#![feature(rustc_private)] #![feature(let_chains)] #![feature(lazy_cell)] #![feature(lint_reasons)] #![cfg_attr(feature = "deny-warnings", deny(warnings))] // warn on lints, that are included in `rust-lang/rust`s bootstrap #![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)] // warn on rustc internal lints #![warn(rustc::internal)] // FIXME: switch to something more ergonomic here, once available. // (Currently there is no way to opt into sysroot crates without `extern crate`.) extern crate rustc_driver; extern crate rustc_interface; extern crate rustc_session; extern crate rustc_span; use rustc_interface::interface; use rustc_session::config::ErrorOutputType; use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess; use rustc_session::EarlyErrorHandler; use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol; use std::env; use std::ops::Deref; use std::path::Path; use std::process::exit; use anstream::println; /// If a command-line option matches `find_arg`, then apply the predicate `pred` on its value. If /// true, then return it. The parameter is assumed to be either `--arg=value` or `--arg value`. fn arg_value<'a, T: Deref>( args: &'a [T], find_arg: &str, pred: impl Fn(&str) -> bool, ) -> Option<&'a str> { let mut args = args.iter().map(Deref::deref); while let Some(arg) = args.next() { let mut arg = arg.splitn(2, '='); if arg.next() != Some(find_arg) { continue; } match arg.next().or_else(|| args.next()) { Some(v) if pred(v) => return Some(v), _ => {}, } } None } #[test] fn test_arg_value() { let args = &["--bar=bar", "--foobar", "123", "--foo"]; assert_eq!(arg_value(&[] as &[&str], "--foobar", |_| true), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--bar", |_| false), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--bar", |_| true), Some("bar")); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--bar", |p| p == "bar"), Some("bar")); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--bar", |p| p == "foo"), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--foobar", |p| p == "foo"), None); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--foobar", |p| p == "123"), Some("123")); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--foobar", |p| p.contains("12")), Some("123")); assert_eq!(arg_value(args, "--foo", |_| true), None); } fn track_clippy_args(parse_sess: &mut ParseSess, args_env_var: &Option) { parse_sess.env_depinfo.get_mut().insert(( Symbol::intern("CLIPPY_ARGS"), args_env_var.as_deref().map(Symbol::intern), )); } /// Track files that may be accessed at runtime in `file_depinfo` so that cargo will re-run clippy /// when any of them are modified fn track_files(parse_sess: &mut ParseSess) { let file_depinfo = parse_sess.file_depinfo.get_mut(); // Used by `clippy::cargo` lints and to determine the MSRV. `cargo clippy` executes `clippy-driver` // with the current directory set to `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` so a relative path is fine if Path::new("Cargo.toml").exists() { file_depinfo.insert(Symbol::intern("Cargo.toml")); } // `clippy.toml` will be automatically tracked as it's loaded with `sess.source_map().load_file()` // During development track the `clippy-driver` executable so that cargo will re-run clippy whenever // it is rebuilt #[expect( clippy::collapsible_if, reason = "Due to a bug in let_chains this if statement can't be collapsed" )] if cfg!(debug_assertions) { if let Ok(current_exe) = env::current_exe() && let Some(current_exe) = current_exe.to_str() { file_depinfo.insert(Symbol::intern(current_exe)); } } } struct DefaultCallbacks; impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for DefaultCallbacks {} /// This is different from `DefaultCallbacks` that it will inform Cargo to track the value of /// `CLIPPY_ARGS` environment variable. struct RustcCallbacks { clippy_args_var: Option, } impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for RustcCallbacks { fn config(&mut self, config: &mut interface::Config) { let clippy_args_var = self.clippy_args_var.take(); config.parse_sess_created = Some(Box::new(move |parse_sess| { track_clippy_args(parse_sess, &clippy_args_var); })); } } struct ClippyCallbacks { clippy_args_var: Option, } impl rustc_driver::Callbacks for ClippyCallbacks { // JUSTIFICATION: necessary in clippy driver to set `mir_opt_level` #[allow(rustc::bad_opt_access)] fn config(&mut self, config: &mut interface::Config) { let conf_path = clippy_lints::lookup_conf_file(); let previous = config.register_lints.take(); let clippy_args_var = self.clippy_args_var.take(); config.parse_sess_created = Some(Box::new(move |parse_sess| { track_clippy_args(parse_sess, &clippy_args_var); track_files(parse_sess); // Trigger a rebuild if CLIPPY_CONF_DIR changes. The value must be a valid string so // changes between dirs that are invalid UTF-8 will not trigger rebuilds parse_sess.env_depinfo.get_mut().insert(( Symbol::intern("CLIPPY_CONF_DIR"), env::var("CLIPPY_CONF_DIR").ok().map(|dir| Symbol::intern(&dir)), )); })); config.register_lints = Some(Box::new(move |sess, lint_store| { // technically we're ~guaranteed that this is none but might as well call anything that // is there already. Certainly it can't hurt. if let Some(previous) = &previous { (previous)(sess, lint_store); } let conf = clippy_lints::read_conf(sess, &conf_path); clippy_lints::register_plugins(lint_store, sess, &conf); clippy_lints::register_pre_expansion_lints(lint_store, sess, &conf); clippy_lints::register_renamed(lint_store); })); // FIXME: #4825; This is required, because Clippy lints that are based on MIR have to be // run on the unoptimized MIR. On the other hand this results in some false negatives. If // MIR passes can be enabled / disabled separately, we should figure out, what passes to // use for Clippy. config.opts.unstable_opts.mir_opt_level = Some(0); // Disable flattening and inlining of format_args!(), so the HIR matches with the AST. config.opts.unstable_opts.flatten_format_args = false; } } #[allow(clippy::ignored_unit_patterns)] fn display_help() { println!("{}", help_message()); } const BUG_REPORT_URL: &str = "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/new?template=ice.yml"; #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] #[allow(clippy::ignored_unit_patterns)] pub fn main() { let handler = EarlyErrorHandler::new(ErrorOutputType::default()); rustc_driver::init_rustc_env_logger(&handler); rustc_driver::install_ice_hook(BUG_REPORT_URL, |handler| { // FIXME: this macro calls unwrap internally but is called in a panicking context! It's not // as simple as moving the call from the hook to main, because `install_ice_hook` doesn't // accept a generic closure. let version_info = rustc_tools_util::get_version_info!(); handler.note_without_error(format!("Clippy version: {version_info}")); }); exit(rustc_driver::catch_with_exit_code(move || { let mut orig_args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let has_sysroot_arg = arg_value(&orig_args, "--sysroot", |_| true).is_some(); let sys_root_env = std::env::var("SYSROOT").ok(); let pass_sysroot_env_if_given = |args: &mut Vec, sys_root_env| { if let Some(sys_root) = sys_root_env { if !has_sysroot_arg { args.extend(vec!["--sysroot".into(), sys_root]); } }; }; // make "clippy-driver --rustc" work like a subcommand that passes further args to "rustc" // for example `clippy-driver --rustc --version` will print the rustc version that clippy-driver // uses if let Some(pos) = orig_args.iter().position(|arg| arg == "--rustc") { orig_args.remove(pos); orig_args[0] = "rustc".to_string(); let mut args: Vec = orig_args.clone(); pass_sysroot_env_if_given(&mut args, sys_root_env); return rustc_driver::RunCompiler::new(&args, &mut DefaultCallbacks).run(); } if orig_args.iter().any(|a| a == "--version" || a == "-V") { let version_info = rustc_tools_util::get_version_info!(); println!("{version_info}"); exit(0); } // Setting RUSTC_WRAPPER causes Cargo to pass 'rustc' as the first argument. // We're invoking the compiler programmatically, so we ignore this/ let wrapper_mode = orig_args.get(1).map(Path::new).and_then(Path::file_stem) == Some("rustc".as_ref()); if wrapper_mode { // we still want to be able to invoke it normally though orig_args.remove(1); } if !wrapper_mode && (orig_args.iter().any(|a| a == "--help" || a == "-h") || orig_args.len() == 1) { display_help(); exit(0); } let mut args: Vec = orig_args.clone(); pass_sysroot_env_if_given(&mut args, sys_root_env); let mut no_deps = false; let clippy_args_var = env::var("CLIPPY_ARGS").ok(); let clippy_args = clippy_args_var .as_deref() .unwrap_or_default() .split("__CLIPPY_HACKERY__") .filter_map(|s| match s { "" => None, "--no-deps" => { no_deps = true; None }, _ => Some(s.to_string()), }) .chain(vec!["--cfg".into(), r#"feature="cargo-clippy""#.into()]) .collect::>(); // We enable Clippy if one of the following conditions is met // - IF Clippy is run on its test suite OR // - IF Clippy is run on the main crate, not on deps (`!cap_lints_allow`) THEN // - IF `--no-deps` is not set (`!no_deps`) OR // - IF `--no-deps` is set and Clippy is run on the specified primary package let cap_lints_allow = arg_value(&orig_args, "--cap-lints", |val| val == "allow").is_some() && arg_value(&orig_args, "--force-warn", |val| val.contains("clippy::")).is_none(); let in_primary_package = env::var("CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE").is_ok(); let clippy_enabled = !cap_lints_allow && (!no_deps || in_primary_package); if clippy_enabled { args.extend(clippy_args); rustc_driver::RunCompiler::new(&args, &mut ClippyCallbacks { clippy_args_var }).run() } else { rustc_driver::RunCompiler::new(&args, &mut RustcCallbacks { clippy_args_var }).run() } })) } #[must_use] fn help_message() -> &'static str { color_print::cstr!( "Checks a file to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code. Run clippy-driver with the same arguments you use for rustc Usage: clippy-driver [OPTIONS] INPUT Common options: -h, --help Print this message -V, --version Print version info and exit --rustc Pass all arguments to rustc Allowing / Denying lints You can use tool lints to allow or deny lints from your code, e.g.: #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] " ) }