&mut registry); let rustc_plugin::registry::Registry { early_lint_passes, late_lint_passes, lint_groups, llvm_passes, attributes, mir_passes, .. } = registry; let sess = &state.session; let mut ls = sess.lint_store.borrow_mut(); for pass in early_lint_passes { ls.register_early_pass(Some(sess), true, pass); } for pass in late_lint_passes { ls.register_late_pass(Some(sess), true, pass); } for (name, to) in lint_groups { ls.register_group(Some(sess), true, name, to); } sess.plugin_llvm_passes.borrow_mut().extend(llvm_passes); sess.mir_passes.borrow_mut().extend(mir_passes); sess.plugin_attributes.borrow_mut().extend(attributes); } old(state); }); } control } } use std::path::Path; const CARGO_CLIPPY_HELP: &str = r#"Checks a package to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Usage: cargo clippy [options] [--] [...] Common options: -h, --help Print this message --features Features to compile for the package -V, --version Print version info and exit Other options are the same as `cargo rustc`. To allow or deny a lint from the command line you can use `cargo clippy --` with: -W --warn OPT Set lint warnings -A --allow OPT Set lint allowed -D --deny OPT Set lint denied -F --forbid OPT Set lint forbidden The feature `cargo-clippy` is automatically defined for convenience. You can use it to allow or deny lints from the code, eg.: #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(needless_lifetimes))] "#; #[allow(print_stdout)] fn show_help() { println!("{}", CARGO_CLIPPY_HELP); } #[allow(print_stdout)] fn show_version() { println!("{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")); } pub fn main() { use std::env; if env::var("CLIPPY_DOGFOOD").map(|_| true).unwrap_or(false) { panic!("yummy"); } // Check for version and help flags even when invoked as 'cargo-clippy' if std::env::args().any(|a| a == "--help" || a == "-h") { show_help(); return; } if std::env::args().any(|a| a == "--version" || a == "-V") { show_version(); return; } let dep_path = env::current_dir().expect("current dir is not readable").join("target").join("debug").join("deps"); if let Some("clippy") = std::env::args().nth(1).as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref) { // this arm is executed on the initial call to `cargo clippy` let manifest_path_arg = std::env::args().skip(2).find(|val| val.starts_with("--manifest-path=")); let mut metadata = if let Ok(metadata) = cargo_metadata::metadata(manifest_path_arg.as_ref() .map(AsRef::as_ref)) { metadata } else { let _ = io::stderr().write_fmt(format_args!("error: Could not obtain cargo metadata.\n")); process::exit(101); }; let manifest_path = manifest_path_arg.map(|arg| PathBuf::from(Path::new(&arg["--manifest-path=".len()..]))); let current_dir = std::env::current_dir(); let package_index = metadata.packages .iter() .position(|package| { let package_manifest_path = Path::new(&package.manifest_path); if let Some(ref manifest_path) = manifest_path { package_manifest_path == manifest_path } else { let current_dir = current_dir.as_ref().expect("could not read current directory"); let package_manifest_directory = package_manifest_path.parent() .expect("could not find parent directory of package manifest"); package_manifest_directory == current_dir } }) .expect("could not find matching package"); let package = metadata.packages.remove(package_index); for target in package.targets { let args = std::env::args().skip(2); if let Some(first) = target.kind.get(0) { if target.kind.len() > 1 || first.ends_with("lib") { if let Err(code) = process(std::iter::once("--lib".to_owned()).chain(args), &dep_path) { std::process::exit(code); } } else if ["bin", "example", "test", "bench"].contains(&&**first) { if let Err(code) = process(vec![format!("--{}", first), target.name].into_iter().chain(args), &dep_path) { std::process::exit(code); } } } else { panic!("badly formatted cargo metadata: target::kind is an empty array"); } } } else { // this arm is executed when cargo-clippy runs `cargo rustc` with the `RUSTC` env var set to itself let home = option_env!("RUSTUP_HOME").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_HOME")); let toolchain = option_env!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN")); let sys_root = if let (Some(home), Some(toolchain)) = (home, toolchain) { format!("{}/toolchains/{}", home, toolchain) } else { option_env!("SYSROOT") .map(|s| s.to_owned()) .or_else(|| { Command::new("rustc") .arg("--print") .arg("sysroot") .output() .ok() .and_then(|out| String::from_utf8(out.stdout).ok()) .map(|s| s.trim().to_owned()) }) .expect("need to specify SYSROOT env var during clippy compilation, or use rustup or multirust") }; rustc_driver::in_rustc_thread(|| { // this conditional check for the --sysroot flag is there so users can call `cargo-clippy` directly // without having to pass --sysroot or anything let mut args: Vec = if env::args().any(|s| s == "--sysroot") { env::args().collect() } else { env::args().chain(Some("--sysroot".to_owned())).chain(Some(sys_root)).collect() }; // this check ensures that dependencies are built but not linted and the final crate is // linted but not built let clippy_enabled = env::args().any(|s| s == "-Zno-trans"); if clippy_enabled { args.extend_from_slice(&["--cfg".to_owned(), r#"feature="cargo-clippy""#.to_owned()]); } let mut ccc = ClippyCompilerCalls::new(clippy_enabled); let (result, _) = rustc_driver::run_compiler(&args, &mut ccc, None, None); if let Err(err_count) = result { if err_count > 0 { std::process::exit(1); } } }).expect("rustc_thread failed"); } } fn process(old_args: I, dep_path: P) -> Result<(), i32> where P: AsRef, I: Iterator { let mut args = vec!["rustc".to_owned()]; let mut found_dashes = false; for arg in old_args { found_dashes |= arg == "--"; args.push(arg); } if !found_dashes { args.push("--".to_owned()); } args.push("-L".to_owned()); args.push(dep_path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().into_owned()); args.push("-Zno-trans".to_owned()); args.push("--cfg".to_owned()); args.push(r#"feature="cargo-clippy""#.to_owned()); let path = std::env::current_exe().expect("current executable path invalid"); let exit_status = std::process::Command::new("cargo") .args(&args) .env("RUSTC", path) .spawn() .expect("could not run cargo") .wait() .expect("failed to wait for cargo?"); if exit_status.success() { Ok(()) } else { Err(exit_status.code().unwrap_or(-1)) } }